我们已经在.NET Core中启动了一个新项目。我们刚刚开始,我们正在击中Web API端点,以获取8个记录的一些参考数据。
在调试时,我们知道我们正在进入 .tolistasync()
,然后在SQL Profiler中,我们可以看到它会启动查询,并且需要延迟时间。
We have started a new project in .NET Core. We are just starting out and we are hitting a Web API endpoint to get some reference data of 8 records.
We noticed in our Angular screen that perodically (about every 10 requests) to a screen that the EF query takes about 6 to 15 seconds to run, rather than the 30ms it normally takes.
On debugging we know that we are getting right up to the .ToListAsync()
and then in SQL profiler we can see it initiates the query and it take a delayed time.
So first impressions says its a SQL issue but if we run the SQL query manually in SQL itself it never delays.
Any ideas?
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This might have to do with the connection pooling setup of efcore, It should not request a new connection on each request to db, enable connection pooling by adding this in your dependency management:
reference :- https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/performance/advanced-performance-topics?tabs=with-di%2Cwith-constant