我的网站上有一个使用 WordPress 的博客,并注意到有垃圾邮件帖子,例如新娘、约会和其他与我的网站无关的广告。我不知道它来自哪里,因为我只能在仪表板上访问。我已经安装了 wordfence,并且在网站上没有检测到问题。所有插件均已更新并具有最新版本的 Wordpress。
现在大多数 WordPress 网站都发生这种情况吗?我怎样才能防止这种情况发生?
I have a blog in my website using wordpress and noticed that there are spam posts such as bride, dating and other ads that are not related to my website. I don't know where it come from as I only have an access on the dashboard. I already installed wordfence and no detected issues on the site. All of the plugins are updated and have the latest version of Wordpress.
Sometimes it published multiple articles on one day and noticed that it post at least one article everyday.
Is it happening on most of the Wordpress websites right now? How I can prevent this?
Hopefully, someone can help solve this problem. Any idea or hint to solve it will be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
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转到您的数据库,然后检查 wp_users 表并查看是否存在不应该存在的帐户。
Go to your database then check the wp_users table and see if there are accounts that are not supposed to be there.