我想在excel中设置 xssfcell
以将 cellType
作为数字显示,并需要它以 pt-br locale
(不是十进制/分数 - 但仍然 double
)。代码> CellTyle 仅获取字符串
。 NumberFormat locale
执行技巧,但是 cellType
,而不是 numbern
数字已经配置为直接来自数据库(例如: 412.000
),但将其转换为我们( 412,000
。到我的 的单元格,并将 cellType
XSSFCell cell = row.createCell(anyCellNumber);
double value = 412.000; //valueThatComesFromDataBaseWithLocaleFormatted
//At this point, double has already converted the cell value to 412,000 - So, What I did was:
cell.setCellValue(String.format("%.3f", value).replace(",", ".")); // Replaced the , to . to match Locale
这就是 code> cellType 已设置,但是 numberformat
, decimalformat
, locale
, string.format.format
等,将 CellValue
,因此 cellType
is text
可以使用 double.parsedouble(valueFormatted.toString())
因为它会引发 exception
,如果 String
是 code> locale
因此,如何(如果可能的话),我可以拥有一个 cellType.numeric
以及我的 locale locale
I want to set the XSSFCell
in Excel to display the CellType
as numeric, and need it to diplay the value as pt-BR Locale
(with .
for separator instead of ,
(not decimal/fractional - but still double
). I managed to diplay the correct cell value, but the CellTyle
only gets String
. I know that double
have the US configuration 0.000,00
, and a simple NumberFormat
with Locale
do the trick, but the CellType
gets to text
, not number
The number already comes configured with Locale, which comes straight from Database. (Eg: 412.000
), but double converts it to US (412,000
So, how can I format the cell to my Locale
and still set the CellType
as Numeric
This is what I got so far:
XSSFCell cell = row.createCell(anyCellNumber);
double value = 412.000; //valueThatComesFromDataBaseWithLocaleFormatted
//At this point, double has already converted the cell value to 412,000 - So, What I did was:
cell.setCellValue(String.format("%.3f", value).replace(",", ".")); // Replaced the , to . to match Locale
So, this is the point, the CellType
is set, but NumberFormat
, DecimalFormat
, Locale
, String.format
, etc, gets the cellvalue
to String
, and thus the CellType
is text
Can´t use Double.parseDouble(valueFormatted.toString())
because it throws Exception
, if the String
is Locale
So, how (if it is possible), can I have a CellType.NUMERIC
AND the cell value formatted for my Locale
Thanks in advance!
最简单的方法是使您的类型“ date”单元格。即使您的数据库结果是一个数字,也可以将其转换为日期,因为日期只是时间戳上的一层。我强烈建议您查看这种批准,而不是“攻击”与日期相似的数字的方式。
As far as I understand you specifically want your Cell to be of type numeric and your display to be something "not Date" ? The only approach that I clould think of would be to define your own cellStyle. This is possible in excel with custom functions. In apache-poi it could be possible when tinkering around with cell Styles:
I am however not sure that there is a way. I am not sure but these cellStyles seem to be limited to the default excel styles https://www.roseindia.net/java/poi/setdataformat.shtml
The simplest approach would be to make your cell of Type "Date". Even if your result from the Database is a number, it can be converted to Date, since Date is only a layer upon a timestamp. I would highly suggest to look at this approch instead of "hacking" your way around number fromats looking similar to Dates.