Git 检测到我的 GitHub 存储库中公开的 ODBC 连接字符串
分支到Git Repo。但是我忘了确保连接数据库服务器设置。
详细介绍,我全部委托并推动了包括ODBC连接字符串,秘密键,服务器密码的文件文件。 我知道这是开发人员的最大错误之一。但是我努力完成另一个代码,然后无法处理整个问题。
我如何解决问题,而无需修改操作以repository (删除整个回购并创建新的回购)
我正在使用 .netcore 和 entityFramework 在 Visual Studio *。
I have already pushed my code to the master
branch to the Git repo. But I forgot to secure of my connection database server setting.
In detail, I commited and pushed entirely local appsettings.json
file that include ODBC connection string, secret keys, password of server.
I knew it is one of the most mistake of developers. But I worked hard to finish another piece of code, then cannot handle the whole problem.
According my research, Git was structured as worktree and each commit is a snapshot of the whole repo, so if I fix my mistake on locally code and push again, the problem cannot be solved the secret leak. Because Git saved my secret key & password on history. So I really need your help!
How can I solve the problem without modifiied actions to repository (delete entire repo and create new one)
And how to set up Git to against secured files when I just need to remove secret character strings and password on each commit?
I am using .NetCore and EntityFrameWork to build a web api on visual studio*.
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