我有一个网站,每个用户都会出售软件,客户可以选择他需要购买的用户数量。我遇到的问题是,如果用户最初以每位用户$ 10的价格在3月1日以100美元的价格购买了10个用户。之后,他在4月15日决定购买另外5个用户,因此总用户为15,每月总数为150美元。
I have a website where I sell software per user, where the client can select amount of users he needs to purchase. The question I have, is if the user originally purchased 10 users for $10 per user totaling $100 on March 1st. After that, on April 15th he decides to purchase another 5 users, so the total users would be 15, and the total per month would be $150.
How do we charge the user prorated price? How to modify the current subscription to include the prorated rate and keep recurring payments?
使用当前 paypal subscriptions 集成, actions.subscription.subscription.revise.revise (推荐)(推荐)(推荐)
With a current PayPal Subscriptions integration, revise the subscription to a new Plan and have the payer approve it: via either the API response's returned url, or using the JS SDK's actions.subscription.revise (recommended)