OSMNX 中是否有一种方法可以沿着投影图的每条边每 N 米添加中间节点?
import osmnx as ox
G = ox.graph_from_place('Cortlandt, New York', network_type='drive', simplify=True)
Gp = ox.project_graph(G)
nodes, edges = ox.graph_to_gdfs(Gp)
# nodes is a GeoDataFrame with GeoSeries of "osmid", "y", "x", "lat", "lon", "highway", and "geometry"
# this is awkward to reference
ls = edges["geometry"][191122010][3046769062]
length_m = edges["length"][191122010][3046769062][0]
d_m = 0
while d_m < length_m:
point = ls.interpolate(d_m)
node = ... # TODO
d_m += 50
因此,问题是我如何创建一个与边缘上的其他节点具有相同属性但不使用 LineString 而是使用点的节点?我如何从插值点获得经纬度?
Is there a way in OSMNX to add inbetween nodes along each edge of a projected graph every N meters?
This is I suppose the opposite of simplification in a way.
If there's a long curve on a road, the nodes should still be added on the curve not as the crow flies.
import osmnx as ox
G = ox.graph_from_place('Cortlandt, New York', network_type='drive', simplify=True)
Gp = ox.project_graph(G)
nodes, edges = ox.graph_to_gdfs(Gp)
# nodes is a GeoDataFrame with GeoSeries of "osmid", "y", "x", "lat", "lon", "highway", and "geometry"
# this is awkward to reference
ls = edges["geometry"][191122010][3046769062]
length_m = edges["length"][191122010][3046769062][0]
d_m = 0
while d_m < length_m:
point = ls.interpolate(d_m)
node = ... # TODO
d_m += 50
The question is thus how I do create a node that has the same attributes as other nodes on the edge but doesn't use a LineString but rather a point? And how would I get a lat, lon from the interpolated point?
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