我如何将Java中的字符从扩展ASCII或Unicode转换为其7位ASCII等效物,包括诸如Open(“ 0x93)和关闭(> 0x94)的特殊字符”例如,对于简单的双引号( 0x22)。已经找到堆栈溢出问题与此相似,但答案似乎只有答案 处理口音并忽略特殊字符
String sample = "“Caffè – Peña”";
System.out.println(Normalizer.normalize(sample, Normalizer.Form.NFD)
.replaceAll("\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}", ""));
“Caffe – Pena”
要澄清我的需求,我正在与使用EBCDIC编码的IBM I DB2数据库进行交互,如果用户粘贴从Word或Outlook复制的字符串,例如我指定的字符。 EBCDIC,ASCII中的0x1a)。我正在寻找一种消毒字符串的方法,以便丢失尽可能少的信息。
How can I convert characters in Java from Extended ASCII or Unicode to their 7-bit ASCII equivalent, including special characters like open (“
0x93) and close (”
0x94) quotes to a simple double quote ("
0x22) for example. Or similarly dash (–
0x96) to hyphen-minus (-
0x2D). I have found Stack Overflow questions similar to this, but the answers only seem to deal with accents and ignore special characters.
For example I would like “Caffè – Peña”
to transformed to "Caffe - Pena"
However when I use java.text.Normalizer:
String sample = "“Caffè – Peña”";
System.out.println(Normalizer.normalize(sample, Normalizer.Form.NFD)
.replaceAll("\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}", ""));
Output is
“Caffe – Pena”
To clarify my need, I am interacting with an IBM i Db2 database that uses EBCDIC encoding. If a user pastes a string copied from Word or Outlook for example, characters like the ones I specified are translated to SUB (0x3F in EBCDIC, 0x1A in ASCII). This causes a lot of unnecessary headache. I am looking for a way to sanitize the string so as little information as possible is lost.
因此,您可以将“ IBM-037”的
调用。但是,如果您的目标是丢失尽可能少的信息,则应评估数据是否可以存储在UTF-8(CCSID 1208)中。这可以处理智能报价和其他“特殊字符”。根据您的数据库和应用程序结构,这样的更改可能非常小,或者可能非常大和风险!但是,拥有无损翻译的唯一方法是使用Unicode风味,而UTF-8最明智。
You can just use String.replace() to replace the quote characters as another commenter recommends, and you could grow the list of problematic characters over time.
You could also use a more generic function to replace or ignore any characters that can't be encoded. For instance:
So you could call those with an
of "IBM-037", for instance.However, if your objective is to lose as little information as possible, you should evaluate whether the data can be stored in UTF-8 (CCSID 1208). This could handle the smart quotes and other "special characters" just fine. Depending on your database and application structure, such a change could be very small to implement, or it could be very large and risky! But the only way to have lossless translation is to use a unicode flavor, and UTF-8 is most sensible.
The commenters who have said your problem is "subjective" (not in the sense of opinion-based but in the sense of each person's specific requirements being slightly different from everyone else's) or poorly defined or inherently impossible... are technically correct.
But you are looking for something practical you can do to improve the situation, which is also completely valid.
The sweet spot in terms of balancing difficulty of implementation with accuracy of results is to stitch together what you've already found plus the suggestions from the less-negative commenters:
The above might cover "all" future cases, depending on where the data is coming from. Or close enough to all that you can implement it and be done with it. If you want to add some robustness, and will be around to maintain this process for a while, then you could also come up with a list of all the characters you want to allow in the sanitized result, and then set up some kind of exception or logging mechanism that will let you (or your successor) find new unhandled cases as they arise that can then be used to refine the custom part of the mapping.
经过一番挖掘后,我能够使用 这个答案 的解决方案.org/core/4_9_0/analyzers-common/org/apache/lucene/analysis/miscellaneous/ASCIIFoldingFilter.html" rel="nofollow noreferrer">org.apache.lucene.analysis.ASCIIFoldingFilter
我能找到的所有示例都使用方法 foldToASCII 如 此项目:
这正是我正在寻找的并将字符转换为其 ASCII 7 位等效版本。
然而,通过进一步的研究,我发现,因为我主要处理 Windows-1252 编码,并且 jt400 处理 ASCII <-> 的方式, EBCDIC (CCSID 37) 转换,如果将 ASCII 字符串转换为 EBCDIC 再转换回 ACSII,唯一丢失的字符是
。受到这种方式的启发 lucene的foldToASCII处理它,我整理了以下仅处理这些情况的方法:因为事实证明我真正的问题是 Windows-1252 到 Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1) 的翻译,这里是一个 支持材料 显示上述方法中使用Windows-1252到Unicode的转换,最终得到Latin-1编码。
After some digging I was able to find solution based on this answer using org.apache.lucene.analysis.ASCIIFoldingFilter
All the examples I was able to find were using the static version of the method foldToASCII as in this project:
However that static method has a note on it saying
So after some trial and error I came up with this version that avoids using the static method:
Similar to an answer I provided here.
This does exactly what I was looking for and translates characters to their ASCII 7-bit equivalent version.
However, through further research I have found that because I am mostly dealing with Windows-1252 encoding and because of the way jt400 handles ASCII <-> EBCDIC (CCSID 37) translation, if an ASCII string is translated to EBCDIC and back to ACSII, the only characters that are lost are
. So inspired by the way lucene's foldToASCII handles it, I put together following method that handles these cases only:Since it turns out that my real problem was Windows-1252 to Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1) translation, here is a supporting material that shows the Windows-1252 to Unicode translation used in the method above to ultimately get Latin-1 encoding.