-- L shapes from top left to top right then down to bottom right
lShaped :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
lShaped = lShaped' . map reverse
-- L shapes from top right backwards to top left then down to bottom left
lShaped' :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
lShaped' [] = []
lShaped' ([]:_) = []
lShaped' (xs:xss) = (reverse xs ++ map head xss) : lShaped' (map tail xss)
我们需要两个基本情况来处理比它们高的矩形 宽并且比高度还宽 - 你的代码缺少一个 这些。
或者,我们可以尝试使用库函数而不是这样做 手动递归。
该函数沿向上倾斜的线将矩形切成两部分。 n 是 上/左部分第一行的长度,或者如果 n 更大 比矩形的宽度你必须把它想象成一个坐标 在定义切割右上角点的矩形之外 行,这样一些完整的行就会出现在之前的上/左部分 我们开始讨论。
slice :: Int -> [[a]] -> ([[a]], [[a]])
slice n xss = unzip (zipWith splitAt [n,n-1 ..] xss)
使用切片可以很好地分割元素的水平和 L 的垂直部分,但垂直部分没有排列成 有用的方法。我们可以再次使用切片,而不是尝试重新排列它们 对矩阵进行转置以使它们进入正确的列表。 最后我们将水平和垂直部分放在一起 zipWith (++)。
We could write initAndLast, but it wouldn't help performance very much because that would still be a lot of work to do for each element of the result.
We really want to be working at the beginning of the lists so we can get at the elements with only a constant amount of work. We can arrange this by flipping the matrix left-to-right with map reverse. Now we always work with the first row and column. We just have to remember to un-reverse the row parts as we produce them.
-- L shapes from top left to top right then down to bottom right
lShaped :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
lShaped = lShaped' . map reverse
-- L shapes from top right backwards to top left then down to bottom left
lShaped' :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
lShaped' [] = []
lShaped' ([]:_) = []
lShaped' (xs:xss) = (reverse xs ++ map head xss) : lShaped' (map tail xss)
We need the two base cases to deal with rectangles taller than they are wide as well as wider than they are tall - your code is missing one of these.
Alternatively we could try to use library functions rather than doing manual recursion.
This function slices a rectangle into two parts along an upward-sloping line. n is the length of the first row of the upper/left part, or if n is greater than the width of the rectangle you have to imagine it as a coordinate outside the rectangle defining the top-right point of the cutting line, so that some full rows will appear in the upper/left part before we get down to the cut.
slice :: Int -> [[a]] -> ([[a]], [[a]])
slice n xss = unzip (zipWith splitAt [n,n-1 ..] xss)
Using slice splits up the elements nicely for the horizontal and vertical parts of the Ls, but the vertical parts aren't arranged in a useful way. Rather than try to rearrange them we can use slice again on the transpose of the matrix to get them in the right lists. Finally we put the horizontal and vertical parts together with zipWith (++).
I don't know if I like this solution better than the manual recursion but there it is. It's always a bit of a shame to introduce lengths and numbers into a list algorithm but I don't see a cleaner way at the moment.
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
-- returns 2D list of Cartesian coordinates for entries of L-shaped matrix:
coordList :: Int -> [[(Int,Int)]]
coordList n = go n 0 n where -- rl: Row Length sr: Starting Row
go n sr rl = ((map (sr,) [0..(rl-1)]) ++ (map (,rl-1) [(sr+1)..(n-1)]) ) :
if (rl > 1) then go n (sr+1) (rl-1) else []
import qualified Data.Vector as V
-- vector-based version:
lShapedTraverse :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
lShapedTraverse xss =
rank = length (head xss) -- matrix rank
pairs = coordList rank -- 2D list of Cartesian coordinates
matrix = V.fromList (map V.fromList xss) -- 2D vector
map (map (\(i,j) -> ((matrix V.! i) V.! j))) $ pairs
printAsLines :: Show α => [α] -> IO ()
printAsLines xs = mapM_ (putStrLn . show) xs
main :: IO ()
main = do
let xss = [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]]
lMat1 = lShapedTraverse xss
putStrLn $ "res1 = "
printAsLines lMat1
res1 =
As there are several possibilities to represent the input matrix, we can try to separate the “navigation”, i.e. choice of elements, from the actual matrix representation.
In order to achieve this, we can easily write a recursive function that produces the 2D list of Cartesian coordinates to be extracted from the input matrix:
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
-- returns 2D list of Cartesian coordinates for entries of L-shaped matrix:
coordList :: Int -> [[(Int,Int)]]
coordList n = go n 0 n where -- rl: Row Length sr: Starting Row
go n sr rl = ((map (sr,) [0..(rl-1)]) ++ (map (,rl-1) [(sr+1)..(n-1)]) ) :
if (rl > 1) then go n (sr+1) (rl-1) else []
This might be inefficient, but it is correct. And so we can have a more efficient version of this by replacing lists by vectors and the list !! operator by the equivalent vector ! operator:
import qualified Data.Vector as V
-- vector-based version:
lShapedTraverse :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
lShapedTraverse xss =
rank = length (head xss) -- matrix rank
pairs = coordList rank -- 2D list of Cartesian coordinates
matrix = V.fromList (map V.fromList xss) -- 2D vector
map (map (\(i,j) -> ((matrix V.! i) V.! j))) $ pairs
Test program:
printAsLines :: Show α => [α] -> IO ()
printAsLines xs = mapM_ (putStrLn . show) xs
main :: IO ()
main = do
let xss = [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]]
lMat1 = lShapedTraverse xss
putStrLn $ "res1 = "
printAsLines lMat1
map reverse
宽并且比高度还宽 - 你的代码缺少一个
是上/左部分第一行的长度,或者如果 n 更大
L 的垂直部分,但垂直部分没有排列成
zipWith (++)
We could write
, but it wouldn't help performance verymuch because that would still be a lot of work to do for each element
of the result.
We really want to be working at the beginning of the lists so we can
get at the elements with only a constant amount of work. We can
arrange this by flipping the matrix left-to-right with
map reverse
.Now we always work with the first row and column. We just have to
remember to un-reverse the row parts as we produce them.
We need the two base cases to deal with rectangles taller than they are
wide as well as wider than they are tall - your code is missing one
of these.
Alternatively we could try to use library functions rather than doing
manual recursion.
This function slices a rectangle into two parts along an upward-sloping line.
isthe length of the first row of the upper/left part, or if n is greater
than the width of the rectangle you have to imagine it as a coordinate
outside the rectangle defining the top-right point of the cutting
line, so that some full rows will appear in the upper/left part before
we get down to the cut.
Using slice splits up the elements nicely for the horizontal and
vertical parts of the Ls, but the vertical parts aren't arranged in a
useful way. Rather than try to rearrange them we can use slice again
on the transpose of the matrix to get them in the right lists.
Finally we put the horizontal and vertical parts together with
zipWith (++)
.I don't know if I like this solution better than the manual recursion
but there it is. It's always a bit of a shame to introduce lengths
and numbers into a list algorithm but I don't see a cleaner way at the
coordList 通过幼稚使用效率低下的功能!列表提取操作员:
As there are several possibilities to represent the input matrix, we can try to separate the “navigation”, i.e. choice of elements, from the actual matrix representation.
In order to achieve this, we can easily write a recursive function that produces the 2D list of Cartesian coordinates to be extracted from the input matrix:
Checking under the
interpreter:Next, we test our new
function by naïvely using the inefficient !! list extraction operator:This might be inefficient, but it is correct. And so we can have a more efficient version of this by replacing lists by vectors and the list !! operator by the equivalent vector ! operator:
Test program:
Program output: