是否可以通过查看以太坊区块交易 data
字段来解码诸如 multicall(uint256 Deadline, bytes[] data)
根据此 etherscan 记录,上述块是发送到Uniswap V3:路由器 2。我想解码 data
字段。使用 以太坊 ABI 规范,合约的 ABI 可用于查找获取智能合约中所有函数的哈希值。将函数 multicall(uint256,bytes[])
的 Keccak-256 哈希中的前八个字符与 data
的开头进行比较code> 上面的字段,标识函数调用。
但是,此时我无法判断上面的 bytes[]
数组指的是什么,因此无法解码 data
字段的其余部分。似乎真正解码此调用的唯一方法是梳理 uniswap 源代码,将剩余字节映射为更易于人类阅读的内容。
但不知何故,etherscan.io 设法向我们展示该交易解码为:

Is it possible to decode the input data of something like multicall(uint256 deadline, bytes[] data)
by looking at the Ethereum block transaction data
A given ethereum transaction might contain a data field such as:
According to this etherscan record, the above block is a transaction sent to Uniswap V3: Router 2. I want to decode the data
field. Using the Ethereum ABI Spec, the contract's ABI can be used to find get the hash of all the functions in the smart contract. Comparing the first eight characters in the Keccak-256 hash of the function multicall(uint256,bytes[])
, 5ae401dc
, to the beginning of the data
field above, identifies the function call.
However, at this point I cannot tell what the bytes[]
array above refers to, and so cannot decode the rest of the data
field. It seems like the only way to really decode this call is to comb through the uniswap source code to map the remaining bytes into something more human readable.
But somehow etherscan.io manages to show us that this transaction decodes to:

Am I missing something, or is the only way to arrive at the list of transfers above to go through the contract data?
此 Etherscan 令牌传输列表来自交易生成的事件日志。不是直接来自
您可以在交易收据中看到事件日志列表。例如使用 web3js:
This Etherscan token transfer list comes from event logs generated by the transaction. Not directly from the
field.The multicall argument only specifies a list of addresses to perform internal transactions to, and their data fields.
You can see the list of event logs in the transaction receipt. For example using web3js: