GHC 错误消息逐字引用类型族定义
下面的代码会产生一条错误消息,乍一看,这似乎暗示 GHC 不理解类型系列 WrapParams
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
import GHC.TypeLits( Nat, type (-) )
import Data.Kind( Type )
newtype Wrapped a = Wrapped a
-- |
-- E.g., `WrapParams 2 (Int -> String -> Bool)` is `Wrapped Int -> Wrapped String -> Bool`
type family WrapParams (n :: Nat) (f :: Type) where
WrapParams 0 f = f
WrapParams n (p -> f) = Wrapped p -> WrapParams (n - 1) f
-- |
-- E.g., `extendToWrappedParams @2 (+) (Wrapped 1) (wrapped 2)` is supposed to be 3.
class ExtendToWrappedParams (n :: Nat) (f :: Type) where
extendToWrappedParams :: f -> WrapParams n f
instance ExtendToWrappedParams 0 t where
extendToWrappedParams t = t
instance (ExtendToWrappedParams (n - 1) f) => ExtendToWrappedParams n (p -> f) where
extendToWrappedParams g = h
h (Wrapped p) = extendToWrappedParams @(n - 1) @f (g p)
(使用 GHC 8.10.7):
• Couldn't match expected type ‘WrapParams n (p -> f)’
with actual type ‘Wrapped p -> WrapParams (n - 1) f’
• In the expression: h
In an equation for ‘extendToWrappedParams’:
extendToWrappedParams g
= h
h (Wrapped p) = extendToWrappedParams @(n - 1) @f (g p)
In the instance declaration for ‘ExtendToWrappedParams n (p -> f)’
这是错误 前两行逐字引用了 WrapParams
的定义,给人的印象是 GHC 不知何故不理解它。显然,这不可能是实际发生的事情 - 那么,我错过了什么?有没有什么方法(除了诉诸unsafeCoerce
The code below results in an error message that, at first glance, appears to imply that GHC doesn't understand the definition of the type family WrapParams
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
import GHC.TypeLits( Nat, type (-) )
import Data.Kind( Type )
newtype Wrapped a = Wrapped a
-- |
-- E.g., `WrapParams 2 (Int -> String -> Bool)` is `Wrapped Int -> Wrapped String -> Bool`
type family WrapParams (n :: Nat) (f :: Type) where
WrapParams 0 f = f
WrapParams n (p -> f) = Wrapped p -> WrapParams (n - 1) f
-- |
-- E.g., `extendToWrappedParams @2 (+) (Wrapped 1) (wrapped 2)` is supposed to be 3.
class ExtendToWrappedParams (n :: Nat) (f :: Type) where
extendToWrappedParams :: f -> WrapParams n f
instance ExtendToWrappedParams 0 t where
extendToWrappedParams t = t
instance (ExtendToWrappedParams (n - 1) f) => ExtendToWrappedParams n (p -> f) where
extendToWrappedParams g = h
h (Wrapped p) = extendToWrappedParams @(n - 1) @f (g p)
Here's the error (using GHC 8.10.7):
• Couldn't match expected type ‘WrapParams n (p -> f)’
with actual type ‘Wrapped p -> WrapParams (n - 1) f’
• In the expression: h
In an equation for ‘extendToWrappedParams’:
extendToWrappedParams g
= h
h (Wrapped p) = extendToWrappedParams @(n - 1) @f (g p)
In the instance declaration for ‘ExtendToWrappedParams n (p -> f)’
The first two lines quote the definition of WrapParams
verbatim, giving the impression that GHC somehow didn't understand it. Obviously, that can't be what's actually happening - so, what am I missing? Is there any way (apart from resorting to unsafeCoerce
) to make the code above compile?
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WrapParams n (p -> f)
等于Wrapped p -> f WrapParams (n - 1) f 仅当
时。在 Haskell 中没有直接的方法来表达不平等。通常的解决方法包括切换到 Peano 自然数,或分支布尔比较 (Data.Type.Equality.==
上进行模式匹配,这样您就可以编写(n == 0) ~ 'False
作为约束。WrapParams n (p -> f)
equalsWrapped p -> WrapParams (n - 1) f
only whenn
is not0
. There is no direct way to express unequality in Haskell. Usual workarounds include switching to Peano naturals, or branching off boolean comparisons (Data.Type.Equality.==
) instead of pattern-matching onNat
so you can write(n == 0) ~ 'False
as a constraint.