在ewlance_ff @中交换2个参数

发布于 2025-01-21 18:06:39 字数 9969 浏览 3 评论 0原文







int Xspeed, topLeftX_FixedPoint; // local parameters 
int Yspeed, topLeftY_FixedPoint;

//  calculation 0f Y Axis speed using gravity or colision

always_ff@(posedge clk or negedge resetN)
    if(!resetN) begin 
        Yspeed  <= INITIAL_Y_SPEED;
        topLeftY_FixedPoint <= INITIAL_Y * FIXED_POINT_MULTIPLIER;
    else begin
    // colision Calcultaion 
        //hit bit map has one bit per edge:  Left-Top-Right-Bottom
      if ((collision && HitEdgeCode [2] == 1 && HitEdgeCode[1]==1)) begin // hit top border of brick  
                if (Yspeed < 0 && Xspeed > 0) begin // while moving up and moving right
                        Yspeed <= Xspeed ;
                        Xspeed <= Yspeed ;  // negative move left 


// (c) Technion IIT, Department of Electrical Engineering 2021 
//-- Alex Grinshpun Apr 2017
//-- Dudy Nov 13 2017
// SystemVerilog version Alex Grinshpun May 2018
// coding convention dudy December 2018
// updaed Eyal Lev Feb 2021

module  pokadoor_moveCollision  (   
                    input   logic   clk,
                    input   logic   resetN,
                    input   logic   startOfFrame,  // short pulse every start of frame 30Hz 
                    input   logic   Y_direction,  //change the direction in Y to up  
                    input   logic   toggleX,    //toggle the X direction 
                    input logic collision,  //collision if smiley hits an object
                    input   logic   [3:0] HitEdgeCode, //one bit per edge 

                    output   logic signed   [10:0]  topLeftX, // output the top left corner 
                    output   logic signed   [10:0]  topLeftY  // can be negative , if the object is partliy outside 

// a module used to generate the  ball trajectory.  

parameter int INITIAL_X = 320;
parameter int INITIAL_Y = 240;
parameter int INITIAL_X_SPEED = 60;
parameter int INITIAL_Y_SPEED = 150;
parameter int MAX_Y_SPEED = 230;
const int  Y_ACCEL = -1;

const int   FIXED_POINT_MULTIPLIER  =   64;
// FIXED_POINT_MULTIPLIER is used to enable working with integers in high resolution so that 
// we do all calculations with topLeftX_FixedPoint to get a resolution of 1/64 pixel in calcuatuions,
// we devide at the end by FIXED_POINT_MULTIPLIER which must be 2^n, to return to the initial proportions
const int   x_FRAME_SIZE    =   639 * FIXED_POINT_MULTIPLIER; // note it must be 2^n 
const int   y_FRAME_SIZE    =   479 * FIXED_POINT_MULTIPLIER;
const int   bracketOffset = 30;
const int   OBJECT_WIDTH_X = 64;

int Xspeed, topLeftX_FixedPoint; // local parameters 
int temp;
int Yspeed, topLeftY_FixedPoint;

//  calculation 0f Y Axis speed using gravity or colision

always_ff@(posedge clk or negedge resetN)
    if(!resetN) begin 
        Yspeed  <= INITIAL_Y_SPEED;
        topLeftY_FixedPoint <= INITIAL_Y * FIXED_POINT_MULTIPLIER;
    else begin
    // colision Calcultaion 
        //hit bit map has one bit per edge:  Left-Top-Right-Bottom
      if ((collision && HitEdgeCode [2] == 1 && HitEdgeCode[1]==1)) begin // hit top border of brick  
                if (Yspeed < 0 && Xspeed > 0) begin // while moving up and moving right
                        Yspeed <= Xspeed ;
                        Xspeed <= Yspeed ;  // negative move left 
        if ((collision && HitEdgeCode [2] == 1 && HitEdgeCode[3]==1)) begin // hit top border of brick  
                if (Yspeed < 0 && Xspeed < 0) begin // while moving up and moving left
                        Yspeed <= -Xspeed ;
                        Xspeed <= -Yspeed ;  // negative move left 
        if ((collision && HitEdgeCode [2] == 1 && HitEdgeCode[3]==0 && HitEdgeCode[1]==0)) begin  // hit top border of brick  
                    if (Yspeed < 0) begin// while moving up
                         Yspeed <= -Yspeed ; 

        if ((collision && HitEdgeCode [0] == 1 && HitEdgeCode[1]==1)) begin// || (collision && HitEdgeCode [1] == 1 ))   hit bottom border of brick  
                if (Yspeed > 0  && Xspeed > 0) begin//  while moving down and moving right
                        Yspeed <= -Xspeed ;
                        Xspeed <= -Yspeed ;
        if ((collision && HitEdgeCode [0] == 1 && HitEdgeCode[3]==1)) begin// || (collision && HitEdgeCode [1] == 1 ))   hit bottom border of brick  
                if (Yspeed > 0  && Xspeed < 0) begin//  while moving down and moving left
                        Yspeed <= Xspeed ;
                        Xspeed <= Yspeed ;
      if ((collision && HitEdgeCode [0] == 1 && HitEdgeCode[3]==0 && HitEdgeCode[1]==0 )) begin// || (collision && HitEdgeCode [1] == 1 ))   hit bottom border of brick  
                if (Yspeed > 0 ) begin//  while moving down
                        Yspeed <= -Yspeed ; 
        // perform  position and speed integral only 30 times per second 
        if (startOfFrame == 1'b1) begin 
                topLeftY_FixedPoint  <= topLeftY_FixedPoint + Yspeed; // position interpolation 
                if (Yspeed < MAX_Y_SPEED ) //  limit the spped while going down 
                        Yspeed <= Yspeed  - Y_ACCEL ; // deAccelerate : slow the speed down every clock tick 
                if (Y_direction) begin // button was pushed to go upwards 
                        if (Yspeed > 0 ) // while moving down
                                Yspeed <= -Yspeed  ;  // change speed to go up 
                end ; 


//  calculation of X Axis speed using and position calculate regarding X_direction key or colision

always_ff@(posedge clk or negedge resetN)
        Xspeed  <= INITIAL_X_SPEED;
        topLeftX_FixedPoint <= INITIAL_X * FIXED_POINT_MULTIPLIER;
    else begin
    //  an edge input is tested here as it is a very short instance   
    //if (toggleX)  
                //Xspeed <= -Xspeed; 
    // collisions with the sides            
                if (collision && HitEdgeCode [3] == 1 && HitEdgeCode[0] ==0 && HitEdgeCode[2]==0)  begin
                    if (Xspeed < 0 ) // while moving left
                            Xspeed <= -Xspeed ; // positive move right 
                if (collision && HitEdgeCode [1] == 1 && HitEdgeCode[0] ==0 && HitEdgeCode[2]==0 ) begin  // hit right border of brick  
                    if (Xspeed > 0 ) //  while moving right
                            Xspeed <= -Xspeed  ;  // negative move left    
        if (startOfFrame == 1'b1 )//&& Yspeed != 0) 
                        topLeftX_FixedPoint  <= topLeftX_FixedPoint + Xspeed;

//get a better (64 times) resolution using integer   
assign  topLeftX = topLeftX_FixedPoint / FIXED_POINT_MULTIPLIER ;   // note it must be 2^n 
assign  topLeftY = topLeftY_FixedPoint / FIXED_POINT_MULTIPLIER ;    



错误(10028):无法解决网络的多个常数驱动程序 “ xspeed [31]” at pokadoor_movecollision.sv(139)错误(10029):常数 驱动程序pokadoor_movecollision.sv(62)错误(10028):无法解决 网络“ Xspeed [30]”的多个恒定驱动程序 pokadoor_movecollision.sv(139)错误(10028):无法解析多个 网络的恒定驱动程序“ Xspeed [29]” pokadoor_movecollision.sv(139)错误(10028):无法解析多个 网络的恒定驱动程序“ Xspeed [28]” pokadoor_movecollision.sv(139)错误(10028):无法解析多个 网络的恒定驱动程序“ Xspeed [27]” pokadoor_movecollision.sv(139)错误(10028):无法解析多个 网络“ Xspeed [26]”的恒定驱动程序 pokadoor_movecollision.sv(139)错误(10028):无法解析多个 净驱动程序的净驱动程序“ Xspeed [25]” pokadoor_movecollision.sv(139)错误(10028):无法解析多个 网络的恒定驱动程序“ Xspeed [24]” pokadoor_movecollision.sv(139)错误(10028):无法解析多个 网络“ Xspeed [23]”的恒定驱动程序 pokadoor_movecollision.sv(139)错误(10028):无法解析多个 网络的恒定驱动程序“ Xspeed [22]” pokadoor_movecollision.sv(139)错误(10028):无法解析多个 网络的恒定驱动程序“ Xspeed [21]” pokadoor_movecollision.sv(139)错误(10028):无法解析多个 净驱动程序的净驱动程序“ Xspeed [20]” pokadoor_movecollision.sv(139)错误(10028):无法解析多个 净驱动程序的净驱动程序“ Xspeed [19]” pokadoor_movecollision.sv(139)错误(10028):无法解析多个 净驱动程序的净驱动程序“ Xspeed [18]” pokadoor_movecollision.sv(139)错误(10028):无法解析多个 网络的恒定驱动程序“ Xspeed [17]” pokadoor_movecollision.sv(139)错误(10028):无法解析多个 网络“ Xspeed [16]”的恒定驱动程序 pokadoor_movecollision.sv(139)错误(10028):无法解析多个 网络的恒定驱动程序“ Xspeed [15]” pokadoor_movecollision.sv(139)错误(10028):无法解析多个 网络的恒定驱动程序“ Xspeed [14]” pokadoor_movecollision.sv(139)错误(12152):无法详细用户 层次结构“ pokadoor_block_bdf:inst14 | pokadoor_movecollision:inst” 错误:Quartus Prime Analysis&amp;阐述不成功。 20 错误,15个警告错误:峰值虚拟内存:4797兆字节 错误:处理结束:THU APR 14 14:26:35 2022错误:过去 时间:00:00:07错误:总CPU时间(在所有处理器上):00:00:16

I have an issue with my code.

I'm trying to swap between Xspeed and Yspeed at the same clock while the if statement is true.

I'm getting the errors:

cant resolve multiple constant drivers for net


constant drivers at module_name

Several if statements show the same errors.

int Xspeed, topLeftX_FixedPoint; // local parameters 
int Yspeed, topLeftY_FixedPoint;

//  calculation 0f Y Axis speed using gravity or colision

always_ff@(posedge clk or negedge resetN)
    if(!resetN) begin 
        Yspeed  <= INITIAL_Y_SPEED;
        topLeftY_FixedPoint <= INITIAL_Y * FIXED_POINT_MULTIPLIER;
    else begin
    // colision Calcultaion 
        //hit bit map has one bit per edge:  Left-Top-Right-Bottom
      if ((collision && HitEdgeCode [2] == 1 && HitEdgeCode[1]==1)) begin // hit top border of brick  
                if (Yspeed < 0 && Xspeed > 0) begin // while moving up and moving right
                        Yspeed <= Xspeed ;
                        Xspeed <= Yspeed ;  // negative move left 

The full the code:

// (c) Technion IIT, Department of Electrical Engineering 2021 
//-- Alex Grinshpun Apr 2017
//-- Dudy Nov 13 2017
// SystemVerilog version Alex Grinshpun May 2018
// coding convention dudy December 2018
// updaed Eyal Lev Feb 2021

module  pokadoor_moveCollision  (   
                    input   logic   clk,
                    input   logic   resetN,
                    input   logic   startOfFrame,  // short pulse every start of frame 30Hz 
                    input   logic   Y_direction,  //change the direction in Y to up  
                    input   logic   toggleX,    //toggle the X direction 
                    input logic collision,  //collision if smiley hits an object
                    input   logic   [3:0] HitEdgeCode, //one bit per edge 

                    output   logic signed   [10:0]  topLeftX, // output the top left corner 
                    output   logic signed   [10:0]  topLeftY  // can be negative , if the object is partliy outside 

// a module used to generate the  ball trajectory.  

parameter int INITIAL_X = 320;
parameter int INITIAL_Y = 240;
parameter int INITIAL_X_SPEED = 60;
parameter int INITIAL_Y_SPEED = 150;
parameter int MAX_Y_SPEED = 230;
const int  Y_ACCEL = -1;

const int   FIXED_POINT_MULTIPLIER  =   64;
// FIXED_POINT_MULTIPLIER is used to enable working with integers in high resolution so that 
// we do all calculations with topLeftX_FixedPoint to get a resolution of 1/64 pixel in calcuatuions,
// we devide at the end by FIXED_POINT_MULTIPLIER which must be 2^n, to return to the initial proportions
const int   x_FRAME_SIZE    =   639 * FIXED_POINT_MULTIPLIER; // note it must be 2^n 
const int   y_FRAME_SIZE    =   479 * FIXED_POINT_MULTIPLIER;
const int   bracketOffset = 30;
const int   OBJECT_WIDTH_X = 64;

int Xspeed, topLeftX_FixedPoint; // local parameters 
int temp;
int Yspeed, topLeftY_FixedPoint;

//  calculation 0f Y Axis speed using gravity or colision

always_ff@(posedge clk or negedge resetN)
    if(!resetN) begin 
        Yspeed  <= INITIAL_Y_SPEED;
        topLeftY_FixedPoint <= INITIAL_Y * FIXED_POINT_MULTIPLIER;
    else begin
    // colision Calcultaion 
        //hit bit map has one bit per edge:  Left-Top-Right-Bottom
      if ((collision && HitEdgeCode [2] == 1 && HitEdgeCode[1]==1)) begin // hit top border of brick  
                if (Yspeed < 0 && Xspeed > 0) begin // while moving up and moving right
                        Yspeed <= Xspeed ;
                        Xspeed <= Yspeed ;  // negative move left 
        if ((collision && HitEdgeCode [2] == 1 && HitEdgeCode[3]==1)) begin // hit top border of brick  
                if (Yspeed < 0 && Xspeed < 0) begin // while moving up and moving left
                        Yspeed <= -Xspeed ;
                        Xspeed <= -Yspeed ;  // negative move left 
        if ((collision && HitEdgeCode [2] == 1 && HitEdgeCode[3]==0 && HitEdgeCode[1]==0)) begin  // hit top border of brick  
                    if (Yspeed < 0) begin// while moving up
                         Yspeed <= -Yspeed ; 

        if ((collision && HitEdgeCode [0] == 1 && HitEdgeCode[1]==1)) begin// || (collision && HitEdgeCode [1] == 1 ))   hit bottom border of brick  
                if (Yspeed > 0  && Xspeed > 0) begin//  while moving down and moving right
                        Yspeed <= -Xspeed ;
                        Xspeed <= -Yspeed ;
        if ((collision && HitEdgeCode [0] == 1 && HitEdgeCode[3]==1)) begin// || (collision && HitEdgeCode [1] == 1 ))   hit bottom border of brick  
                if (Yspeed > 0  && Xspeed < 0) begin//  while moving down and moving left
                        Yspeed <= Xspeed ;
                        Xspeed <= Yspeed ;
      if ((collision && HitEdgeCode [0] == 1 && HitEdgeCode[3]==0 && HitEdgeCode[1]==0 )) begin// || (collision && HitEdgeCode [1] == 1 ))   hit bottom border of brick  
                if (Yspeed > 0 ) begin//  while moving down
                        Yspeed <= -Yspeed ; 
        // perform  position and speed integral only 30 times per second 
        if (startOfFrame == 1'b1) begin 
                topLeftY_FixedPoint  <= topLeftY_FixedPoint + Yspeed; // position interpolation 
                if (Yspeed < MAX_Y_SPEED ) //  limit the spped while going down 
                        Yspeed <= Yspeed  - Y_ACCEL ; // deAccelerate : slow the speed down every clock tick 
                if (Y_direction) begin // button was pushed to go upwards 
                        if (Yspeed > 0 ) // while moving down
                                Yspeed <= -Yspeed  ;  // change speed to go up 
                end ; 


//  calculation of X Axis speed using and position calculate regarding X_direction key or colision

always_ff@(posedge clk or negedge resetN)
        Xspeed  <= INITIAL_X_SPEED;
        topLeftX_FixedPoint <= INITIAL_X * FIXED_POINT_MULTIPLIER;
    else begin
    //  an edge input is tested here as it is a very short instance   
    //if (toggleX)  
                //Xspeed <= -Xspeed; 
    // collisions with the sides            
                if (collision && HitEdgeCode [3] == 1 && HitEdgeCode[0] ==0 && HitEdgeCode[2]==0)  begin
                    if (Xspeed < 0 ) // while moving left
                            Xspeed <= -Xspeed ; // positive move right 
                if (collision && HitEdgeCode [1] == 1 && HitEdgeCode[0] ==0 && HitEdgeCode[2]==0 ) begin  // hit right border of brick  
                    if (Xspeed > 0 ) //  while moving right
                            Xspeed <= -Xspeed  ;  // negative move left    
        if (startOfFrame == 1'b1 )//&& Yspeed != 0) 
                        topLeftX_FixedPoint  <= topLeftX_FixedPoint + Xspeed;

//get a better (64 times) resolution using integer   
assign  topLeftX = topLeftX_FixedPoint / FIXED_POINT_MULTIPLIER ;   // note it must be 2^n 
assign  topLeftY = topLeftY_FixedPoint / FIXED_POINT_MULTIPLIER ;    


The error:

Error (10028): Can't resolve multiple constant drivers for net
"Xspeed[31]" at pokadoor_moveCollision.sv(139) Error (10029): Constant
driver at pokadoor_moveCollision.sv(62) Error (10028): Can't resolve
multiple constant drivers for net "Xspeed[30]" at
pokadoor_moveCollision.sv(139) Error (10028): Can't resolve multiple
constant drivers for net "Xspeed[29]" at
pokadoor_moveCollision.sv(139) Error (10028): Can't resolve multiple
constant drivers for net "Xspeed[28]" at
pokadoor_moveCollision.sv(139) Error (10028): Can't resolve multiple
constant drivers for net "Xspeed[27]" at
pokadoor_moveCollision.sv(139) Error (10028): Can't resolve multiple
constant drivers for net "Xspeed[26]" at
pokadoor_moveCollision.sv(139) Error (10028): Can't resolve multiple
constant drivers for net "Xspeed[25]" at
pokadoor_moveCollision.sv(139) Error (10028): Can't resolve multiple
constant drivers for net "Xspeed[24]" at
pokadoor_moveCollision.sv(139) Error (10028): Can't resolve multiple
constant drivers for net "Xspeed[23]" at
pokadoor_moveCollision.sv(139) Error (10028): Can't resolve multiple
constant drivers for net "Xspeed[22]" at
pokadoor_moveCollision.sv(139) Error (10028): Can't resolve multiple
constant drivers for net "Xspeed[21]" at
pokadoor_moveCollision.sv(139) Error (10028): Can't resolve multiple
constant drivers for net "Xspeed[20]" at
pokadoor_moveCollision.sv(139) Error (10028): Can't resolve multiple
constant drivers for net "Xspeed[19]" at
pokadoor_moveCollision.sv(139) Error (10028): Can't resolve multiple
constant drivers for net "Xspeed[18]" at
pokadoor_moveCollision.sv(139) Error (10028): Can't resolve multiple
constant drivers for net "Xspeed[17]" at
pokadoor_moveCollision.sv(139) Error (10028): Can't resolve multiple
constant drivers for net "Xspeed[16]" at
pokadoor_moveCollision.sv(139) Error (10028): Can't resolve multiple
constant drivers for net "Xspeed[15]" at
pokadoor_moveCollision.sv(139) Error (10028): Can't resolve multiple
constant drivers for net "Xspeed[14]" at
pokadoor_moveCollision.sv(139) Error (12152): Can't elaborate user
hierarchy "Pokadoor_Block_bdf:inst14|pokadoor_moveCollision:inst"
Error: Quartus Prime Analysis & Elaboration was unsuccessful. 20
errors, 15 warnings Error: Peak virtual memory: 4797 megabytes
Error: Processing ended: Thu Apr 14 14:26:35 2022 Error: Elapsed
time: 00:00:07 Error: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:16

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澜川若宁 2025-01-28 18:06:39

这些错误消息不是很具体。您可以从其他模拟器中获取更多有用的消息,例如 edaplayground上的消息(Cadence和Synopsys)。


请参阅IEEE STD 1800-2017,第9.2.2.4节顺序逻辑始终_FF过程

ewlance ewnlys_ff 中左侧的变量

您必须重组代码,以便在xspeed的所有分配中都在相同的ewndery_ff block中完成。

Those error messages are not very specific. You can get more helpful messages from other simulators, such as the ones on edaplayground (Cadence and Synopsys).

The problem is that you must not assign to the same signal from different always_ff blocks. For example, your code assigns to Xspeed from both always_ff blocks.

Refer to IEEE Std 1800-2017, section Sequential logic always_ff procedure:

Variables on the left-hand side of assignments within an always_ff
procedure, including variables from the contents of a called function,
shall not be written to by any other process.

You must restructure your code such that all assignments to Xspeed are done in the same always_ff block.

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