Python Pandas 分段错误 - 将列求和在一起
我有一个数据框,其中包含可能的阵容(6 列,阵容中的每个球员 1 列)。
- 阵容数据框:列 = F1、F2、F3、F4、F5、F6,其中每列是玩家姓名 + '_' + 他们的玩家 id
- 幻想点数据框:列 = 玩家 + ID、幻想点
I go 列6 名玩家获得 6 个幻想点值的列:
for col in ['F1', 'F2', 'F3', 'F4', 'F5', 'F6']:
lineups = lineups.join(sim_data[['Name_SlateID', 'Points']].set_index('Name_SlateID'), how='left', on=f'{col}', rsuffix = 'x')
然后,在我认为最简单的部分中,我尝试总结它们,然后得到 Segmentation Failure: 11
sum_columns = ['F1_points', 'F2_points', 'F3_points', 'F4_points', 'F5_points', 'F6_points']
lineups = reduce_memory_usage(lineups)
lineups[f'sim_{i}_points'] = lineups[sum_columns].sum(axis=1, skipna=True)
reduce_memory_usage comes来自这篇文章:
在运行此命令之前,我已将数据帧的内存减少了 50%通过选择正确的数据类型,我尝试使用 pd.eval() 代替,我尝试通过 for 循环对列进行一一求和,但似乎没有任何效果。
编辑: 规格:操作系统 - MacOS Monterey 12.2.1、python - 3.8.8、pandas - 1.4.1
Data columns (total 27 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 F1 107056 non-null object
1 F2 107056 non-null object
2 F3 107056 non-null object
3 F4 107056 non-null object
4 F5 107056 non-null object
5 F6 107056 non-null object
6 F1_own 107056 non-null float16
7 F1_salary 107056 non-null int16
8 F2_own 107056 non-null float16
9 F2_salary 107056 non-null int16
10 F3_own 107056 non-null float16
11 F3_salary 107056 non-null int16
12 F4_own 107056 non-null float16
13 F4_salary 107056 non-null int16
14 F5_own 107056 non-null float16
15 F5_salary 107056 non-null int16
16 F6_own 107056 non-null float16
17 F6_salary 107056 non-null int16
18 total_salary 107056 non-null int32
19 dupes 107056 non-null float32
20 over_600_frequency 107056 non-null int8
21 F1_points 107056 non-null float16
22 F2_points 107056 non-null float16
23 F3_points 107056 non-null float16
24 F4_points 107056 non-null float16
25 F5_points 107056 non-null float16
26 F6_points 107056 non-null float16
dtypes: float16(12), float32(1), int16(6), int32(1), int8(1), object(6)
memory usage: 10.3+ MB
I am working on a project for daily fantasy sports.
I have a dataframe containing possible lineups in it (6 columns, 1 for each player in a lineup).
As part of my process, I generate a possible fantasy point value for all players.
Next, I want to total the points scored for a lineup in my lineups dataframe by referencing the fantasy points dataframe.
For reference:
- Lineups Dataframe: columns = F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6 where each column is a player's name + '_' + their player id
- Fantasy Points Dataframe: columns = Player + ID, Fantasy Points
I go column by column for the 6 players to get the 6 fantasy points values:
for col in ['F1', 'F2', 'F3', 'F4', 'F5', 'F6']:
lineups = lineups.join(sim_data[['Name_SlateID', 'Points']].set_index('Name_SlateID'), how='left', on=f'{col}', rsuffix = 'x')
Then, in what I thought would be the simplest part, I try to sum them up and I get Segmentation Fault: 11
sum_columns = ['F1_points', 'F2_points', 'F3_points', 'F4_points', 'F5_points', 'F6_points']
lineups = reduce_memory_usage(lineups)
lineups[f'sim_{i}_points'] = lineups[sum_columns].sum(axis=1, skipna=True)
reduce_memory_usage comes from this article:
I have reduced the memory of the dataframe by 50% before running this line by choosing correct dtypes, I have tried using pd.eval() instead, I have tried summing the columns one by one via a for loop and nothing ever seems to work.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Specs: OS - MacOS Monterey 12.2.1, python - 3.8.8, pandas - 1.4.1
Here are the details of my lineups dataframe right before the line causing the error:
Data columns (total 27 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 F1 107056 non-null object
1 F2 107056 non-null object
2 F3 107056 non-null object
3 F4 107056 non-null object
4 F5 107056 non-null object
5 F6 107056 non-null object
6 F1_own 107056 non-null float16
7 F1_salary 107056 non-null int16
8 F2_own 107056 non-null float16
9 F2_salary 107056 non-null int16
10 F3_own 107056 non-null float16
11 F3_salary 107056 non-null int16
12 F4_own 107056 non-null float16
13 F4_salary 107056 non-null int16
14 F5_own 107056 non-null float16
15 F5_salary 107056 non-null int16
16 F6_own 107056 non-null float16
17 F6_salary 107056 non-null int16
18 total_salary 107056 non-null int32
19 dupes 107056 non-null float32
20 over_600_frequency 107056 non-null int8
21 F1_points 107056 non-null float16
22 F2_points 107056 non-null float16
23 F3_points 107056 non-null float16
24 F4_points 107056 non-null float16
25 F5_points 107056 non-null float16
26 F6_points 107056 non-null float16
dtypes: float16(12), float32(1), int16(6), int32(1), int8(1), object(6)
memory usage: 10.3+ MB
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分段错误 11 表示您使用了大约 8GB 内存。作为备份计划,有一些云解决方案(例如 AWS、GCP、Azure)可以为您提供足够的内存,Colab 是免费的,可能足以满足您的需求。
就解决根本问题而言,如果您的日期集太大,则可能无法在此处使用 pandas。我还想看看您是否可以将 sim_data[['Name_SlateID', 'Points']] 存储在内存中,这样它就不会重新计算,并且您可以删除已经加入的数据帧,例如 这个。这些有帮助吗?
Segmentation fault 11 means you're using about 8gb of memory. As a backup plan, there are cloud solutions (e.g. AWS, GCP, Azure) that will give you more than enough memory, Colab is free and might be enough for your needs.
As far as fixing the underlying problem, it might be impossible to use pandas here if your dateset is too big. I would also see if you could store sim_data[['Name_SlateID', 'Points']] in memory so it doesn't recompute, and you can delete already joined dataframes like this. Does any of that help?