
发布于 2025-01-21 09:44:59 字数 2429 浏览 3 评论 0原文


  NOT(a AND b) = (NOT a) OR (NOT b)
  NOT (a OR b) = (NOT a) AND (NOT b)
  a AND NOT (b AND c) = (EQ a) AND ( ( NOT b) OR ( NOT c) )


  NOT a AND b = (NOT a) AND (EQ b)
  a AND NOT b AND NOT c = (EQ a) AND (NOT b) AND (NOT c)


    public string ExpressionConversion(string expression)

        string finalVal = null;
        string currentToken = "";
        bool isNotFound = false;
        List<string> strList = new List<string>();
        StringHelper stringHelper = new StringHelper();
        var values = stringHelper.CleverSplit(expression, ' ', false, true); //function which splits all the elements in the expression
        for (int j = 0; j < values.Length; j++)
            currentToken = values[j].Trim();
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentToken.Trim()))

            if ((j > 0) && currentToken.StartsWith("AND") && values[j - 1].StartsWith("AND"))
            if (currentToken.Contains("NOT"))
                isNotFound = true;
            if (currentToken.StartsWith("("))
            else if (currentToken.StartsWith(")"))
                isNotFound = false;
            else if (currentToken.StartsWith("AND"))
                if (isNotFound)
                    strList.Add(" OR ");
                    strList.Add(" AND ");
            else if (currentToken.StartsWith("OR"))
                if (isNotFound)
                    strList.Add(" AND ");
                    strList.Add(" OR ");
                if (isNotFound)
                    strList.Add("( NOT " + currentToken + " )");
                    if (!expression.Contains("("))
                        isNotFound = false;
                    strList.Add("( EQ " + currentToken + " )");
        if (strList.Count > 0)
            finalVal = string.Join(" ", strList);
        return finalVal;

I am working on converting the boolean algebra expression something like this

  NOT(a AND b) = (NOT a) OR (NOT b)
  NOT (a OR b) = (NOT a) AND (NOT b)
  a AND NOT (b AND c) = (EQ a) AND ( ( NOT b) OR ( NOT c) )

But, somehow it is not working for certain conditions like

  NOT a AND b = (NOT a) AND (EQ b)
  a AND NOT b AND NOT c = (EQ a) AND (NOT b) AND (NOT c)

Following is the logic for conversion. Am i doing anything wrong?

    public string ExpressionConversion(string expression)

        string finalVal = null;
        string currentToken = "";
        bool isNotFound = false;
        List<string> strList = new List<string>();
        StringHelper stringHelper = new StringHelper();
        var values = stringHelper.CleverSplit(expression, ' ', false, true); //function which splits all the elements in the expression
        for (int j = 0; j < values.Length; j++)
            currentToken = values[j].Trim();
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentToken.Trim()))

            if ((j > 0) && currentToken.StartsWith("AND") && values[j - 1].StartsWith("AND"))
            if (currentToken.Contains("NOT"))
                isNotFound = true;
            if (currentToken.StartsWith("("))
            else if (currentToken.StartsWith(")"))
                isNotFound = false;
            else if (currentToken.StartsWith("AND"))
                if (isNotFound)
                    strList.Add(" OR ");
                    strList.Add(" AND ");
            else if (currentToken.StartsWith("OR"))
                if (isNotFound)
                    strList.Add(" AND ");
                    strList.Add(" OR ");
                if (isNotFound)
                    strList.Add("( NOT " + currentToken + " )");
                    if (!expression.Contains("("))
                        isNotFound = false;
                    strList.Add("( EQ " + currentToken + " )");
        if (strList.Count > 0)
            finalVal = string.Join(" ", strList);
        return finalVal;

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池木 2025-01-28 09:44:59





public interface IToken

public class LeftParenToken : IToken
    public static LeftParenToken Instance { get; } = new LeftParenToken();
    private LeftParenToken() { }
    public override string ToString() => "(";

public class RightParenToken : IToken
    public static RightParenToken Instance { get; } = new RightParenToken();
    private RightParenToken() { }
    public override string ToString() => ")";

public abstract class OperatorToken : IToken
    public int Precedence { get; }
    public bool IsLeftAssociative { get; }
    protected OperatorToken(int precedence, bool isLeftAssociative) => (Precedence, IsLeftAssociative) = (precedence, isLeftAssociative);

public class AndToken : OperatorToken
    public static AndToken Instance { get; } = new AndToken();
    private AndToken() : base(1, true) { }
    public override string ToString() => "AND";

public class OrToken : OperatorToken
    public static OrToken Instance { get; } = new OrToken();
    private OrToken() : base(1, true) { }
    public override string ToString() => "OR";

public class EqToken : OperatorToken
    public static EqToken Instance { get; } = new EqToken();
    private EqToken() : base(2, false) { }
    public override string ToString() => "EQ";

public class NotToken : OperatorToken
    public static NotToken Instance { get; } = new NotToken();
    private NotToken() : base(2, false) { }
    public override string ToString() => "NOT";

public class VariableToken : IToken
    public string Name { get; }
    public VariableToken(string name) => Name = name;
    public override string ToString() => Name;


public class Tokeniser
    private static readonly Regex tokenRegex = new Regex(@"(\(|\)|\w+)\s*");

    private readonly string input;
    private int position;

    public Tokeniser(string input)
        this.input = input;

    public IToken? Next()
        if (position == input.Length)
            return null;

        var match = tokenRegex.Match(input, position);
        if (!match.Success || match.Index != position)
            throw new Exception($"Unexpected token at start of '{input.Substring(position)}'");

        string token = match.Groups[1].Value;
        position += match.Length;

        return token switch
            "(" => LeftParenToken.Instance,
            ")" => RightParenToken.Instance,
            "AND" => AndToken.Instance,
            "OR" => OrToken.Instance,
            "NOT" => NotToken.Instance,
            "EQ" => EqToken.Instance,
            _ => new VariableToken(token),

我们只是浏览输入,在每个步骤中匹配正则是。正则吞咽了空格(因此我们不需要修剪自己)。任何不是我们已知的关键字之一的东西都是一个变量:这意味着您可以具有称为Eg +的变量。

我们的Tokanizer可以将字符串Eg A和(B和B)解析到令牌a,和,((,b不是c。现在,我们想将其解析为AST。

一种相当简单的方法是首先使用“ nofollow noreferrer”> >。

在后缀表达式中,操作员在操作数之后出现。因此,A + B变为ab +。为了处理此操作,您会做一些堆栈。当您看到操作数时,将其推到堆栈上。当您看到操作员时,您会弹出多大参数,应用操作员,然后将结果推到堆栈上。


push a[a]
push b[a,b]
不是[a,not b]
push c[a,not b,c]


public class Parser
    public IEnumerable<IToken> Shunt(Tokeniser tokeniser)
        var operators = new Stack<IToken>();
        bool lastTokenWasVariable = false;

        while (tokeniser.Next() is { } token)
            if (lastTokenWasVariable && token is VariableToken or NotToken)
                // A variable after a variable, or a NOT after a variable, has an implicit AND between them
                foreach (var t in ProcessOperator(AndToken.Instance))
                    yield return t;
            switch (token)
                case VariableToken variable:
                    yield return variable;
                case OperatorToken op:
                    foreach (var t in ProcessOperator(op))
                        yield return t;
                case LeftParenToken:
                case RightParenToken:
                    while (operators.TryPeek(out var peek) && peek is not LeftParenToken)
                        if (operators.Count == 0)
                            throw new Exception("Count not find matching '(' for ')'");
                        yield return peek;
                    if (!operators.TryPop(out var pop) || pop is not LeftParenToken)
                        throw new Exception("Expected a '(' at the top of the operators stack");
            lastTokenWasVariable = token is VariableToken;

        while (operators.TryPop(out var op))
            if (op is LeftParenToken)
                throw new Exception("Unexpected '('");
            yield return op;
        IEnumerable<IToken> ProcessOperator(OperatorToken op1)
            while (operators.TryPeek(out var peek) && peek is OperatorToken op2 && (op1.IsLeftAssociative ? op2.Precedence >= op1.Precedence : op2.Precedence > op1.Precedence))
                yield return op2;

这几乎是 algorithm on wikipedia )。

唯一的复杂性是您需要支持Eg A Ba而不是b的输入,而不是表示a和b and b and a和b分别。分流码算法无法应付本地:它期望操作数之间的操作员。因此,我们将其入侵:如果我们看到一个直接遵循另一个变量的变量或而不是,我们将假装首先看到and



我们还将添加一个倒置方法:在节点上实现时,它将返回该节点的倒置版本,并应用de Morgan的定律。因此,反转eq节点会导致与倒置子的节点节点(反之亦然);反转或或分别以/的形式导致其两个孩子倒置。

这意味着反相eq a导致而不是,反转eq a和eq b导致in 而不是a或b代码>等。

public interface INode
    INode Invert();

public class BinaryOperatorNode : INode
    public OperatorToken Operator { get; }
    public INode Left { get; }
    public INode Right { get; }

    public BinaryOperatorNode(OperatorToken op, INode right, INode left) => (Operator, Right, Left) = (op, right, left);

    public INode Invert()
        return Operator switch
            AndToken => new BinaryOperatorNode(OrToken.Instance, Right.Invert(), Left.Invert()),
            OrToken => new BinaryOperatorNode(AndToken.Instance, Right.Invert(), Left.Invert()),
            _ => throw new Exception($"Unexpected binary operator type {Operator}"),

public class UnaryOperatorNode : INode
    public OperatorToken Operator { get; }
    public INode Child { get; }
    public UnaryOperatorNode(OperatorToken op, INode child) => (Operator, Child) = (op, child);
    public INode Invert()
        return Operator switch
            NotToken => new UnaryOperatorNode(EqToken.Instance, Child.Invert()),
            EqToken => new UnaryOperatorNode(NotToken.Instance, Child.Invert()),
            _ => throw new Exception($"Unexpected unary operator type {Operator}"),

public class VariableNode : INode
    public VariableToken Variable { get; }
    public VariableNode(VariableToken variable) => Variable = variable;

    public INode Invert()
        return this;

就此,我们可以编写我们的小方法来生成AST。这几乎可以用我上面描述的堆栈来完成。但是,每次看到变量令牌时,我们都会在eq节点中潜入节点 - 因此,将始终使用指向它的eq节点创建变量。当我们看到而不是令牌时,我们将仅将当前堆栈上的任何内容转动:如果是eq节点,它将自身变成not not < /代码>节点。

public class Parser
    public INode BuildAst(IEnumerable<IToken> tokens)
        var stack = new Stack<INode>();

        foreach (var token in tokens)
            switch (token)
                case VariableToken variable:
                    stack.Push(new UnaryOperatorNode(EqToken.Instance, new VariableNode(variable)));

                case AndToken:
                case OrToken:
                    if (stack.Count < 2)
                        throw new Exception($"Expected 2 parameters for operator {token}, got fewer");
                    stack.Push(new BinaryOperatorNode((OperatorToken)token, stack.Pop(), stack.Pop()));

                case EqToken:
                    // We treat EQ as a no-op: we'll add it when we add its variable

                case NotToken:
                    if (stack.Count < 1)
                        throw new Exception($"Expected 1 parameter for operator {token}, got fewer");
                    // If we encounter a 'not', we invert the current tree
        if (stack.Count != 1)
            throw new Exception("Unexpected leftover tokens");

        return stack.Pop();


  • 如果是变量,请将名称添加到结果。
  • 如果是一元运算符,请将其添加到括号内的结果中,然后访问其操作的任何操作,例如(不是&lt;访问Child&gt;)
  • 如果是二进制操作员,我们将其左孩子添加到结果中,然后将操作员,然后将其添加到合适的孩子。如果两个孩子本身都是二进制操作员,我们将把它包裹在括号中。


  /  \
 a    b


  /   \
 a     AND
      /   \
     b     c

a和(b and c)渲染。

public class Renderer
    public string Render(INode rootNode)
        var sb = new StringBuilder();


        void Visit(INode node)
            switch (node)
                case BinaryOperatorNode op:
                    sb.Append($" {op.Operator} ");

                case UnaryOperatorNode op:
                    sb.Append($"({op.Operator} ");

                case VariableNode variable:

        void VisitWithParens(INode node)
            if (node is BinaryOperatorNode)
                sb.Append("( ");
            if (node is BinaryOperatorNode)
                sb.Append(" )");

        return sb.ToString();


var tokeniser = new Tokeniser("b NOT a c");
var parser = new Parser();
var tokens = parser.Shunt(tokeniser);
var ast = parser.BuildAst(tokens);
var renderer = new Renderer();


Your life's probably going to be easiest if you go for a proper parser.

Note: the error handling in here is pretty dreadful, and there are no unit tests. You'll want to improve these!

We'll first tokenise the input, producing tokens for the (, ), variables, operators, etc.

First, let's define our set of tokens. We'll use a set of classes which all implement the same marker interface, and we'll use a singleton instance where the token doesn't need to hold any further information. I'm also going to cheat and put precedence and associativity information on the operator tokens, which we'll use in a minute:

public interface IToken

public class LeftParenToken : IToken
    public static LeftParenToken Instance { get; } = new LeftParenToken();
    private LeftParenToken() { }
    public override string ToString() => "(";

public class RightParenToken : IToken
    public static RightParenToken Instance { get; } = new RightParenToken();
    private RightParenToken() { }
    public override string ToString() => ")";

public abstract class OperatorToken : IToken
    public int Precedence { get; }
    public bool IsLeftAssociative { get; }
    protected OperatorToken(int precedence, bool isLeftAssociative) => (Precedence, IsLeftAssociative) = (precedence, isLeftAssociative);

public class AndToken : OperatorToken
    public static AndToken Instance { get; } = new AndToken();
    private AndToken() : base(1, true) { }
    public override string ToString() => "AND";

public class OrToken : OperatorToken
    public static OrToken Instance { get; } = new OrToken();
    private OrToken() : base(1, true) { }
    public override string ToString() => "OR";

public class EqToken : OperatorToken
    public static EqToken Instance { get; } = new EqToken();
    private EqToken() : base(2, false) { }
    public override string ToString() => "EQ";

public class NotToken : OperatorToken
    public static NotToken Instance { get; } = new NotToken();
    private NotToken() : base(2, false) { }
    public override string ToString() => "NOT";

public class VariableToken : IToken
    public string Name { get; }
    public VariableToken(string name) => Name = name;
    public override string ToString() => Name;

With those defined, our tokenizer is pretty simple:

public class Tokeniser
    private static readonly Regex tokenRegex = new Regex(@"(\(|\)|\w+)\s*");

    private readonly string input;
    private int position;

    public Tokeniser(string input)
        this.input = input;

    public IToken? Next()
        if (position == input.Length)
            return null;

        var match = tokenRegex.Match(input, position);
        if (!match.Success || match.Index != position)
            throw new Exception(
quot;Unexpected token at start of '{input.Substring(position)}'");

        string token = match.Groups[1].Value;
        position += match.Length;

        return token switch
            "(" => LeftParenToken.Instance,
            ")" => RightParenToken.Instance,
            "AND" => AndToken.Instance,
            "OR" => OrToken.Instance,
            "NOT" => NotToken.Instance,
            "EQ" => EqToken.Instance,
            _ => new VariableToken(token),

We just walk through the input, matching a regex at each step. The regex swallows whitespace (so we don't need to trim that ourselves). Anything which isn't one of our known keywords is a variable: this means you could have a variable called e.g. +.

Our tokanizer can parse the string e.g. a AND (b AND NOT b) into the tokens a, AND, (, b, AND, NOT, c, ). Now we want to parse that into an AST.

One fairly simply way to do is to first transform it into postfix using Dijkstra's Shunting-yard Algorithm.

In a postfix expression, the operators appear after their operands. So a + b becomes a b +. To process this, you make a little stack. When you see an operand, you push it onto the stack; when you see an operator, you pop off however many arguments it takes, apply the operator, and push the result onto the stack.

So the expression a AND NOT (NOT b AND c) becomes a b NOT c AND NOT AND, that is:

Push a[a]
Push b[a, b]
NOT[a, NOT b]
Push c[a, NOT b, c]
AND[a, (NOT b) AND c]
NOT[a, NOT (NOT b AND c)]

The lovely thing about this is that you don't need to worry about parentheses: you can just walk the postfix expression token by token and evaluate it as you go.

public class Parser
    public IEnumerable<IToken> Shunt(Tokeniser tokeniser)
        var operators = new Stack<IToken>();
        bool lastTokenWasVariable = false;

        while (tokeniser.Next() is { } token)
            if (lastTokenWasVariable && token is VariableToken or NotToken)
                // A variable after a variable, or a NOT after a variable, has an implicit AND between them
                foreach (var t in ProcessOperator(AndToken.Instance))
                    yield return t;
            switch (token)
                case VariableToken variable:
                    yield return variable;
                case OperatorToken op:
                    foreach (var t in ProcessOperator(op))
                        yield return t;
                case LeftParenToken:
                case RightParenToken:
                    while (operators.TryPeek(out var peek) && peek is not LeftParenToken)
                        if (operators.Count == 0)
                            throw new Exception("Count not find matching '(' for ')'");
                        yield return peek;
                    if (!operators.TryPop(out var pop) || pop is not LeftParenToken)
                        throw new Exception("Expected a '(' at the top of the operators stack");
            lastTokenWasVariable = token is VariableToken;

        while (operators.TryPop(out var op))
            if (op is LeftParenToken)
                throw new Exception("Unexpected '('");
            yield return op;
        IEnumerable<IToken> ProcessOperator(OperatorToken op1)
            while (operators.TryPeek(out var peek) && peek is OperatorToken op2 && (op1.IsLeftAssociative ? op2.Precedence >= op1.Precedence : op2.Precedence > op1.Precedence))
                yield return op2;

This is pretty much a direct port of the algorithm on Wikipedia.

The only complexity is that you need to support inputs of e.g. a b or a NOT b to mean a AND b and a AND NOT b respectively. The shunting-yard algorithm can't cope with this natively: it's expecting an operator between operands. So we hack this in: if we see a variable or a NOT which directly follows another variable, we'll pretend that we saw an AND first.

The next step involves turing this into an AST. We'll use a tree, where operators and variabls are all represented by nodes. A variable node doesn't have any children: it just knows the variable name. A unary operator (NOT or EQ) has a single child. A binary operator (AND or OR) has two children, which are the two things being anded or or'd together.

We'll define these in the same way as the tokens, with a bunch of classes implementing a common interface.

We'll also add an Invert method: when implemented on a node, this will return an inverted version of the node, applying De Morgan's laws. So inverting an EQ node results in a NOT node with an inverted child (and vice versa); inverting an AND or OR results in an OR / AND respectively, with both of its children inverted.

This means that inverting EQ A results in NOT A, inverting EQ A AND EQ B results in NOT A OR NOT B, etc.

public interface INode
    INode Invert();

public class BinaryOperatorNode : INode
    public OperatorToken Operator { get; }
    public INode Left { get; }
    public INode Right { get; }

    public BinaryOperatorNode(OperatorToken op, INode right, INode left) => (Operator, Right, Left) = (op, right, left);

    public INode Invert()
        return Operator switch
            AndToken => new BinaryOperatorNode(OrToken.Instance, Right.Invert(), Left.Invert()),
            OrToken => new BinaryOperatorNode(AndToken.Instance, Right.Invert(), Left.Invert()),
            _ => throw new Exception(
quot;Unexpected binary operator type {Operator}"),

public class UnaryOperatorNode : INode
    public OperatorToken Operator { get; }
    public INode Child { get; }
    public UnaryOperatorNode(OperatorToken op, INode child) => (Operator, Child) = (op, child);
    public INode Invert()
        return Operator switch
            NotToken => new UnaryOperatorNode(EqToken.Instance, Child.Invert()),
            EqToken => new UnaryOperatorNode(NotToken.Instance, Child.Invert()),
            _ => throw new Exception(
quot;Unexpected unary operator type {Operator}"),

public class VariableNode : INode
    public VariableToken Variable { get; }
    public VariableNode(VariableToken variable) => Variable = variable;

    public INode Invert()
        return this;

With that in place, we can write our little method to generate the AST. This does pretty much exactly what I described above, with a stack. We however sneak in an EQ node every time we see a variable token -- so a variable will always be created with an EQ node pointing to it. When we see a NOT token, we'll just invert whatever's currently on the stack: if it's an EQ node, it'll turn itself into a NOT node.

public class Parser
    public INode BuildAst(IEnumerable<IToken> tokens)
        var stack = new Stack<INode>();

        foreach (var token in tokens)
            switch (token)
                case VariableToken variable:
                    stack.Push(new UnaryOperatorNode(EqToken.Instance, new VariableNode(variable)));

                case AndToken:
                case OrToken:
                    if (stack.Count < 2)
                        throw new Exception(
quot;Expected 2 parameters for operator {token}, got fewer");
                    stack.Push(new BinaryOperatorNode((OperatorToken)token, stack.Pop(), stack.Pop()));

                case EqToken:
                    // We treat EQ as a no-op: we'll add it when we add its variable

                case NotToken:
                    if (stack.Count < 1)
                        throw new Exception(
quot;Expected 1 parameter for operator {token}, got fewer");
                    // If we encounter a 'not', we invert the current tree
        if (stack.Count != 1)
            throw new Exception("Unexpected leftover tokens");

        return stack.Pop();

Finally we need to render our AST to a string. We'll do this simply by recursively visiting each node in turn.

  • If it's a variable, add the name to the result.
  • If it's a unary operator, add it to the result inside parentheses, and visit whatever it's operating on, e.g. (NOT <visit child>).
  • If it's a binary operator, we'll add its left child to the result, then the operator, then the right child. If either child is itself a binary operator, we'll wrap it in parentheses.

This means that:

  /  \
 a    b

gets rendered as a AND b, but:

  /   \
 a     AND
      /   \
     b     c

gets rendered as a AND ( b AND c ).

public class Renderer
    public string Render(INode rootNode)
        var sb = new StringBuilder();


        void Visit(INode node)
            switch (node)
                case BinaryOperatorNode op:
quot; {op.Operator} ");

                case UnaryOperatorNode op:
quot;({op.Operator} ");

                case VariableNode variable:

        void VisitWithParens(INode node)
            if (node is BinaryOperatorNode)
                sb.Append("( ");
            if (node is BinaryOperatorNode)
                sb.Append(" )");

        return sb.ToString();

And that's pretty much it! Stitch it all together:

var tokeniser = new Tokeniser("b NOT a c");
var parser = new Parser();
var tokens = parser.Shunt(tokeniser);
var ast = parser.BuildAst(tokens);
var renderer = new Renderer();

See it on dotnetfiddle.net.

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