我正在尝试为 mario 环境创建 DQN 模型。但是当我尝试创建模型时,它给了我这个错误:
内存错误:无法为形状为 (1000000, 1, 4, 240, 256) 和数据类型为 uint8 的数组分配 229.GiB
model = DQN('CnnPolicy', env, verbose=1, tensorboard_log=LOG_DIR, learning_rate=0.000001)
我在这个项目中使用 Jupyter 笔记本。
I am trying to create a DQN model for mario environment. But when I try to create the model it gives me this error:
MemoryError: Unable to allocate 229. GiB for an array with shape (1000000, 1, 4, 240, 256) and data type uint8
This is the code for creating the model:
model = DQN('CnnPolicy', env, verbose=1, tensorboard_log=LOG_DIR, learning_rate=0.000001)
I am using Jupyter notebook for this project.
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看起来您根本没有足够的 RAM 来为该大小的数组分配 229 GiB(这是非常大的),很少有计算机可以。
您是否尝试过将您的想法分成 64、128、256 等批次?这是减少内存负载的一种非常常见的方法,您可以尝试不同的值,看看您可以处理什么计算。 Tensorflow 有大量内置方法可以为您提供帮助。一个值得一看的地方是此处的批处理方法。
It looks like you simply don't have enough RAM to allocate 229 GiB for an array of that size---which is incredibly large---very few computers could.
Have you tried batching your idea into batches of either 64, 128, 256, etc.? That is a very common way to decrease the memory load, and you can experiment with different values to see what computation you can handle. Tensorflow has a great deal of built-in methods that can help you here. One place to look would be the batch method here.