在 iOS 13 及更低版本的 mobile safari 中,有什么不受支持的功能会破坏滚动时间线和网页动画?
我试图弄清楚为什么 Web 动画 API 和滚动时间线在 ios 13 及更低版本的移动 safari 上不起作用。是的,我知道这些版本的 safari 通常不支持这两个功能,但我为这两个功能添加了填充(可以参见 此处和此处),但仍有其他问题正在破坏并预防该功能正常工作。您可以查看 此 codepen 来了解我的意思。
const sectionScrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline({
scrollSource: document.body,
orientation: 'inline',
fill: 'both',
document.querySelectorAll('.alter-me').forEach(node => node.animate({
backgroundColor: ['red', 'blue']
}, {
duration: 1000,
fill: 'both',
timeline: new ScrollTimeline({
scrollOffsets: [
new CSSUnitValue(0, 'px'),
new CSSUnitValue(200, 'px')
.alter-me {
padding: 2em;
border: 1px solid black;
<p class="alter-me">altered bg</p>
<p class="alter-me">altered bg</p>
正确的行为是,当您滚动到页面的底部时,“更改的背景”框为红色,当您滚动到页面底部时,“更改的背景”框为蓝色。在 ios 14 和 15 上可以正常工作(如果您没有这些 iPhone,可以检查 Browserstack),但是13 及以下不适用。至少它需要在 ios 13 上为我工作。所以我的问题是还缺少什么需要填充才能正常工作?
I'm trying to figure out why web animations API and scroll timeline are not working on mobile safari on ios 13 and below. Yes I know both features are not normally supported on those versions of safari, but I've added polyfills for both (can see here and here) and still something else is breaking and preventing the feature from working correctly. You can check out this codepen to see what I mean.
const sectionScrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline({
scrollSource: document.body,
orientation: 'inline',
fill: 'both',
document.querySelectorAll('.alter-me').forEach(node => node.animate({
backgroundColor: ['red', 'blue']
}, {
duration: 1000,
fill: 'both',
timeline: new ScrollTimeline({
scrollOffsets: [
new CSSUnitValue(0, 'px'),
new CSSUnitValue(200, 'px')
.alter-me {
padding: 2em;
border: 1px solid black;
<p class="alter-me">altered bg</p>
<p class="alter-me">altered bg</p>
The correct behavior is that the "altered bg" boxes are red when you're scrolled to the of the page, and blue when you're at the bottom. Works correctly on ios 14 and 15 (you can check on Browserstack if you don't have these iphones) but not on 13 and below. At a bare minimum it needs to work on ios 13 for me. So my question is what else is missing that needs polyfilling for this to work propery?
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然而,滚动时间线填充已经发生了一些变化(根据规范的变化)。例如,他们删除了scrollOffsets。 scrollSource 似乎被术语源等取代。
如果您使用 CDN 导入发行版,它可能已更改为包含/修改某些属性。如果您使用的是本地版本的构建,那么这不适用。
下面的文章描述了如果您的代码与更新后的 polyfill 的规范不匹配的情况下如何解决该问题。
https://github.com/flackr/scroll-timeline/issues/ 64#issuecomment-1201541446
I can't say for sure whether your issue has anything to do with this, because it would depend on your method of accessing the scroll-timeline polyfill.
However, the scroll-timeline polyfill has undergone a few changes (in accordance with the changes of the spec). For example, they have deleted scrollOffsets. scrollSource seems to be replaced by the term source, etc.
If you are using a cdn to import the distribution, it may have changed to include/modify certain properties. If you are using a local version of the build then this is not applicable.
The post below describes how to tackle that issue, if it is the case that your code doesn't match the specs of the updated polyfill.