我有一个使用CODEMAGIC通过CI运行的Flutter应用程序,将该应用程序构建为iOS和Android。 CI的很大一部分是语义版本控件,它将我的git提交并构建我的版本作为Gitlab中的标签。创建这些标签时,这将触发构建CI,该构建CI应采用标签并在build上设置版本。
echo "getting latest version..."
export NEW_VERSION_NAME=$((git describe --tags) | cut -c 2-)
NEW_IOS_VERSION_NAME=$((git describe --tags) | cut -c 2-6)
echo "VERSION_NAME=$NEW_VERSION_NAME" > app/version.properties
echo "updating ios version"
agvtool new-marketing-version $NEW_IOS_VERSION_NAME
但是使用Android,我在Android Studio中没有任何工具,因为Android Studio中没有任何工具将在预构建中更新版本。 CI中唯一的选项是将 $ new_version_name
传递到 flutter build apk-release -release-build-name = $ new_version_name
相反/Github.com/codemagic-ci-cd/android-versioning-example ),而是在操纵App/build.gradle中的版本。
在本地,我从 exec {}
def gitVersionName = { ->
try {
def stdout = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
exec {
commandLine 'git', 'describe', '--tags',
standardOutput = stdout
println("Git Version: ${stdout.toString().trim()}")
return stdout.toString().trim()
catch (ignored) {
return null;
android {
defaultConfig {
applicationId "XXX"
minSdkVersion 21
targetSdkVersion 30
versionCode flutterVersionCode.toInteger()
versionName gitVersionName() ?: flutterVersionName
本地效法,但是当我尝试在CodeMagic CI中运行此功能时,我会得到<代码>致命:不是在Android构建中打印的有效对象名称。我只能假设这意味着终端不在git存储库中,因此不会返回任何git命令。
如果有人知道如何将CD降为Kotlin Exec中的正确目录,那么我可以继续此方法。或者,如果某人有一种从git标签中获取版本的替代方法,那么更好!
I have a Flutter app that i'm running through CI using Codemagic to build out the app to iOS and Android. A big part of the CI is a semantic version control which takes my git commits and builds my version as a tag in gitlab. When these tags are created, this triggers the build CI which should take the tag and set the version on build.
For iOS this has not been a problem as in my pre-build script I can get the version and set it using the agvtools
echo "getting latest version..."
export NEW_VERSION_NAME=$((git describe --tags) | cut -c 2-)
NEW_IOS_VERSION_NAME=$((git describe --tags) | cut -c 2-6)
echo "VERSION_NAME=$NEW_VERSION_NAME" > app/version.properties
echo "updating ios version"
agvtool new-marketing-version $NEW_IOS_VERSION_NAME
but with Android I'm having much more trouble getting it work as there isn't any tools in Android Studio that will update the version in the pre-build. The only option in the CI is to pass the $NEW_VERSION_NAME
into the flutter build apk --release --build-name=$NEW_VERSION_NAME
since the variables don't seem to be passed between scripts.
instead I've found an example repo for android version control from Codemagic (https://github.com/codemagic-ci-cd/android-versioning-example) and instead am manipulating the version inside the app/build.gradle.
locally I got the following working where I get the tag from exec {}
inside a kotlin function and then return the string:
def gitVersionName = { ->
try {
def stdout = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
exec {
commandLine 'git', 'describe', '--tags',
standardOutput = stdout
println("Git Version: ${stdout.toString().trim()}")
return stdout.toString().trim()
catch (ignored) {
return null;
android {
defaultConfig {
applicationId "XXX"
minSdkVersion 21
targetSdkVersion 30
versionCode flutterVersionCode.toInteger()
versionName gitVersionName() ?: flutterVersionName
Locally this works, but when I try to run this in the Codemagic CI I get fatal: Not a valid object name
printed in the Android Build. I can only assume that this means the terminal is not inside the git repo and so is not returning any git commands.
If someone knows how to CD into the correct directory inside kotlin exec then I could continue this method. or if someone has an alternative way to get the version from git tag then even better!
$ new_version_name
to special$ cm_env
flutter build build
I'd recommend to use the same approach as iOS build. You just need to save
to special$CM_ENV
file at the end your script likeAnd it will allow you to use the variable for
flutter build
commandYou can find more information and example here