MERN 用于电子商务?
我正在尝试学习如何建立一个拥有 2000 多种产品的电子商务商店。我的第一个任务是挑选一堆。大多数谷歌结果表明 MEAN / MERN 堆栈最适合电子商务。因此,我开始学习 MongoDB NodeJS ExpressJS 以及 CSS HTML 和 JavaScript。然后,是时候在 Angular 和 React 之间做出选择了。选择很简单,我遇到的大多数课程和教程都在使用 React。当我开始学习 React 时,我就接触到了 SPA 的概念。然后我开始研究,发现 MPA 被认为是电子商务的更好选择,这让我很困惑。如果 MPA 比 SPA 更适合电子商务,为什么互联网上充斥着 MEAN / MERN 建议以及 eShop 建设课程?谢谢你!
I am trying to learn how to build an eCommerce store with 2000+ products. My first quest was to pick a stack. Most google results suggest that the MEAN / MERN stack is the best for eCommerce. So, i started learning MongoDB NodeJS ExpressJS as well as CSS HTML and JavaScript. Then, it was time to choose between Angular and React. The choice was easy, most courses and tutorials i came across were using React. Once i started learning React i was introduced to the concept of SPA. Then i started researching and found that MPAs are considered a better choice for eCommerce which got me really confused. If MPAs are better than SPAs for eCommerce, why the internet is filled with MEAN / MERN suggestions as well as eShop building courses? Thank you!
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库或框架(React、Angular)适合电子商务网站。因为一旦你加载了一个网站,它的页面加载速度非常快。页面加载=更高的转化率。我们发现 SPA 的转换点比 MPA 提高了 0.4% 至 1.5%。此外,它还减少了频繁的页面重新加载。 SPA 框架和库也得到了广泛的社区支持。
(" rel="nofollow noreferrer">https:// / 或Gastby
(服务器端渲染)。[enter link description here][1]I think
library or framework (React, Angular) is suitable for E-Commerce website. Because it has very fast page load once you have loaded a site. Page load = higher conversion. We see a conversion point increase of 0.4% to 1.5% on SPA than MPAs.Also, it reduces frequent page reloading. There is big community support for SPA frameworks and libraries as well.
However, you have to figure out how to make it SEO friendly by using something like
( orGastby
( forSSR
(Server side rendering).