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Closed 2 years ago.
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html( h ypertext m arkup l anduage)是一种标记语言,可让您描述网站内容的结构。但是,这不是可以与Firebase通信的编程语言。
要使用浏览器(“正常”网络)的Firebase服务,您需要使用JavaScript。具体来说,您可以使用 firebase sdk 。配置后,SDK提供了一个接口来获得firebase服务,例如实时数据库。
重要的是要注意,浏览器是无法保存秘密的 public 客户端。因此,如果您想执行不应直接适用于最终用户的操作,则需要使用 admin SDK 服务器范围。在这种情况下,您可以使用服务帐户对服务器进行身份验证。
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a markup language that will let you describe the structure of the content of your website. However it is not a programming language that can communicate with Firebase.
To use Firebase services from the browser (a "normal" webiste), you need to use javascript. Specifically you can use the Firebase SDK. Once configured, the SDK provides an interface to acces Firebase services, like the real time database.
It is important to note that a browser is a public client that cannot hold secrets. Therefore, if you want to perform actions that should not be directly available to your end users, you need to use the Admin SDK server-side. In this case you authenticate your server using a service account.