如何在 Azure 数据湖存储上创建外部增量表?我目前正在开展一个迁移项目(从 Pyspark/Hadoop 到 Azure)。我找不到太多有关在 Azure Delta take 中创建非托管表的文档。以下是我目前能够在 Pyspark/Hive/HDFS 设置中执行的一系列操作,想知道如何在 Azure 上建立相同的操作。
按顺序执行的操作 -
- 创建数据帧 DF
- Drop Hive 外部表(如果存在),使用
将数据帧 DF 加载到此外部表
- 创建数据帧 DF1
- Drop Hive 外部表(如果存在) ,使用 DF1.write.insertInto("table") 将数据帧 DF1 加载到此外部表
即使我在加载第二个数据帧之前执行“如果存在则删除表”,如果我查询在步骤 4 之后,我可以看到两个数据帧中的内容,因为我只是“删除”表结构而不是实际数据(Hive 外部表)。它看起来是这样的 -
>>> df = spark.createDataFrame([('abcd','xyz')], ['s', 'd'])
>>> df1 = spark.createDataFrame([('abcd1','xyz1')], ['s', 'd'])
>>> spark.sql("CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mydb.test_table (s string,d string) ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.parquet.serde.ParquetHiveSerDe' STORED AS INPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.parquet.MapredParquetInputFormat' OUTPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.parquet.MapredParquetOutputFormat' LOCATION 'hdfs://system/dev/stage/test_table'")
>>> df.write.insertInto("mydb.test_table",overwrite=True)
>>> spark.sql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS mydb.test_table')
>>> df1.write.insertInto("mydb.test_table",overwrite=False)
>>> spark.sql("select * from mydb.test_table").show()
| s| d|
| abcd| xyz|
我正在尝试使用 Azure Delta Lake 表执行类似的操作,步骤如下 -
- 创建数据帧。
- 将数据帧保存在 ADLS 中(可能这就是我在这里做错的事情,我应该使用挂载 dbfs 路径而不是容器吗?)
- 在此路径之上创建非托管表。
这是我的 Databricks 笔记本中的代码。
df = spark.createDataFrame([('abcd','xyz')], ['s', 'd'])
table_path = f"abfss://[email protected]/stage/test_table"
spark.sql("CREATE TABLE test_table USING DELTA LOCATION 'abfss://[email protected]/stage/test_table'")
但是,它没有在位置 table_path 中写入数据帧,并且最后一步无法创建表(可能这里需要 dbfs: 安装路径?)。如何使用非托管 Delta Lake 表执行类似的操作?
How do I create external Delta tables on Azure Data lake storage? I am currently working on a migration project (from Pyspark/Hadoop to Azure). I couldn't find much documentation around creating unmanaged tables in Azure Delta take. Here is a sequence of operations that I am currently able to perform in Pyspark/Hive/HDFS setup, wonder how can I establish the same on Azure.
Actions in sequence-
- Create a dataframe DF
- Drop Hive external table if exists, load dataframe DF to this external table using
- create a dataframe DF1
- Drop Hive external table if exists, load dataframe DF1 to this external table using
Even though I perform "drop tables if exists" before loading 2nd dataframe, if I query the "table" after step 4, I can see content from both dataframes because I am just "dropping" the table structure and not the actual data (Hive External Table). Here is how it looks-
>>> df = spark.createDataFrame([('abcd','xyz')], ['s', 'd'])
>>> df1 = spark.createDataFrame([('abcd1','xyz1')], ['s', 'd'])
>>> spark.sql("CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mydb.test_table (s string,d string) ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.parquet.serde.ParquetHiveSerDe' STORED AS INPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.parquet.MapredParquetInputFormat' OUTPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.parquet.MapredParquetOutputFormat' LOCATION 'hdfs://system/dev/stage/test_table'")
>>> df.write.insertInto("mydb.test_table",overwrite=True)
>>> spark.sql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS mydb.test_table')
>>> df1.write.insertInto("mydb.test_table",overwrite=False)
>>> spark.sql("select * from mydb.test_table").show()
| s| d|
| abcd| xyz|
I am trying to perform the similar using Azure Delta lake Table with below steps-
- Create the dataframes.
- Save dataframes in ADLS (probably this is what I am doing wrong here, should I use mount dbfs path instead of container?)
- Create unmanaged table on top of this path.
Here is the code in my Databricks notebook.
df = spark.createDataFrame([('abcd','xyz')], ['s', 'd'])
table_path = f"abfss://[email protected]/stage/test_table"
spark.sql("CREATE TABLE test_table USING DELTA LOCATION 'abfss://[email protected]/stage/test_table'")
However it is not writing the dataframe in the location table_path and final step fails to create the table (probably a dbfs: mount path is required here?). How can I perform similar operations using unmanaged Delta lake tables?
Use the above method to create an external table in Delta Lake like Hive manner.
For complete reference, Check the below web doc link
[LOCATION path] helps to give the external path. This clause will take care of external table creation