
发布于 2025-01-20 08:24:15 字数 6784 浏览 4 评论 0 原文

问题总结 展开循环是否会影响循环内执行的计算的准确性?如果是这样,为什么?

详细说明和背景 我正在使用 HLSL 编写一个计算着色器,用于 Unity 项目 (2021.2.9f1)。我的部分代码包括数值过程和高度振荡函数,这意味着高计算精度至关重要。

当将我的结果与 Python 中的等效过程进行比较时,我注意到在 1e-5 的顺序上存在一些偏差。这是令人担忧的,因为我没想到如此大的误差是精度差异的结果,例如,三角函数中的浮点精度或 HLSL 中的幂函数。


为了澄清,如果将我的 Python 结果视为正确的解决方案,在 HLSL 中展开循环会比不展开循环提供更好的结果。

最小工作示例 下面是一个 MWE,其中包含Unity 的 C# 脚本的一个、执行计算的相应计算着色器以及在 Unity 中运行时我的控制台的屏幕截图 (2021.2.9f1)。请原谅我对牛顿法的实施有些混乱,但我选择保留它,因为我相信这可能是造成这种偏差的原因。也就是说,如果简单地计算cos(x),那么展开和未展开之间没有区别。尽管如此,我仍然无法理解在测试内核中简单添加 [unroll(N)] 如何改变结果...

// C# for Unity
using UnityEngine;

public class UnrollTest : MonoBehaviour

    [SerializeField] ComputeShader CS;
    ComputeBuffer CBUnrolled, CBNotUnrolled;
    readonly int N = 3;

    private void Start()

        CBUnrolled = new ComputeBuffer(N, sizeof(double));
        CBNotUnrolled = new ComputeBuffer(N, sizeof(double));

        CS.SetBuffer(0, "_CBUnrolled", CBUnrolled);
        CS.SetBuffer(0, "_CBNotUnrolled", CBNotUnrolled);

        CS.Dispatch(0, (int)((N + (64 - 1)) / 64), 1, 1);

        double[] ansUnrolled = new double[N];
        double[] ansNotUnrolled = new double[N];


        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
            Debug.Log("Unrolled ans = " + ansUnrolled[i] + 
                "  -  Not Unrolled ans = " + ansNotUnrolled[i] +  
                "  --  Difference is: " + (ansUnrolled[i] - ansNotUnrolled[i]));
#pragma kernel CSMain

RWStructuredBuffer<double> _CBUnrolled, _CBNotUnrolled;

// Dummy function for Newtons method
double fDummy(double k, double fnh, double h, double theta)
    return fnh * fnh * k * h * cos(theta) * cos(theta) - (double) tanh(k * h);

// Derivative of Dummy function above using a central finite difference scheme.
double dfDummy(double k, double fnh, double h, double theta)
    return (fDummy(k + (double) 1e-3, fnh, h, theta) - fDummy(k - (double) 1e-3, fnh, h, theta)) / (double) 2e-3;

// Function to solve.
double f(double fnh, double h, double theta)
    // Solved using Newton's method.
    int max_iter = 50;
    double epsilon = 1e-8;
    double fxn, dfxn;

    // Define initial guess for k, herby denoted as x.
    double xn = 10.0;

    for (int n = 0; n < max_iter; n++)
        fxn = fDummy(xn, fnh, h, theta);
        if (abs(fxn) < epsilon)     // A solution is found.
            return xn;
        dfxn = dfDummy(xn, fnh, h, theta);

        if (dfxn == 0.0)    // No solution found.
            return xn;

        xn = xn - fxn / dfxn;

    // No solution found.
    return xn;

void CSMain(uint3 threadID : SV_DispatchThreadID)
    int N = 3;
    // ---------------
    double fnh = 0.9, h = 4.53052, theta = -0.161, dtheta = 0.01;   // Example values.
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)                 // Not being unrolled
        _CBNotUnrolled[i] = f(fnh, h, theta);
        theta += dtheta;
    // ---------------
    fnh = 0.9, h = 4.53052, theta = -0.161, dtheta = 0.01;          // Example values.

    [unroll(N)] for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)     // Being unrolled.
        _CBUnrolled[j] = f(fnh, h, theta);
        theta += dtheta;

运行上述代码时的 Unity 控制台图像

编辑 经过更多测试,偏差已缩小到以下代码,给出完全相同之间大约有 1e-17 的差异代码展开与未展开。尽管差异很小,但我仍然认为这是该问题的一个有效示例,因为我相信它们应该是相等的。

[numthreads(64, 1, 1)]
void CSMain(uint3 threadID : SV_DispatchThreadID)
    if ((int) threadID.x != 1)
    int N = 3;
    double k = 1.0;
    // ---------------
    double fnh = 0.9, h = 4.53052, theta = -0.161, dtheta = 0.01; // Example values.
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)                 // Not being unrolled
        _CBNotUnrolled[i] = (k + (double) 1e-3) * theta - (k - (double) 1e-3) * theta;
        theta += dtheta;
    // ---------------
    fnh = 0.9, h = 4.53052, theta = -0.161, dtheta = 0.01; // Example values.
    for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)     // Being unrolled.
        _CBUnrolled[j] = (k + (double) 1e-3) * theta - (k - (double) 1e-3) * theta;
        theta += dtheta;

运行上面编辑的脚本时的 Unity 控制台图像

编辑 2以下是编辑 1 中给出的内核的编译代码。不幸的是,我对汇编语言的经验有限,我无法发现该脚本是否显示任何错误,或者它是否对当前的问题有用。

**** Platform Direct3D 11:
Compiled code for kernel CSMain
keywords: <none>
binary blob size 648:
// Generated by Microsoft (R) D3D Shader Disassembler
// Note: shader requires additional functionality:
//       Double-precision floating point
// Input signature:
// Name                 Index   Mask Register SysValue  Format   Used
// -------------------- ----- ------ -------- -------- ------- ------
// no Input
// Output signature:
// Name                 Index   Mask Register SysValue  Format   Used
// -------------------- ----- ------ -------- -------- ------- ------
// no Output
      dcl_globalFlags refactoringAllowed | enableDoublePrecisionFloatOps
      dcl_uav_structured u0, 8
      dcl_uav_structured u1, 8
      dcl_input vThreadID.x
      dcl_temps 2
      dcl_thread_group 64, 1, 1
   0: ine r0.x, vThreadID.x, l(1)
   1: if_nz r0.x
   2:   ret 
   3: endif 
   4: dmov r0.xy, d(-0.161000l, 0.000000l)
   5: mov r0.z, l(0)
   6: loop 
   7:   ige r0.w, r0.z, l(3)
   8:   breakc_nz r0.w
   9:   dmul r1.xyzw, r0.xyxy, d(1.001000l, 0.999000l)
  10:   dadd r1.xy, -r1.zwzw, r1.xyxy
  11:   store_structured u1.xy, r0.z, l(0), r1.xyxx
  12:   dadd r0.xy, r0.xyxy, d(0.010000l, 0.000000l)
  13:   iadd r0.z, r0.z, l(1)
  14: endloop 
  15: store_structured u0.xy, l(0), l(0), l(-0.000000,-0.707432,0,0)
  16: store_structured u0.xy, l(1), l(0), l(0.000000,-0.702312,0,0)
  17: store_structured u0.xy, l(2), l(0), l(-918250586112.000000,-0.697192,0,0)
  18: ret 
// Approximately 0 instruction slots used

编辑 3 联系 Microsoft 后,(请参阅https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/an...nrolling-a-loop-affect-the-accuracy-of-t.html ),他们说问题更多地与Unity有关。这是因为

“pragma unroll [(n)]是Unity使用的keil编译器主题”

Summarized question Does unrolling a loop affect the accuracy of the computations performed within the loop? And if so, why?

Elaboration and background I am writing a compute shader using HLSL for use in a Unity-project (2021.2.9f1). Parts of my code include numerical procedures and highly osciallatory functions, meaning that high computational accuracy is essential.

When comparing my results with an equivalent procedure in Python, I noticed that some deviations in the order of 1e-5. This was concerning, as I did not expect such large errors to be the result of precision differences, e.g., the float-precision in trigonometric or power functions in HLSL.

Ultimatley, after much debugging, I now believe the choice of unrolling or not unrolling a loop to be the cause of the deviation. However, I do find this strange, as I can not seem to find any sources indicating that unrolling a loop affects the accuracy in addition to the "space–time tradeoff".

For clarification, if considering my Python results as the correct solution, unrolling the loop in HLSL gives me better results than what not unrolling gives.

Minimal working example Below is an MWE consisting of a C# script for Unity, the corresponding compute shader where the computations are performed and a screen-shot of my console when running in Unity (2021.2.9f1). Forgive me for a somewhat messy implementation of Newtons method, but I chose to keep it since I believe it might be a cause to this deviation. That is, if simply computing cos(x), then there is not difference between the unrolled and not unrolled. None the less, I still fail to understand how the simple addition of [unroll(N)] in the testing kernel changes the result...

// C# for Unity
using UnityEngine;

public class UnrollTest : MonoBehaviour

    [SerializeField] ComputeShader CS;
    ComputeBuffer CBUnrolled, CBNotUnrolled;
    readonly int N = 3;

    private void Start()

        CBUnrolled = new ComputeBuffer(N, sizeof(double));
        CBNotUnrolled = new ComputeBuffer(N, sizeof(double));

        CS.SetBuffer(0, "_CBUnrolled", CBUnrolled);
        CS.SetBuffer(0, "_CBNotUnrolled", CBNotUnrolled);

        CS.Dispatch(0, (int)((N + (64 - 1)) / 64), 1, 1);

        double[] ansUnrolled = new double[N];
        double[] ansNotUnrolled = new double[N];


        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
            Debug.Log("Unrolled ans = " + ansUnrolled[i] + 
                "  -  Not Unrolled ans = " + ansNotUnrolled[i] +  
                "  --  Difference is: " + (ansUnrolled[i] - ansNotUnrolled[i]));
#pragma kernel CSMain

RWStructuredBuffer<double> _CBUnrolled, _CBNotUnrolled;

// Dummy function for Newtons method
double fDummy(double k, double fnh, double h, double theta)
    return fnh * fnh * k * h * cos(theta) * cos(theta) - (double) tanh(k * h);

// Derivative of Dummy function above using a central finite difference scheme.
double dfDummy(double k, double fnh, double h, double theta)
    return (fDummy(k + (double) 1e-3, fnh, h, theta) - fDummy(k - (double) 1e-3, fnh, h, theta)) / (double) 2e-3;

// Function to solve.
double f(double fnh, double h, double theta)
    // Solved using Newton's method.
    int max_iter = 50;
    double epsilon = 1e-8;
    double fxn, dfxn;

    // Define initial guess for k, herby denoted as x.
    double xn = 10.0;

    for (int n = 0; n < max_iter; n++)
        fxn = fDummy(xn, fnh, h, theta);
        if (abs(fxn) < epsilon)     // A solution is found.
            return xn;
        dfxn = dfDummy(xn, fnh, h, theta);

        if (dfxn == 0.0)    // No solution found.
            return xn;

        xn = xn - fxn / dfxn;

    // No solution found.
    return xn;

void CSMain(uint3 threadID : SV_DispatchThreadID)
    int N = 3;
    // ---------------
    double fnh = 0.9, h = 4.53052, theta = -0.161, dtheta = 0.01;   // Example values.
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)                 // Not being unrolled
        _CBNotUnrolled[i] = f(fnh, h, theta);
        theta += dtheta;
    // ---------------
    fnh = 0.9, h = 4.53052, theta = -0.161, dtheta = 0.01;          // Example values.

    [unroll(N)] for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)     // Being unrolled.
        _CBUnrolled[j] = f(fnh, h, theta);
        theta += dtheta;

Image of Unity console when running the above

Edit After some more testing, the deviation has been narrowed down to the following code, giving a difference of about 1e-17 between the exact same code unrolled vs not unrolled. Despite the small difference, I still consider it a valid example of the issue, as I believe they should be equal.

[numthreads(64, 1, 1)]
void CSMain(uint3 threadID : SV_DispatchThreadID)
    if ((int) threadID.x != 1)
    int N = 3;
    double k = 1.0;
    // ---------------
    double fnh = 0.9, h = 4.53052, theta = -0.161, dtheta = 0.01; // Example values.
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)                 // Not being unrolled
        _CBNotUnrolled[i] = (k + (double) 1e-3) * theta - (k - (double) 1e-3) * theta;
        theta += dtheta;
    // ---------------
    fnh = 0.9, h = 4.53052, theta = -0.161, dtheta = 0.01; // Example values.
    for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)     // Being unrolled.
        _CBUnrolled[j] = (k + (double) 1e-3) * theta - (k - (double) 1e-3) * theta;
        theta += dtheta;

Image of Unity console when running the edited script above

Edit 2 The following is the compiled code for the kernel given in Edit 1. Unfortunately, my experience with assembly language is limited, and I am not capable of spotting if this script shows any errors, or if it is useful to the problem at hand.

**** Platform Direct3D 11:
Compiled code for kernel CSMain
keywords: <none>
binary blob size 648:
// Generated by Microsoft (R) D3D Shader Disassembler
// Note: shader requires additional functionality:
//       Double-precision floating point
// Input signature:
// Name                 Index   Mask Register SysValue  Format   Used
// -------------------- ----- ------ -------- -------- ------- ------
// no Input
// Output signature:
// Name                 Index   Mask Register SysValue  Format   Used
// -------------------- ----- ------ -------- -------- ------- ------
// no Output
      dcl_globalFlags refactoringAllowed | enableDoublePrecisionFloatOps
      dcl_uav_structured u0, 8
      dcl_uav_structured u1, 8
      dcl_input vThreadID.x
      dcl_temps 2
      dcl_thread_group 64, 1, 1
   0: ine r0.x, vThreadID.x, l(1)
   1: if_nz r0.x
   2:   ret 
   3: endif 
   4: dmov r0.xy, d(-0.161000l, 0.000000l)
   5: mov r0.z, l(0)
   6: loop 
   7:   ige r0.w, r0.z, l(3)
   8:   breakc_nz r0.w
   9:   dmul r1.xyzw, r0.xyxy, d(1.001000l, 0.999000l)
  10:   dadd r1.xy, -r1.zwzw, r1.xyxy
  11:   store_structured u1.xy, r0.z, l(0), r1.xyxx
  12:   dadd r0.xy, r0.xyxy, d(0.010000l, 0.000000l)
  13:   iadd r0.z, r0.z, l(1)
  14: endloop 
  15: store_structured u0.xy, l(0), l(0), l(-0.000000,-0.707432,0,0)
  16: store_structured u0.xy, l(1), l(0), l(0.000000,-0.702312,0,0)
  17: store_structured u0.xy, l(2), l(0), l(-918250586112.000000,-0.697192,0,0)
  18: ret 
// Approximately 0 instruction slots used

Edit 3 After reaching out to Microsoft, (see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/an...nrolling-a-loop-affect-the-accuracy-of-t.html), they stated that the problem is more about Unity. This because

"The pragma unroll [(n)] is keil compiler which Unity uses topic"

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锦上情书 2025-01-27 08:24:15




被称为圆形最佳。但是,Direct3d 10定义了一个宽松的
在一个无限精确的结果的一个单位位置(1 ULP)中。

更进一步,HLSL编译器本身具有许多快速的优化,可以违反IEEE-754 Float符合。参见,例如:


  • 来源:



另外,请注意,Unity不能保证着色器中的 float 实际上是32位浮点。在某些硬件(例如移动设备)上,它甚至可以由16位或11位修复>固定来支持。


浮点/半/固定数据类型使用的一种并发症是PC GPU始终是高精度。也就是说,对于所有PC(Windows/Mac/Linux)GPU,无论您在着色器中编写Float,一半还是固定的数据类型都无关紧要。他们总是以完整的32位浮点精度计算所有内容。




  • 来源:

​07/16/Bruce Dawson的浮点数确定性/“ rel =” nofollow noreferrer“>“浮点确定论” 如果您想进一步潜入这个话题;我将补充说,如果您想在语言之间保持一致的结果(因为语言本身可以自己实现数学函数而不是使用硬件inntinsics,例如以更好的精度)(因为不同的编译器 /后端可以优化不同,或使用不同的系统库),或者在不同的运行时间内运行托管代码时(例如JIT可以进行不同的优化)。

This is driver, hardware, compiler, and unity dependent.

In essence, the HLSL specification has somewhat looser guarantees for rounding behavior of mathematical operations than regular IEEE-754 floating point.

First, it is implementation-dependent whether operations round up or down.

IEEE-754 requires floating-point operations to produce a result that
is the nearest representable value to an infinitely-precise result,
known as round-to-nearest-even. Direct3D 10, however, defines a looser
requirement: 32-bit floating-point operations produce a result that is
within one unit-last-place (1 ULP) of the infinitely-precise result.
This means that, for example, hardware is allowed to truncate results
to 32-bit rather than perform round-to-nearest-even, as that would
result in error of at most one ULP.

Going one step further, the HLSL compiler itself has many fast-math optimizations that can violate IEEE-754 float conformance; see, for example:

D3DCOMPILE_IEEE_STRICTNESS - Forces strict compile, which might not allow for legacy syntax. By default, the compiler disables strictness on deprecated syntax.
D3DCOMPILE_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL3 - Directs the compiler to use the highest optimization level. If you set this constant, the compiler produces the best possible code but might take significantly longer to do so. Set this constant for final builds of an application when performance is the most important factor.
D3DCOMPILE_PARTIAL_PRECISION - Directs the compiler to perform all computations with partial precision. If you set this constant, the compiled code might run faster on some hardware.

This particularly matters for your scenario, because if optimizations are enabled, the existence of loop unrolling can trigger constant folding optimizations that reduce the computational cost of your code and change the precision of its results (potentially even improving them). Note that when constant folding occurs, the compiler has to decide how to perform rounding, and that might disagree with what your hardware FPUs would do.

Oh, and note that IEEE-754 does not place constraints on the precision, let alone require implementation, of "additional operations" (e.g. sin, cos, tanh, atan, ln, etc); it purely recommends them.

Also, note that Unity does not guarantee that a float in shader is actually a 32-bit float; on certain hardware (e.g. mobile), it can even be backed by a 16-bit half or an 11-bit fixed.

High precision: float
Highest precision floating point value; generally 32 bits (just like float from regular programming languages).

One complication of float/half/fixed data type usage is that PC GPUs are always high precision. That is, for all the PC (Windows/Mac/Linux) GPUs, it does not matter whether you write float, half or fixed data types in your shaders. They always compute everything in full 32-bit floating point precision.

The half and fixed types only become relevant when targeting mobile
GPUs, where these types primarily exist for power (and sometimes
performance) constraints. Keep in mind that you need to test your
shaders on mobile to see whether or not you are running into
precision/numerical issues.

Even on mobile GPUs, the different precision support varies between
GPU families.

I don't believe Unity exposes compiler flags to developers; you are at its whim as to what optimizations it passes to dxc/fxc. Given it's primarily used for games, you can bet they enable optimizations.

Finally, check out "Floating-Point Determinism" by Bruce Dawson if you want an in-depth dive into this topic; I will add that this problem also exists if you want consistent results between languages (since languages themselves can implement math functions themselves rather than using hardware intrinsics, e.g. for better precision), when cross-compiling (since different compilers / backends can optimize differently or use different system libraries), or when running managed code across different runtimes (e.g. since JIT can do different optimiztions).

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