Websocket 连接在 IE 中有效,但在 Edge 中无效
我使用默认的 stomp.js 文件来创建 websocket 连接。连接在边缘上工作正常,但在边缘上不起作用。它给出以下错误。 错误:[$rootScope:inprog] http://errors.angularjs .org/1.3.0-beta.13/$rootScope/inprog? p0=%24摘要 在 angular.min.js:12:20 在 n (angular.min.js:2712:37) 在a.$$childScopeClass.$$childScopeClass.$apply (angular.min.js:2869:32) 在 qtsLaunch.js:190:63 在 angular.min.js:1830:25 在 Q (angular.min.js:2544:57) 在 Q (angular.min.js:2544:57) 在 angular.min.js:2600:35 在 h.$eval (angular.min.js:2859:32) 在 h.$digest (angular.min.js:2818:56)
WebSocket connection to 'wss://check-demo.internal/Rust/406/k4hocrzy/websocket' failed:
SockJS.websocket @ VM27:1213
SockJS._try_next_protocol @ VM27:1150
SockJS._didClose @ VM27:1058
SockJS.that._ir.onfinish @ VM27:984
EventEmitter.emit @ VM27:148
xo.onfinish @ VM27:1948
EventEmitter.emit @ VM27:148
that.xhr.onreadystatechange @ VM27:801
enter code here
(function() {
var Byte, Client, Frame, Stomp,
hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
slice = [].slice;
Byte = {
LF: '\x0A',
NULL: '\x00'
Frame = (function() {
var unmarshallSingle;
function Frame(command1, headers1, body1, escapeHeaderValues1) {
this.command = command1;
this.headers = headers1 != null ? headers1 : {};
this.body = body1 != null ? body1 : '';
this.escapeHeaderValues = escapeHeaderValues1 != null ? escapeHeaderValues1 : false;
Frame.prototype.toString = function() {
var lines, name, ref, skipContentLength, value;
lines = [this.command];
skipContentLength = (this.headers['content-length'] === false) ? true : false;
if (skipContentLength) {
delete this.headers['content-length'];
ref = this.headers;
for (name in ref) {
if (!hasProp.call(ref, name)) continue;
value = ref[name];
if (this.escapeHeaderValues && this.command !== 'CONNECT' && this.command !== 'CONNECTED') {
lines.push(name + ":" + (Frame.frEscape(value)));
} else {
lines.push(name + ":" + value);
if (this.body && !skipContentLength) {
lines.push("content-length:" + (Frame.sizeOfUTF8(this.body)));
lines.push(Byte.LF + this.body);
return lines.join(Byte.LF);
Frame.sizeOfUTF8 = function(s) {
if (s) {
return encodeURI(s).match(/%..|./g).length;
} else {
return 0;
unmarshallSingle = function(data, escapeHeaderValues) {
var body, chr, command, divider, headerLines, headers, i, idx, j, k, len, len1, line, ref, ref1, ref2, start, trim;
if (escapeHeaderValues == null) {
escapeHeaderValues = false;
divider = data.search(RegExp("" + Byte.LF + Byte.LF));
headerLines = data.substring(0, divider).split(Byte.LF);
command = headerLines.shift();
headers = {};
trim = function(str) {
return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
ref = headerLines.reverse();
for (j = 0, len1 = ref.length; j < len1; j++) {
line = ref[j];
idx = line.indexOf(':');
if (escapeHeaderValues && command !== 'CONNECT' && command !== 'CONNECTED') {
headers[trim(line.substring(0, idx))] = Frame.frUnEscape(trim(line.substring(idx + 1)));
} else {
headers[trim(line.substring(0, idx))] = trim(line.substring(idx + 1));
body = '';
start = divider + 2;
if (headers['content-length']) {
len = parseInt(headers['content-length']);
body = ('' + data).substring(start, start + len);
} else {
chr = null;
for (i = k = ref1 = start, ref2 = data.length; ref1 <= ref2 ? k < ref2 : k > ref2; i = ref1 <= ref2 ? ++k : --k) {
chr = data.charAt(i);
if (chr === Byte.NULL) {
body += chr;
return new Frame(command, headers, body, escapeHeaderValues);
Frame.unmarshall = function(datas, escapeHeaderValues) {
var frame, frames, last_frame, r;
if (escapeHeaderValues == null) {
escapeHeaderValues = false;
frames = datas.split(RegExp("" + Byte.NULL + Byte.LF + "*"));
r = {
frames: [],
partial: ''
r.frames = (function() {
var j, len1, ref, results;
ref = frames.slice(0, -1);
results = [];
for (j = 0, len1 = ref.length; j < len1; j++) {
frame = ref[j];
results.push(unmarshallSingle(frame, escapeHeaderValues));
return results;
last_frame = frames.slice(-1)[0];
if (last_frame === Byte.LF || (last_frame.search(RegExp("" + Byte.NULL + Byte.LF + "*$"))) !== -1) {
r.frames.push(unmarshallSingle(last_frame, escapeHeaderValues));
} else {
r.partial = last_frame;
return r;
Frame.marshall = function(command, headers, body, escapeHeaderValues) {
var frame;
frame = new Frame(command, headers, body, escapeHeaderValues);
return frame.toString() + Byte.NULL;
Frame.frEscape = function(str) {
return ("" + str).replace(/\\/g, "\\\\").replace(/\r/g, "\\r").replace(/\n/g, "\\n").replace(/:/g, "\\c");
Frame.frUnEscape = function(str) {
return ("" + str).replace(/\\r/g, "\r").replace(/\\n/g, "\n").replace(/\\c/g, ":").replace(/\\\\/g, "\\");
return Frame;
Client = (function() {
var now;
function Client(ws_fn) {
this.ws_fn = function() {
var ws;
ws = ws_fn();
ws.binaryType = "arraybuffer";
return ws;
this.reconnect_delay = 0;
this.counter = 0;
this.connected = false;
this.heartbeat = {
outgoing: 10000,
incoming: 10000
this.maxWebSocketFrameSize = 16 * 1024;
this.subscriptions = {};
this.partialData = '';
Client.prototype.debug = function(message) {
var ref;
return typeof window !== "undefined" && window !== null ? (ref = window.console) != null ? ref.log(message) : void 0 : void 0;
now = function() {
if (Date.now) {
return Date.now();
} else {
return new Date().valueOf;
Client.prototype._transmit = function(command, headers, body) {
var out;
out = Frame.marshall(command, headers, body, this.escapeHeaderValues);
if (typeof this.debug === "function") {
this.debug(">>> " + out);
while (true) {
if (out.length > this.maxWebSocketFrameSize) {
this.ws.send(out.substring(0, this.maxWebSocketFrameSize));
out = out.substring(this.maxWebSocketFrameSize);
if (typeof this.debug === "function") {
this.debug("remaining = " + out.length);
} else {
return this.ws.send(out);
Client.prototype._setupHeartbeat = function(headers) {
var ref, ref1, serverIncoming, serverOutgoing, ttl, v;
if ((ref = headers.version) !== Stomp.VERSIONS.V1_1 && ref !== Stomp.VERSIONS.V1_2) {
ref1 = (function() {
var j, len1, ref1, results;
ref1 = headers['heart-beat'].split(",");
results = [];
for (j = 0, len1 = ref1.length; j < len1; j++) {
v = ref1[j];
return results;
})(), serverOutgoing = ref1[0], serverIncoming = ref1[1];
if (!(this.heartbeat.outgoing === 0 || serverIncoming === 0)) {
ttl = Math.max(this.heartbeat.outgoing, serverIncoming);
if (typeof this.debug === "function") {
this.debug("send PING every " + ttl + "ms");
this.pinger = Stomp.setInterval(ttl, (function(_this) {
return function() {
return typeof _this.debug === "function" ? _this.debug(">>> PING") : void 0;
if (!(this.heartbeat.incoming === 0 || serverOutgoing === 0)) {
ttl = Math.max(this.heartbeat.incoming, serverOutgoing);
if (typeof this.debug === "function") {
this.debug("check PONG every " + ttl + "ms");
return this.ponger = Stomp.setInterval(ttl, (function(_this) {
return function() {
var delta;
delta = now() - _this.serverActivity;
if (delta > ttl * 2) {
if (typeof _this.debug === "function") {
_this.debug("did not receive server activity for the last " + delta + "ms");
return _this.ws.close();
Client.prototype._parseConnect = function() {
var args, closeEventCallback, connectCallback, errorCallback, headers;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
headers = {};
if (args.length < 2) {
throw "Connect requires at least 2 arguments";
if (typeof args[1] === 'function') {
headers = args[0], connectCallback = args[1], errorCallback = args[2], closeEventCallback = args[3];
} else {
switch (args.length) {
case 6:
headers.login = args[0], headers.passcode = args[1], connectCallback = args[2], errorCallback = args[3], closeEventCallback = args[4], headers.host = args[5];
headers.login = args[0], headers.passcode = args[1], connectCallback = args[2], errorCallback = args[3], closeEventCallback = args[4];
return [headers, connectCallback, errorCallback, closeEventCallback];
Client.prototype.connect = function() {
var args, out;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
this.escapeHeaderValues = false;
out = this._parseConnect.apply(this, args);
this.headers = out[0], this.connectCallback = out[1], this.errorCallback = out[2], this.closeEventCallback = out[3];
this._active = true;
return this._connect();
Client.prototype._connect = function() {
var UTF8ArrayToStr, closeEventCallback, errorCallback, headers;
headers = this.headers;
errorCallback = this.errorCallback;
closeEventCallback = this.closeEventCallback;
if (!this._active) {
this.debug('Client has been marked inactive, will not attempt to connect');
if (typeof this.debug === "function") {
this.debug("Opening Web Socket...");
this.ws = this.ws_fn();
UTF8ArrayToStr = (function(_this) {
return function(array) {
var c, char2, char3, i, len, out;
out = "";
len = array.length;
i = 0;
while (i < len) {
c = array[i++];
switch (c >> 4) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
out += String.fromCharCode(c);
case 12:
case 13:
char2 = array[i++];
out += String.fromCharCode(((c & 0x1F) << 6) | (char2 & 0x3F));
case 14:
char2 = array[i++];
char3 = array[i++];
out += String.fromCharCode(((c & 0x0F) << 12) | ((char2 & 0x3F) << 6) | ((char3 & 0x3F) << 0));
return out;
this.ws.onmessage = (function(_this) {
return function(evt) {
var arr, client, data, frame, j, len1, messageID, onreceive, ref, subscription, unmarshalledData;
data = typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined' && evt.data instanceof ArrayBuffer ? (arr = new Uint8Array(evt.data), typeof _this.debug === "function" ? _this.debug("--- got data length: " + arr.length) : void 0, UTF8ArrayToStr(arr)) : evt.data;
_this.serverActivity = now();
if (data === Byte.LF) {
if (typeof _this.debug === "function") {
_this.debug("<<< PONG");
if (typeof _this.debug === "function") {
_this.debug("<<< " + data);
unmarshalledData = Frame.unmarshall(_this.partialData + data, _this.escapeHeaderValues);
_this.partialData = unmarshalledData.partial;
ref = unmarshalledData.frames;
for (j = 0, len1 = ref.length; j < len1; j++) {
frame = ref[j];
switch (frame.command) {
if (typeof _this.debug === "function") {
_this.debug("connected to server " + frame.headers.server);
_this.connected = true;
_this.version = frame.headers.version;
if (_this.version === Stomp.VERSIONS.V1_2) {
_this.escapeHeaderValues = true;
if (!_this._active) {
if (typeof _this.connectCallback === "function") {
case "MESSAGE":
subscription = frame.headers.subscription;
onreceive = _this.subscriptions[subscription] || _this.onreceive;
if (onreceive) {
client = _this;
if (_this.version === Stomp.VERSIONS.V1_2) {
messageID = frame.headers["ack"];
} else {
messageID = frame.headers["message-id"];
frame.ack = function(headers) {
if (headers == null) {
headers = {};
return client.ack(messageID, subscription, headers);
frame.nack = function(headers) {
if (headers == null) {
headers = {};
return client.nack(messageID, subscription, headers);
} else {
if (typeof _this.debug === "function") {
_this.debug("Unhandled received MESSAGE: " + frame);
case "RECEIPT":
if (frame.headers["receipt-id"] === _this.closeReceipt) {
_this.ws.onclose = null;
if (typeof _this._disconnectCallback === "function") {
} else {
if (typeof _this.onreceipt === "function") {
case "ERROR":
if (typeof errorCallback === "function") {
if (typeof _this.debug === "function") {
_this.debug("Unhandled frame: " + frame);
this.ws.onclose = (function(_this) {
return function(closeEvent) {
var msg;
msg = "Whoops! Lost connection to " + _this.ws.url;
if (typeof _this.debug === "function") {
if (typeof closeEventCallback === "function") {
if (typeof errorCallback === "function") {
return _this._schedule_reconnect();
return this.ws.onopen = (function(_this) {
return function() {
if (typeof _this.debug === "function") {
_this.debug('Web Socket Opened...');
headers["accept-version"] = Stomp.VERSIONS.supportedVersions();
headers["heart-beat"] = [_this.heartbeat.outgoing, _this.heartbeat.incoming].join(',');
return _this._transmit("CONNECT", headers);
Client.prototype._schedule_reconnect = function() {
if (this.reconnect_delay > 0) {
if (typeof this.debug === "function") {
this.debug("STOMP: scheduling reconnection in " + this.reconnect_delay + "ms");
return this._reconnector = setTimeout((function(_this) {
return function() {
if (_this.connected) {
return typeof _this.debug === "function" ? _this.debug('STOMP: already connected') : void 0;
} else {
if (typeof _this.debug === "function") {
_this.debug('STOMP: attempting to reconnect');
return _this._connect();
})(this), this.reconnect_delay);
Client.prototype.disconnect = function(disconnectCallback, headers) {
var error;
if (headers == null) {
headers = {};
this._disconnectCallback = disconnectCallback;
this._active = false;
if (this.connected) {
if (!headers.receipt) {
headers.receipt = "close-" + this.counter++;
this.closeReceipt = headers.receipt;
try {
return this._transmit("DISCONNECT", headers);
} catch (error1) {
error = error1;
return typeof this.debug === "function" ? this.debug('Ignoring error during disconnect', error) : void 0;
Client.prototype._cleanUp = function() {
if (this._reconnector) {
this.connected = false;
this.subscriptions = {};
this.partial = '';
if (this.pinger) {
if (this.ponger) {
return Stomp.clearInterval(this.ponger);
Client.prototype.send = function(destination, headers, body) {
if (headers == null) {
headers = {};
if (body == null) {
body = '';
headers.destination = destination;
return this._transmit("SEND", headers, body);
Client.prototype.subscribe = function(destination, callback, headers) {
var client;
if (headers == null) {
headers = {};
if (!headers.id) {
headers.id = "sub-" + this.counter++;
headers.destination = destination;
this.subscriptions[headers.id] = callback;
this._transmit("SUBSCRIBE", headers);
client = this;
return {
id: headers.id,
unsubscribe: function(hdrs) {
return client.unsubscribe(headers.id, hdrs);
Client.prototype.unsubscribe = function(id, headers) {
if (headers == null) {
headers = {};
delete this.subscriptions[id];
headers.id = id;
return this._transmit("UNSUBSCRIBE", headers);
Client.prototype.begin = function(transaction_id) {
var client, txid;
txid = transaction_id || "tx-" + this.counter++;
this._transmit("BEGIN", {
transaction: txid
client = this;
return {
id: txid,
commit: function() {
return client.commit(txid);
abort: function() {
return client.abort(txid);
Client.prototype.commit = function(transaction_id) {
return this._transmit("COMMIT", {
transaction: transaction_id
Client.prototype.abort = function(transaction_id) {
return this._transmit("ABORT", {
transaction: transaction_id
Client.prototype.ack = function(messageID, subscription, headers) {
if (headers == null) {
headers = {};
if (this.version === Stomp.VERSIONS.V1_2) {
headers["id"] = messageID;
} else {
headers["message-id"] = messageID;
headers.subscription = subscription;
return this._transmit("ACK", headers);
Client.prototype.nack = function(messageID, subscription, headers) {
if (headers == null) {
headers = {};
if (this.version === Stomp.VERSIONS.V1_2) {
headers["id"] = messageID;
} else {
headers["message-id"] = messageID;
headers.subscription = subscription;
return this._transmit("NACK", headers);
return Client;
Stomp = {
V1_0: '1.0',
V1_1: '1.1',
V1_2: '1.2',
supportedVersions: function() {
return '1.2,1.1,1.0';
client: function(url, protocols) {
var ws_fn;
if (protocols == null) {
protocols = ['v10.stomp', 'v11.stomp', 'v12.stomp'];
ws_fn = function() {
var klass;
klass = Stomp.WebSocketClass || WebSocket;
return new klass(url, protocols);
return new Client(ws_fn);
over: function(ws) {
var ws_fn;
ws_fn = typeof ws === "function" ? ws : function() {
return ws;
return new Client(ws_fn);
Frame: Frame
Stomp.setInterval = function(interval, f) {
return setInterval(f, interval);
Stomp.clearInterval = function(id) {
return clearInterval(id);
if (typeof exports !== "undefined" && exports !== null) {
exports.Stomp = Stomp;
if (typeof window !== "undefined" && window !== null) {
window.Stomp = Stomp;
} else if (!exports) {
self.Stomp = Stomp;
I am using default stomp.js file for creating websocket connections. Connection works fine in edge but it doesn't work in edge. It gives the following error.
error: [$rootScope:inprog] http://errors.angularjs.org/1.3.0-beta.13/$rootScope/inprog?
at angular.min.js:12:20
at n (angular.min.js:2712:37)
at a.$$childScopeClass.$$childScopeClass.$apply (angular.min.js:2869:32)
at qtsLaunch.js:190:63
at angular.min.js:1830:25
at Q (angular.min.js:2544:57)
at Q (angular.min.js:2544:57)
at angular.min.js:2600:35
at h.$eval (angular.min.js:2859:32)
at h.$digest (angular.min.js:2818:56)
WebSocket connection to 'wss://check-demo.internal/Rust/406/k4hocrzy/websocket' failed:
SockJS.websocket @ VM27:1213
SockJS._try_next_protocol @ VM27:1150
SockJS._didClose @ VM27:1058
SockJS.that._ir.onfinish @ VM27:984
EventEmitter.emit @ VM27:148
xo.onfinish @ VM27:1948
EventEmitter.emit @ VM27:148
that.xhr.onreadystatechange @ VM27:801
enter code here
(function() {
var Byte, Client, Frame, Stomp,
hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
slice = [].slice;
Byte = {
LF: '\x0A',
NULL: '\x00'
Frame = (function() {
var unmarshallSingle;
function Frame(command1, headers1, body1, escapeHeaderValues1) {
this.command = command1;
this.headers = headers1 != null ? headers1 : {};
this.body = body1 != null ? body1 : '';
this.escapeHeaderValues = escapeHeaderValues1 != null ? escapeHeaderValues1 : false;
Frame.prototype.toString = function() {
var lines, name, ref, skipContentLength, value;
lines = [this.command];
skipContentLength = (this.headers['content-length'] === false) ? true : false;
if (skipContentLength) {
delete this.headers['content-length'];
ref = this.headers;
for (name in ref) {
if (!hasProp.call(ref, name)) continue;
value = ref[name];
if (this.escapeHeaderValues && this.command !== 'CONNECT' && this.command !== 'CONNECTED') {
lines.push(name + ":" + (Frame.frEscape(value)));
} else {
lines.push(name + ":" + value);
if (this.body && !skipContentLength) {
lines.push("content-length:" + (Frame.sizeOfUTF8(this.body)));
lines.push(Byte.LF + this.body);
return lines.join(Byte.LF);
Frame.sizeOfUTF8 = function(s) {
if (s) {
return encodeURI(s).match(/%..|./g).length;
} else {
return 0;
unmarshallSingle = function(data, escapeHeaderValues) {
var body, chr, command, divider, headerLines, headers, i, idx, j, k, len, len1, line, ref, ref1, ref2, start, trim;
if (escapeHeaderValues == null) {
escapeHeaderValues = false;
divider = data.search(RegExp("" + Byte.LF + Byte.LF));
headerLines = data.substring(0, divider).split(Byte.LF);
command = headerLines.shift();
headers = {};
trim = function(str) {
return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
ref = headerLines.reverse();
for (j = 0, len1 = ref.length; j < len1; j++) {
line = ref[j];
idx = line.indexOf(':');
if (escapeHeaderValues && command !== 'CONNECT' && command !== 'CONNECTED') {
headers[trim(line.substring(0, idx))] = Frame.frUnEscape(trim(line.substring(idx + 1)));
} else {
headers[trim(line.substring(0, idx))] = trim(line.substring(idx + 1));
body = '';
start = divider + 2;
if (headers['content-length']) {
len = parseInt(headers['content-length']);
body = ('' + data).substring(start, start + len);
} else {
chr = null;
for (i = k = ref1 = start, ref2 = data.length; ref1 <= ref2 ? k < ref2 : k > ref2; i = ref1 <= ref2 ? ++k : --k) {
chr = data.charAt(i);
if (chr === Byte.NULL) {
body += chr;
return new Frame(command, headers, body, escapeHeaderValues);
Frame.unmarshall = function(datas, escapeHeaderValues) {
var frame, frames, last_frame, r;
if (escapeHeaderValues == null) {
escapeHeaderValues = false;
frames = datas.split(RegExp("" + Byte.NULL + Byte.LF + "*"));
r = {
frames: [],
partial: ''
r.frames = (function() {
var j, len1, ref, results;
ref = frames.slice(0, -1);
results = [];
for (j = 0, len1 = ref.length; j < len1; j++) {
frame = ref[j];
results.push(unmarshallSingle(frame, escapeHeaderValues));
return results;
last_frame = frames.slice(-1)[0];
if (last_frame === Byte.LF || (last_frame.search(RegExp("" + Byte.NULL + Byte.LF + "*quot;))) !== -1) {
r.frames.push(unmarshallSingle(last_frame, escapeHeaderValues));
} else {
r.partial = last_frame;
return r;
Frame.marshall = function(command, headers, body, escapeHeaderValues) {
var frame;
frame = new Frame(command, headers, body, escapeHeaderValues);
return frame.toString() + Byte.NULL;
Frame.frEscape = function(str) {
return ("" + str).replace(/\\/g, "\\\\").replace(/\r/g, "\\r").replace(/\n/g, "\\n").replace(/:/g, "\\c");
Frame.frUnEscape = function(str) {
return ("" + str).replace(/\\r/g, "\r").replace(/\\n/g, "\n").replace(/\\c/g, ":").replace(/\\\\/g, "\\");
return Frame;
Client = (function() {
var now;
function Client(ws_fn) {
this.ws_fn = function() {
var ws;
ws = ws_fn();
ws.binaryType = "arraybuffer";
return ws;
this.reconnect_delay = 0;
this.counter = 0;
this.connected = false;
this.heartbeat = {
outgoing: 10000,
incoming: 10000
this.maxWebSocketFrameSize = 16 * 1024;
this.subscriptions = {};
this.partialData = '';
Client.prototype.debug = function(message) {
var ref;
return typeof window !== "undefined" && window !== null ? (ref = window.console) != null ? ref.log(message) : void 0 : void 0;
now = function() {
if (Date.now) {
return Date.now();
} else {
return new Date().valueOf;
Client.prototype._transmit = function(command, headers, body) {
var out;
out = Frame.marshall(command, headers, body, this.escapeHeaderValues);
if (typeof this.debug === "function") {
this.debug(">>> " + out);
while (true) {
if (out.length > this.maxWebSocketFrameSize) {
this.ws.send(out.substring(0, this.maxWebSocketFrameSize));
out = out.substring(this.maxWebSocketFrameSize);
if (typeof this.debug === "function") {
this.debug("remaining = " + out.length);
} else {
return this.ws.send(out);
Client.prototype._setupHeartbeat = function(headers) {
var ref, ref1, serverIncoming, serverOutgoing, ttl, v;
if ((ref = headers.version) !== Stomp.VERSIONS.V1_1 && ref !== Stomp.VERSIONS.V1_2) {
ref1 = (function() {
var j, len1, ref1, results;
ref1 = headers['heart-beat'].split(",");
results = [];
for (j = 0, len1 = ref1.length; j < len1; j++) {
v = ref1[j];
return results;
})(), serverOutgoing = ref1[0], serverIncoming = ref1[1];
if (!(this.heartbeat.outgoing === 0 || serverIncoming === 0)) {
ttl = Math.max(this.heartbeat.outgoing, serverIncoming);
if (typeof this.debug === "function") {
this.debug("send PING every " + ttl + "ms");
this.pinger = Stomp.setInterval(ttl, (function(_this) {
return function() {
return typeof _this.debug === "function" ? _this.debug(">>> PING") : void 0;
if (!(this.heartbeat.incoming === 0 || serverOutgoing === 0)) {
ttl = Math.max(this.heartbeat.incoming, serverOutgoing);
if (typeof this.debug === "function") {
this.debug("check PONG every " + ttl + "ms");
return this.ponger = Stomp.setInterval(ttl, (function(_this) {
return function() {
var delta;
delta = now() - _this.serverActivity;
if (delta > ttl * 2) {
if (typeof _this.debug === "function") {
_this.debug("did not receive server activity for the last " + delta + "ms");
return _this.ws.close();
Client.prototype._parseConnect = function() {
var args, closeEventCallback, connectCallback, errorCallback, headers;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
headers = {};
if (args.length < 2) {
throw "Connect requires at least 2 arguments";
if (typeof args[1] === 'function') {
headers = args[0], connectCallback = args[1], errorCallback = args[2], closeEventCallback = args[3];
} else {
switch (args.length) {
case 6:
headers.login = args[0], headers.passcode = args[1], connectCallback = args[2], errorCallback = args[3], closeEventCallback = args[4], headers.host = args[5];
headers.login = args[0], headers.passcode = args[1], connectCallback = args[2], errorCallback = args[3], closeEventCallback = args[4];
return [headers, connectCallback, errorCallback, closeEventCallback];
Client.prototype.connect = function() {
var args, out;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
this.escapeHeaderValues = false;
out = this._parseConnect.apply(this, args);
this.headers = out[0], this.connectCallback = out[1], this.errorCallback = out[2], this.closeEventCallback = out[3];
this._active = true;
return this._connect();
Client.prototype._connect = function() {
var UTF8ArrayToStr, closeEventCallback, errorCallback, headers;
headers = this.headers;
errorCallback = this.errorCallback;
closeEventCallback = this.closeEventCallback;
if (!this._active) {
this.debug('Client has been marked inactive, will not attempt to connect');
if (typeof this.debug === "function") {
this.debug("Opening Web Socket...");
this.ws = this.ws_fn();
UTF8ArrayToStr = (function(_this) {
return function(array) {
var c, char2, char3, i, len, out;
out = "";
len = array.length;
i = 0;
while (i < len) {
c = array[i++];
switch (c >> 4) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
out += String.fromCharCode(c);
case 12:
case 13:
char2 = array[i++];
out += String.fromCharCode(((c & 0x1F) << 6) | (char2 & 0x3F));
case 14:
char2 = array[i++];
char3 = array[i++];
out += String.fromCharCode(((c & 0x0F) << 12) | ((char2 & 0x3F) << 6) | ((char3 & 0x3F) << 0));
return out;
this.ws.onmessage = (function(_this) {
return function(evt) {
var arr, client, data, frame, j, len1, messageID, onreceive, ref, subscription, unmarshalledData;
data = typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined' && evt.data instanceof ArrayBuffer ? (arr = new Uint8Array(evt.data), typeof _this.debug === "function" ? _this.debug("--- got data length: " + arr.length) : void 0, UTF8ArrayToStr(arr)) : evt.data;
_this.serverActivity = now();
if (data === Byte.LF) {
if (typeof _this.debug === "function") {
_this.debug("<<< PONG");
if (typeof _this.debug === "function") {
_this.debug("<<< " + data);
unmarshalledData = Frame.unmarshall(_this.partialData + data, _this.escapeHeaderValues);
_this.partialData = unmarshalledData.partial;
ref = unmarshalledData.frames;
for (j = 0, len1 = ref.length; j < len1; j++) {
frame = ref[j];
switch (frame.command) {
if (typeof _this.debug === "function") {
_this.debug("connected to server " + frame.headers.server);
_this.connected = true;
_this.version = frame.headers.version;
if (_this.version === Stomp.VERSIONS.V1_2) {
_this.escapeHeaderValues = true;
if (!_this._active) {
if (typeof _this.connectCallback === "function") {
case "MESSAGE":
subscription = frame.headers.subscription;
onreceive = _this.subscriptions[subscription] || _this.onreceive;
if (onreceive) {
client = _this;
if (_this.version === Stomp.VERSIONS.V1_2) {
messageID = frame.headers["ack"];
} else {
messageID = frame.headers["message-id"];
frame.ack = function(headers) {
if (headers == null) {
headers = {};
return client.ack(messageID, subscription, headers);
frame.nack = function(headers) {
if (headers == null) {
headers = {};
return client.nack(messageID, subscription, headers);
} else {
if (typeof _this.debug === "function") {
_this.debug("Unhandled received MESSAGE: " + frame);
case "RECEIPT":
if (frame.headers["receipt-id"] === _this.closeReceipt) {
_this.ws.onclose = null;
if (typeof _this._disconnectCallback === "function") {
} else {
if (typeof _this.onreceipt === "function") {
case "ERROR":
if (typeof errorCallback === "function") {
if (typeof _this.debug === "function") {
_this.debug("Unhandled frame: " + frame);
this.ws.onclose = (function(_this) {
return function(closeEvent) {
var msg;
msg = "Whoops! Lost connection to " + _this.ws.url;
if (typeof _this.debug === "function") {
if (typeof closeEventCallback === "function") {
if (typeof errorCallback === "function") {
return _this._schedule_reconnect();
return this.ws.onopen = (function(_this) {
return function() {
if (typeof _this.debug === "function") {
_this.debug('Web Socket Opened...');
headers["accept-version"] = Stomp.VERSIONS.supportedVersions();
headers["heart-beat"] = [_this.heartbeat.outgoing, _this.heartbeat.incoming].join(',');
return _this._transmit("CONNECT", headers);
Client.prototype._schedule_reconnect = function() {
if (this.reconnect_delay > 0) {
if (typeof this.debug === "function") {
this.debug("STOMP: scheduling reconnection in " + this.reconnect_delay + "ms");
return this._reconnector = setTimeout((function(_this) {
return function() {
if (_this.connected) {
return typeof _this.debug === "function" ? _this.debug('STOMP: already connected') : void 0;
} else {
if (typeof _this.debug === "function") {
_this.debug('STOMP: attempting to reconnect');
return _this._connect();
})(this), this.reconnect_delay);
Client.prototype.disconnect = function(disconnectCallback, headers) {
var error;
if (headers == null) {
headers = {};
this._disconnectCallback = disconnectCallback;
this._active = false;
if (this.connected) {
if (!headers.receipt) {
headers.receipt = "close-" + this.counter++;
this.closeReceipt = headers.receipt;
try {
return this._transmit("DISCONNECT", headers);
} catch (error1) {
error = error1;
return typeof this.debug === "function" ? this.debug('Ignoring error during disconnect', error) : void 0;
Client.prototype._cleanUp = function() {
if (this._reconnector) {
this.connected = false;
this.subscriptions = {};
this.partial = '';
if (this.pinger) {
if (this.ponger) {
return Stomp.clearInterval(this.ponger);
Client.prototype.send = function(destination, headers, body) {
if (headers == null) {
headers = {};
if (body == null) {
body = '';
headers.destination = destination;
return this._transmit("SEND", headers, body);
Client.prototype.subscribe = function(destination, callback, headers) {
var client;
if (headers == null) {
headers = {};
if (!headers.id) {
headers.id = "sub-" + this.counter++;
headers.destination = destination;
this.subscriptions[headers.id] = callback;
this._transmit("SUBSCRIBE", headers);
client = this;
return {
id: headers.id,
unsubscribe: function(hdrs) {
return client.unsubscribe(headers.id, hdrs);
Client.prototype.unsubscribe = function(id, headers) {
if (headers == null) {
headers = {};
delete this.subscriptions[id];
headers.id = id;
return this._transmit("UNSUBSCRIBE", headers);
Client.prototype.begin = function(transaction_id) {
var client, txid;
txid = transaction_id || "tx-" + this.counter++;
this._transmit("BEGIN", {
transaction: txid
client = this;
return {
id: txid,
commit: function() {
return client.commit(txid);
abort: function() {
return client.abort(txid);
Client.prototype.commit = function(transaction_id) {
return this._transmit("COMMIT", {
transaction: transaction_id
Client.prototype.abort = function(transaction_id) {
return this._transmit("ABORT", {
transaction: transaction_id
Client.prototype.ack = function(messageID, subscription, headers) {
if (headers == null) {
headers = {};
if (this.version === Stomp.VERSIONS.V1_2) {
headers["id"] = messageID;
} else {
headers["message-id"] = messageID;
headers.subscription = subscription;
return this._transmit("ACK", headers);
Client.prototype.nack = function(messageID, subscription, headers) {
if (headers == null) {
headers = {};
if (this.version === Stomp.VERSIONS.V1_2) {
headers["id"] = messageID;
} else {
headers["message-id"] = messageID;
headers.subscription = subscription;
return this._transmit("NACK", headers);
return Client;
Stomp = {
V1_0: '1.0',
V1_1: '1.1',
V1_2: '1.2',
supportedVersions: function() {
return '1.2,1.1,1.0';
client: function(url, protocols) {
var ws_fn;
if (protocols == null) {
protocols = ['v10.stomp', 'v11.stomp', 'v12.stomp'];
ws_fn = function() {
var klass;
klass = Stomp.WebSocketClass || WebSocket;
return new klass(url, protocols);
return new Client(ws_fn);
over: function(ws) {
var ws_fn;
ws_fn = typeof ws === "function" ? ws : function() {
return ws;
return new Client(ws_fn);
Frame: Frame
Stomp.setInterval = function(interval, f) {
return setInterval(f, interval);
Stomp.clearInterval = function(id) {
return clearInterval(id);
if (typeof exports !== "undefined" && exports !== null) {
exports.Stomp = Stomp;
if (typeof window !== "undefined" && window !== null) {
window.Stomp = Stomp;
} else if (!exports) {
self.Stomp = Stomp;
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