可以找到“ Madexcept设置”。 “项目”下的选项在我的桌面上成功下载Madexcept后的目录
我是Delphi 10.3的新用户,我的同事建议我使用Madexcept。但是,在下载了MadeXcept并将其成功安装在桌面上后,我找不到“ project”目录中的“ madexcept设置”选项来启用madexcept。有人知道我如何使它起作用吗?提前致谢!
在咨询了技术人员Mathias Rauen(非常感谢Madexcept的耐心和帮助!)之后,我发现我的默认安装路径(C:\ Program Files(x86))是相当有限的在OS上的访问权限中,Delphi无法加载MadeXcept软件包,因此在Delphi中找不到“ MadeXcept设置”。
I am a new user of Delphi 10.3 and my colleague recommended I use madExcept. However, after I downloaded the madExcept and installed it successfully on my desktop, I couldn't find the "madExcept settings" option under the "project" directory to enable the madExcept. Does anyone have any idea how I can make it work? Thanks in advance!
After consulting the technical staff Mathias Rauen (Thanks a lot for his patience and help!) from madExcept, I found out that my default installation path(C:\Program Files (x86)) is rather limited in access rights on OS so Delphi couldn't load madExcept packages and therefore “madExcept settings” can’t be found in Delphi.
Solution: Delete the default path information in the Registry Editor and reinstall madExcept in a path where the non-admin user also has full access.
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