MWAA - 气流 - PythonVirtualenvOperator 需要 virtualenv
我正在使用AWS的 mwaa服务(2.2(2.2)。 2)运行各种DAG,其中大多数是使用标准的Pythononerator类型实现的。我将DAG与任何共享要求一起将DAG捆绑到S3存储桶中,然后将MWAA指向相关对象&版本。到目前为止,一切运行顺利。
我现在想使用 pythonvirtualenvoperator 类型,这是一个奇怪的类型,开箱即用。我正在关注他们的指南使用自定义插件,但继续从气流中收到错误,在仪表板的顶部显示了大红色写作:
dag导入错误(1) ... ... ... AirFlowException:Pythonvirtualenvoperator需要Virtualenv,请安装它。
我已经确认该插件确实是通过气流拾取的(我看到它在管理员屏幕中引用了它),并且为了避免疑问,我正在使用AWS在其示例中提供的DAG中提供的确切代码。 AWS对此的文档很轻,我还没有偶然发现任何社区讨论。
有人面临类似的问题吗? MWAA文档中是否有需要解决的差距?我是否想念一些非常明显的东西?
I am using AWS's MWAA service (2.2.2) to run a variety of DAGs, most of which are implemented with standard PythonOperator types. I bundle the DAGs into an S3 bucket alongside any shared requirements, then point MWAA to the relevant objects & versions. Everything runs smoothly so far.
I would now like to implement a DAG using the PythonVirtualenvOperator type, which AWS acknowledge is not supported out of the box. I am following their guide on how to patch the behaviour using a custom plugin, but continue to receive an error from Airflow, shown at the top of the dashboard in big red writing:
DAG Import Errors (1)
... ...
AirflowException: PythonVirtualenvOperator requires virtualenv, please install it.
I've confirmed that the plugin is indeed being picked up by Airflow (I see it referenced in the admin screen), and for the avoidance of doubt I am using the exact code provided by AWS in their examples for the DAG. AWS's documentation on this is pretty light and I've yet to stumble across any community discussion for the same.
From AWS's docs, we'd expect the plugin to run at startup prior to any DAGs being processed. The plugin itself appears to effectively rewrite the venv command to use the pip-installed version, rather than that which is installed on the machine, however I've struggled to verify that things are happening in the order I expect. Any pointers on debugging the instance's behavior would be very much appreciated.
Has anyone faced a similar issue? Is there a gap in the MWAA documentation that needs addressing? Am I missing something incredibly obvious?
Possibly related, but I do see this warning in the scheduler's logs, which may indicate why MWAA is struggling to resolve the dependency?
WARNING: The script virtualenv is installed in '/usr/local/airflow/.local/bin' which is not on PATH.
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Airflow 使用 Shutil.which 来查找 virtualenv。通过requirements.txt安装的virtualenv不在路径上。将 virtualenv 的路径添加到 PATH 可以解决此问题。
这里的文档是错误的 .com/mwaa/latest/userguide/samples-virtualenv.html
Airflow uses shutil.which to look for virtualenv. The installed virtualenv via requirements.txt isn't on the PATH. Adding the path to virtualenv to PATH solves this.
The doc here is wrong
I wanted to make this a comment on the accepted answer, but I don't have enough reputation yet.
If you're in the newest version of MWAA (using airflow 2.4.3), then you'll need to change this line:
to this:
to account for the new version of python