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Closed 2 years ago.
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致电您的ISP ,并询问他们是否提供静态IP作为您服务的选项(取决于您的住所,这可能是昂贵的,而不是可用于家庭连接)。然后将DNS A指向您的新修复IP。
使用诸如“ no-ip”之类的服务:在这种情况下,您必须将cname(而不是记录)关联到no-ip的子域,它们将重定向到您的家用动态IP。
It's possible, there are 2 options:
Call your ISP, and ask if they offer a static IP as an option for your service (depending on where you live, this could be expensive, and not available for home connections). Then point the DNS A to your new fix IP.
Use a service like "No-IP": In this scenario you have to associate a CNAME (instead of a A Record) to a subdomain from No-IP, and they will redirect to your home dynamic IP.
Now take into account, for those 2 cases, you'll need to forward that domain to your local computer using the function of DDNS of your router, plus another settings like port forwarding.