我为 SwiftUI 创建了一个 UIScrollView
import SwiftUI
struct ZoomableScrollView<Content: View>: UIViewRepresentable {
private var content: Content
init(@ViewBuilder content: () -> Content) {
self.content = content()
func makeUIView(context: Context) -> UIScrollView {
// set up the UIScrollView
let scrollView = UIScrollView()
scrollView.delegate = context.coordinator // for viewForZooming(in:)
scrollView.maximumZoomScale = 4
scrollView.minimumZoomScale = 1
scrollView.bouncesZoom = false
// Indicators
scrollView.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator = false
scrollView.showsVerticalScrollIndicator = false
// create a UIHostingController to hold our SwiftUI content
let hostedView = context.coordinator.hostingController.view!
hostedView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = true
hostedView.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight]
hostedView.frame = scrollView.bounds
return scrollView
func makeCoordinator() -> Coordinator {
return Coordinator(hostingController: UIHostingController(rootView: self.content))
func updateUIView(_ uiView: UIScrollView, context: Context) {
// update the hosting controller's SwiftUI content
context.coordinator.hostingController.rootView = self.content
assert(context.coordinator.hostingController.view.superview == uiView)
// MARK: - Coordinator
class Coordinator: NSObject, UIScrollViewDelegate {
var hostingController: UIHostingController<Content>
init(hostingController: UIHostingController<Content>) {
self.hostingController = hostingController
func viewForZooming(in scrollView: UIScrollView) -> UIView? {
return hostingController.view
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { geo in
ZoomableScrollView {
.frame(width: 100, height: 100)
现在我希望 UIScrollView
我找到了几个关于如何使用 UIImage
I created a UIScrollView
for SwiftUI as follows:
import SwiftUI
struct ZoomableScrollView<Content: View>: UIViewRepresentable {
private var content: Content
init(@ViewBuilder content: () -> Content) {
self.content = content()
func makeUIView(context: Context) -> UIScrollView {
// set up the UIScrollView
let scrollView = UIScrollView()
scrollView.delegate = context.coordinator // for viewForZooming(in:)
scrollView.maximumZoomScale = 4
scrollView.minimumZoomScale = 1
scrollView.bouncesZoom = false
// Indicators
scrollView.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator = false
scrollView.showsVerticalScrollIndicator = false
// create a UIHostingController to hold our SwiftUI content
let hostedView = context.coordinator.hostingController.view!
hostedView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = true
hostedView.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight]
hostedView.frame = scrollView.bounds
return scrollView
func makeCoordinator() -> Coordinator {
return Coordinator(hostingController: UIHostingController(rootView: self.content))
func updateUIView(_ uiView: UIScrollView, context: Context) {
// update the hosting controller's SwiftUI content
context.coordinator.hostingController.rootView = self.content
assert(context.coordinator.hostingController.view.superview == uiView)
// MARK: - Coordinator
class Coordinator: NSObject, UIScrollViewDelegate {
var hostingController: UIHostingController<Content>
init(hostingController: UIHostingController<Content>) {
self.hostingController = hostingController
func viewForZooming(in scrollView: UIScrollView) -> UIView? {
return hostingController.view
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { geo in
ZoomableScrollView {
.frame(width: 100, height: 100)
Now I want the content of the UIScrollView
to bounce back to the edge when dragged off the screen.
I've found several tutorials on how to do this with a UIImage
, however I don't know how to apply this to my code.
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