IOS simulator is not open and shows only a black screen how can I open this simulator, I am using the latest Xcode. I try to Erase all simulator data but can't open the emulator
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ios 15.2
而不是ios 15.5
的模拟器来解决它,xcode 13.4
I was able to solve it by downloading the simulator for
iOS 15.2
instead ofiOS 15.5
forXcode 13.4
.Now the simulator loads, but only on devices with 15.2 .
Just open
click Simulators tab, click New (+), click on the OS Version dropdown and choose
Download more simulator runtimes
, download 15.2 and use new simulator with 15.2 as OS Version.There seems to have been a problem with the simulator runtime for 15.5 in this xcode version.
MAUI RC刚刚出来,所以我全面升级了Mac,并使用了最新的VS 2022 Preview和Xamarin进行了运行。仍然不起作用,但至少终端错误是不同的。除了下面显示的不同错误外,它不再失败,而只是继续尝试直到我击中取消。我将在不久的将来使用MAUI应用程序尝试(并发布更新),因为我怀疑Xamarin间歇性的基本功能丧失是由于专注于MAUI,并且几乎完全忽略了对Xamarin的测试。
未经手的异常:system.typeinitialization exception:'xamarin.messaging.messaging.terminal.xmaapp'的类型初始化器抛出了例外。 - >无法加载文件或汇编'newtonsoft.json,版本=,culture =中性,publicKeyToken = 30AD4FE6B2A6AEED'或其依赖项之一。该系统找不到指定的文件。
在xamarin.messaging.client.serialization.serialializer中... ctor()
at Xamarin.Messaging.Client.Serialization.SerializationManager.<>c.<.cctor>b__3_0() in D:\a_work\1\s\src\Xamarin.Messaging.Client\Serialization\SerializationManager.cs:line 17
在system.lazy1.createvalue()at system.lazy1.lazyinitvalue()
在d:\ a _work \ 1 \ s \ s \ src \ xamarin.messaging.terminal \ xmaapp.cs:第24行
- 内部异常堆栈跟踪的结尾 -
在d:\ a _work \ 1 \ s \ s \ src \ xamarin.messaging.messaging.terminal \ program.cs.cs:第18
============== proginal i Progintion i Proginal.con 18 === proginal
i Promints i Progintion i Proginnal i Firstant I Girinase I花了几天为此而苦苦挣扎。如果您查看iOS终端,您可以在工具下抚养这种终端 - &gt; ios-&gt;配对Mac上的开放终端...,您可能会看到:
未经手的异常无法加载文件或组装'clap'splap,version =,culture =中性,中性,public keytrytoken = null'或其中一个依赖性。需要一个强有力的组件。 (Hresult的例外:0x80131044)
在Xamarin.messaging.terminal.program.main(string [] args)上,
这是否是Visual Studio团队的部署问题,我不确定。我回到了Visual Studio 17 LTCS版本,但仍然存在相同的问题,反对这一点。无论如何,对我而言,一旦我关闭了远程仿真器,它就可以工作。
工具 - &GT;选项...
附带说明如果有人看到相同的话,此版本也不会让我同步工具中的证书 /配置文件 - &gt; ios-&gt;帐户给我带来了一个安全错误,我必须使用XCode 7.3,过去在使用免费Apple帐户的人身上出现了XCode 7.3。我在Xcode 15+上使用了多年的付费应用程序,因此事实并非如此。我能够与所有公司帐户同步。幸运的是,我的证书 /个人资料已经同步,但是如果某人无法开始,因为他们完全缺乏它们,那么制作公司帐户(如果适当)可能会根据我的观察有所帮助。
*** Update 4/13/2022
MAUI RC just came out so I upgraded mac fully and ran with latest VS 2022 preview and Xamarin. Still doesn't work, but at least the terminal error is different. In addition to the different error shown below, it no longer fails but just keeps trying until I hit cancel. I will be trying it with a MAUI app in the near future (and will post an update) as I suspect much of the Xamarin intermittent basic loss of functionality is due to focus on MAUI and nearly complete neglect of testing on Xamarin.
Open Terminal on Paired Mac now shows:
Unhandled Exception: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for ‘Xamarin.Messaging.Terminal.XmaApp’ threw an exception. —> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly ‘Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
at Xamarin.Messaging.Client.Serialization.BsonSerializer…ctor()
at Xamarin.Messaging.Client.Serialization.SerializationManager.<>c.<.cctor>b__3_0() in D:\a_work\1\s\src\Xamarin.Messaging.Client\Serialization\SerializationManager.cs:line 17
at System.Lazy1.CreateValue() at System.Lazy1.LazyInitValue()
at Xamarin.Messaging.Terminal.XmaApp…cctor() in D:\a_work\1\s\src\Xamarin.Messaging.Terminal\XmaApp.cs:line 24
— End of inner exception stack trace —
at Xamarin.Messaging.Terminal.XmaApp…ctor()
at Xamarin.Messaging.Terminal.Program.Main(String[] args) in D:\a_work\1\s\src\Xamarin.Messaging.Terminal\Program.cs:line 18
==== Original
I spent a few days struggling with this. If you look at the iOS terminal which you can bring up under tools -> iOS -> Open Terminal on Paired Mac..., you will probably see:
Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'CLAP, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. A strongly-named assembly is required. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131044)
at Xamarin.Messaging.Terminal.Program.Main(String[] args)
Whether this is a deployment issue by visual studio team or not, I'm not sure. I went back to visual studio 17 LTCS version, and still had the same issue which argues against that. In any case, for me it worked once I turned off remote emulator to windows.
To do that, go:
Tools -> options...
Then scroll down to Xamarin, expand that and click iOS settings.
About 2 or 3 sections down, you should see Simulator and below that a check box:
Remote Simulator to Windows
Uncheck that. In my case, I also had to close out the simulator that was sitting on the black screen. After that, it opened my app perfectly. It's inconvenient, but I just moved my Mac from back table up to my desk so I can work with the emulator.
On a side note in case someone sees the same, this version also will NOT let me sync certificates / profiles in Tools -> iOS -> accounts as it gives me a security error that I must use XCode 7.3 which in past showed up on people using free apple accounts. I am on XCode 15+ and have had a paid app for years, so that's not the case. I WAS able to sync with all of my corporate accounts. Fortunately, my certificates / profiles are already synced, but if someone can't get started because they lack them entirely, making a corporate account (if appropriate) might help based on my observations.
Hope that helps at least some of the people arriving here!
我在xcode 13.4中遇到了一个错误,但是当我下载xcode 13.2.1问题时。
I am getting an error in Xcode 13.4 but when I download Xcode 13.2.1 issue is solved
当小部件没有用 Scaffold/MaterialApp 包装时,就会发生这种情况。
flutter clean
然后flutter pub get
。那么它应该可以工作。This happens when the widget is not wrapped with Scaffold/MaterialApp.
Alternatively, try
flutter clean
and thenflutter pub get
. It should work then.