C# 计算夏令时
您如何使用datetime.now计算C#中的日光节省时间? DST从第二个开始 三月的星期日。并在11月的第一个星期日结束。这些可以通过DateTime的Dayofweek计算。
Dayofweek Dow; 字符串p =“ 3” +“/” + dy.toString() +“/” + yr.tostring() +“” +“ 3” +“:” + Mn.toString() +“:” + sc。 ToString(); dateTime start = dateTime.parse(p); p =“ 11” +“/” + dy.tostring() +“/” + yr.tostring() +“” +“ 1” +“:” + mn.tostring() +“:” + sc.tostring (); dateTime end = dateTime.parse(p); DateTime电流; for(dys = 1; dys< = 17; dys ++) { p =“ 3” +“/” + dys.tostring() +“/” + yr.tostring() +“” +“ 3” +“:” + mn.tostring() +“:” + sc.tostring (); current = datetime.parse(p); Dow = Current.dayofweek; if(((mo == 3)&&(aaa == 0) { AAA = 1; } if(((aaa == 1)&&(dow == dayofweek.sunday)) { start = datetime.parse(p); AAA = 2; } } for(染料= 1; dye< = 14;染料++) { p =“ 11” +“/” + dye.toString() +“/” + yr.tostring() +“” +“” +“ 1” +“:” + mn.tostring() +“:” + sc.tostring (); current = datetime.parse(p); Dow = Current.dayofweek; if(((mo == 11)&&(bbb == 0) { BBB = 1; end = datetime.parse(p); } } if(((start> = datetime.now)&&(end< = dateTime.now)) { DSTS = 0; } 别的 { DSTS = 1; }
How do you calculate Daylight Savings Time in C# with DateTime.Now? DST starts on the Second
Sunday in March. And ends on the first Sunday in November. These can be calculated thru the DayOfWeek in DateTime.
DayOfWeek dow; string p = "3" + "/" + dy.ToString() + "/" + yr.ToString() + " " + "3" + ":" + mn.ToString() + ":" + sc.ToString(); DateTime start = DateTime.Parse(p); p = "11" + "/" + dy.ToString() + "/" + yr.ToString() + " " + "1" + ":" + mn.ToString() + ":" + sc.ToString(); DateTime end = DateTime.Parse(p); DateTime current; for (dys = 1; dys <= 17; dys++) { p = "3" + "/" + dys.ToString() + "/" + yr.ToString() + " " + "3" + ":" + mn.ToString() + ":" + sc.ToString(); current = DateTime.Parse(p); dow = current.DayOfWeek; if ((mo == 3) && (aaa == 0) && (dow == DayOfWeek.Sunday)) { aaa = 1; } if ((aaa == 1) && (dow == DayOfWeek.Sunday)) { start = DateTime.Parse(p); aaa = 2; } } for (dye = 1; dye <= 14; dye++) { p = "11" + "/" + dye.ToString() + "/" + yr.ToString() + " " + "1" + ":" + mn.ToString() + ":" + sc.ToString(); current = DateTime.Parse(p); dow = current.DayOfWeek; if ((mo == 11) && (bbb == 0) && (dow == DayOfWeek.Sunday)) { bbb = 1; end = DateTime.Parse(p); } } if ((start >= DateTime.Now) && (end <= DateTime.Now)) { dsts = 0; } else { dsts = 1; }
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您需要 DateTimeOffset 和 TimeZoneInfo 类来处理所有这些。
处理时区时,始终使用 DateTimeOffset 类而不是 DateTime。 https://learn.microsoft.com/ en-us/dotnet/api/system.datetimeoffset?view=net-6.0
链接1:https://learn.microsoft.com/en- us/dotnet/api/system.timezoneinfo?view=net-6.0
将时间从一个时区转换为其他时区 https://learn.microsoft.com/ en-us/dotnet/api/system.timezoneinfo.converttime?view=net-6.0
You can check these microsoft implementations. They already handle timezones and daylight saving time conversions. We do not need to implement them.
You need DateTimeOffset and TimeZoneInfo classes to deal with all these.
Always work with DateTimeOffset class instead of DateTime when dealing with timezones. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.datetimeoffset?view=net-6.0
link1: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.timezoneinfo?view=net-6.0
Convert time from one timezone to other https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.timezoneinfo.converttime?view=net-6.0
Something like below
Similarly you can convert time from any timezone to any other timezone. And also the comparisons (Equals, greater than, less than) across the timezone will work well and handled by the framework.