如果您的应用需要阅读基于SMS的用户验证 / OTP的SMS
验证请使用 sms reteriever api
According to Google
If your app requests the use of high-risk or sensitive permissions (for example, SMS or Call Log), you may be required to complete the Permissions Declaration Form and receive approval from Google Play.
Incase you are still stuck, you can try this
If your app need to read sms for SMS-based user verification / OTP
verification please use SMS Retriever API which does not needed any
sms permission and your app can still read SMS for OTP verification.
href =“ https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/9214102?visit_id = 63785096546546777030-424377777776335
According to Google
Permissions declaration
How to complete the Permissions declaration form