众所周知,我们通过在发布时提及运行时标识符来发布针对特定平台的独立应用程序。对于那些不知道什么是独立应用程序的人来说,更多的是在这里 -
过去,我成功地发布了针对Windows 7、8.1、10的应用程序,使用
我尝试的事情 -
As you all know .NET let's us publish self-contained applications targeting a specific platform by mentioning the Runtime Identifier at the time of publish. For those of you who are not aware what a self-contained application is, more about it is here -
In the past I have successfully published such applications targeting windows 7, 8.1, 10 using the Runtime Identifiers mentioned in the .NET RID catalog
Question is, what is the RID for publishing an application targeting windows 11 ?
Things I tried -
- Tried using win11-x64 as this is line with existing windows x64 RIDs. But build failed with error "Runtime identifier not recognized"
- Installed latest version of .NET 6 hoping this will solve the issue but it didn't.
- Searched through Microsoft docs and github issue list but couldn't find anything to come to the conclusion whether windows 11 support is there or not. Or if it's a work in progress.
- Found latest and complete version of RIDs has no mention of windows 11.
- Submitted an issue to update the docs - https://github.com/dotnet/docs/issues/28885. But not sure when this will get attention.
Please help me with any information you have regarding this.
已经讨论了 github上的其他地方。
目前的答案似乎是尚未添加这些内容,并且不会添加鉴于API级别的Windows 10和Windows 11之间几乎没有区别。
This has been discussed elsewhere on GitHub.
The answer at present appears to be that these have not been added and will not be added given there is little or no difference between Windows 10 and Windows 11 at an API level.