You could certainly do it both ways. If the levels aren't huge you also shouldn't see much differences when it comes to performance (although I never really tested it).
In my view, the benefit of using Godot's Tilemaps is that your level design can be adjusted more easily. If you want to slightly modify something later on, you wouldn't have to bother with adjusting each and every collision shape that might have been affected by the changes. E.g. if you'd move a platform using a background image as level, you'd have to make sure your overlayed static body is aligned with the moved platform again. That doesn't sound like a big deal but could become very cumbersome during play testing.
The same is true for stuff like navigation or occlusion shapes, which are very nicely integrated in Godot's tilemaps.
Additionally, using a single image as background you couldn't modify tiles by code. For example, if you want to open a door on the map you'd either need to reload the whole image or place the doors as individual nodes on the map. Using Godot's tilemap you could write a little script that keeps track of interactive tiles and replaces them if needed.
Nonetheless, after all it comes down to personal preference and as I said, you can do it either way.
对于导航或遮挡形状等内容也是如此,它们非常好地集成在 Godot 的图块地图中。
使用 Godot 的图块地图,您可以编写一个小脚本来跟踪交互式图块并在需要时替换它们。
You could certainly do it both ways. If the levels aren't huge you also shouldn't see much differences when it comes to performance (although I never really tested it).
In my view, the benefit of using Godot's Tilemaps is that your level design can be adjusted more easily. If you want to slightly modify something later on, you wouldn't have to bother with adjusting each and every collision shape that might have been affected by the changes.
E.g. if you'd move a platform using a background image as level, you'd have to make sure your overlayed static body is aligned with the moved platform again. That doesn't sound like a big deal but could become very cumbersome during play testing.
The same is true for stuff like navigation or occlusion shapes, which are very nicely integrated in Godot's tilemaps.
Additionally, using a single image as background you couldn't modify tiles by code. For example, if you want to open a door on the map you'd either need to reload the whole image or place the doors as individual nodes on the map.
Using Godot's tilemap you could write a little script that keeps track of interactive tiles and replaces them if needed.
Nonetheless, after all it comes down to personal preference and as I said, you can do it either way.
You can not animate a png or jpg...
But you can animate a tilemap.
Point for the tilemap.