在 Fortran 中计算雅可比矩阵

发布于 01-15 14:30 字数 1062 浏览 4 评论 0原文



real function f1(x,y)
    parameter (pi = 3.141592653589793)
    f1 = log(abs(x-y**2)) - sin(x*y) - sin(pi)  
end function f1

real function f2(x,y)
    f2 = exp(x*y) + cos(x-y) - 2 
end function f2

对于 2x2 的情况,我正在计算雅可比矩阵和雅可比矩阵逆的行列式,如下所示,

    x = [2,2]
    h = 0.00001
        ! calculate approximate partial derivative
        ! you can make it more accurate by reducing the 
        ! value of h
        j11 = (f1(x(1)+h,x(2))-f1(x(1),x(2)))/h
        j12 = (f1(x(1),x(2)+h)-f1(x(1),x(2)))/h
        j21 = (f2(x(1)+h,x(2))-f2(x(1),x(2)))/h
        j22 = (f2(x(1),x(2)+h)-f2(x(1),x(2)))/h
        ! calculate the Jacobian
        J(1,:) = [j11,j12]
        J(2,:) = [j21,j22]
        ! calculate inverse Jacobian 
        inv_J(1,:) = [J(2,2),-J(1,2)]
        inv_J(2,:) = [-J(2,1),J(1,1)] 
        DET=J(1,1)*J(2,2) - J(1,2)*J(2,1)
        inv_J = inv_J/DET

我如何在 Fortran 中扩展它来评估在 n 点评估的 m 个函数的雅可比行列式?

In Newton's method, to solve a nonlinear system of equations we need to find the Jacobian matrix and the determinant of the inverse of the Jacobian matrix.

Here are my component functions,

real function f1(x,y)
    parameter (pi = 3.141592653589793)
    f1 = log(abs(x-y**2)) - sin(x*y) - sin(pi)  
end function f1

real function f2(x,y)
    f2 = exp(x*y) + cos(x-y) - 2 
end function f2

For the 2x2 case I am computing the Jacobian matrix and determinant of the inverse of Jacobian matrix like this,

    x = [2,2]
    h = 0.00001
        ! calculate approximate partial derivative
        ! you can make it more accurate by reducing the 
        ! value of h
        j11 = (f1(x(1)+h,x(2))-f1(x(1),x(2)))/h
        j12 = (f1(x(1),x(2)+h)-f1(x(1),x(2)))/h
        j21 = (f2(x(1)+h,x(2))-f2(x(1),x(2)))/h
        j22 = (f2(x(1),x(2)+h)-f2(x(1),x(2)))/h
        ! calculate the Jacobian
        J(1,:) = [j11,j12]
        J(2,:) = [j21,j22]
        ! calculate inverse Jacobian 
        inv_J(1,:) = [J(2,2),-J(1,2)]
        inv_J(2,:) = [-J(2,1),J(1,1)] 
        DET=J(1,1)*J(2,2) - J(1,2)*J(2,1)
        inv_J = inv_J/DET

How do I in Fortran extend this to evaluate a Jacobian for m functions evaluated at n points?

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嗫嚅2025-01-22 14:30:23


2×2 测试用例的结果正是您所期望的

arguments (x)

 values (y)

  0.807287239448229        3.30728724371454
   109.196300248300        109.196300248300




program Console1
implicit none

! Variables
integer, parameter :: wp = real64
real(wp), parameter :: pi = 3.141592653589793d0

! Interfaces
    function fun(x,n,m) result(y)
        integer, intent(in) :: n,m
        real(wp), intent(in) :: x(m)
        real(wp) :: y(n)
    end function
end interface

real(wp) :: h
real(wp), allocatable :: x(:), y(:), J(:,:)
! Body of Console1

x = [2d0, 2d0]
h = 0.0001d0

print *, "arguments"
print *, x(1)
print *, x(2)

y = test(x,2,2)
print *, "values"
print *, y(1)
print *, y(2)

J = jacobian(test,x,2,h)

print *, "Jacobian"
print *, J(1,:)
print *, J(2,:)


function test(x,n,m) result(y)
! Test case per original question
    integer, intent(in) :: n,m
    real(wp), intent(in) :: x(m)
    real(wp) :: y(n)
    y(1) = log(abs(x(1)-x(2)**2)) - sin(x(1)*x(2)) - sin(pi)  
    y(2) = exp(x(1)*x(2)) + cos(x(1)-x(2)) - 2 
end function
function jacobian(f,x,n,h) result(u)
    procedure(fun), pointer, intent(in) :: f
    real(wp), allocatable, intent(in) :: x(:)
    integer, intent(in) :: n
    real(wp), intent(in) :: h
    real(wp), allocatable :: u(:,:)
    integer :: j, m
    real(wp), allocatable :: y1(:), y2(:), e(:)
    m = size(x)
    do j=1, m
        e = element(j, m)    ! Get kronecker delta for j-th value
        y1 = f(x-e*h/2,n,m)
        y2 = f(x+e*h/2,n,m)
        u(:,j) = (y2-y1)/h   ! Finite difference for each column
    end do        
end function

function element(i,n) result(e)
! Kronecker delta vector. All zeros, except the i-th value.
integer, intent(in) :: i, n
real(wp) :: e(n)
    e(:) = 0d0
    e(i) = 1d0        
end function

end program Console1

Here is a more flexible jacobian calculator.

The results with the 2×2 test case are what you expect

arguments (x)

 values (y)

  0.807287239448229        3.30728724371454
   109.196300248300        109.196300248300

I check the results against a symbolic calculation for the given inputs of



program Console1
implicit none

! Variables
integer, parameter :: wp = real64
real(wp), parameter :: pi = 3.141592653589793d0

! Interfaces
    function fun(x,n,m) result(y)
        integer, intent(in) :: n,m
        real(wp), intent(in) :: x(m)
        real(wp) :: y(n)
    end function
end interface

real(wp) :: h
real(wp), allocatable :: x(:), y(:), J(:,:)
! Body of Console1

x = [2d0, 2d0]
h = 0.0001d0

print *, "arguments"
print *, x(1)
print *, x(2)

y = test(x,2,2)
print *, "values"
print *, y(1)
print *, y(2)

J = jacobian(test,x,2,h)

print *, "Jacobian"
print *, J(1,:)
print *, J(2,:)


function test(x,n,m) result(y)
! Test case per original question
    integer, intent(in) :: n,m
    real(wp), intent(in) :: x(m)
    real(wp) :: y(n)
    y(1) = log(abs(x(1)-x(2)**2)) - sin(x(1)*x(2)) - sin(pi)  
    y(2) = exp(x(1)*x(2)) + cos(x(1)-x(2)) - 2 
end function
function jacobian(f,x,n,h) result(u)
    procedure(fun), pointer, intent(in) :: f
    real(wp), allocatable, intent(in) :: x(:)
    integer, intent(in) :: n
    real(wp), intent(in) :: h
    real(wp), allocatable :: u(:,:)
    integer :: j, m
    real(wp), allocatable :: y1(:), y2(:), e(:)
    m = size(x)
    do j=1, m
        e = element(j, m)    ! Get kronecker delta for j-th value
        y1 = f(x-e*h/2,n,m)
        y2 = f(x+e*h/2,n,m)
        u(:,j) = (y2-y1)/h   ! Finite difference for each column
    end do        
end function

function element(i,n) result(e)
! Kronecker delta vector. All zeros, except the i-th value.
integer, intent(in) :: i, n
real(wp) :: e(n)
    e(:) = 0d0
    e(i) = 1d0        
end function

end program Console1
-黛色若梦2025-01-22 14:30:23


您可能有一个 x 数组和 y 数组,或者您可以有一个包含 x 和 y 分量的派生数据类型数组。


real, allocatable :: x(:), y(:)

x = [...  !probably read from some data file
y = [...

do i = 1, size(x)
  J(i) = Jacobian(f, x(i), y(i))
end do



I will answer about evaluation in different points. This is quite simple. You just need an array of points, and if the points are in some regular grid, you may not even need that.

You may have an array of xs and array of ys or you can have an array of derived datatype with x and y components.

For the former:

real, allocatable :: x(:), y(:)

x = [...  !probably read from some data file
y = [...

do i = 1, size(x)
  J(i) = Jacobian(f, x(i), y(i))
end do

If you want to have many functions at the same time, the problem is always in representing functions. Even if you have an array of function pointers, you need to code them manually. A different approach is to have a full algebra module, where you enter some string representing a function and you can evaluate such function and even compute derivatives symbolically. That requires a parser, an evaluator, it is a large task. There are libraries for this. Evaluation of such a derivative will be slow unless further optimizing steps (compiling to machine code) are undertaken.

Numerical evaluation of the derivative is certainly possible. It will slow the convergence somewhat, depending on the order of the approximation of the derivative. You do a difference of two points for the numerical derivative. You can make an interpolating polynomial from values in multiple points to get a higher-order approximation (finite difference approximations), but that costs machine cycles.

朮生2025-01-22 14:30:23

通常我们可以使用@John Alexiou提到的自动差异工具。但在实践中,我更喜欢使用 MATLAB 分析求解雅可比行列式,然后使用其内置函数 fortran() 将结果转换为 f90 文件。以你的函数为例。只需将这些输入到 MATLAB 中

syms x y
Fval(1)=log(abs(x-y^2)) - sin(x*y) - sin(pi);
Fval(2)=exp(x*y) + cos(x-y) - 2;


  Fjac(1,1) = -y*cos(x*y)-((-(x-y**2)/abs(-x+y**2)))/abs(-x+y**2)
  Fjac(1,2) = -x*cos(x*y)+(y*((-(x-y**2)/abs(-x+y**2)))*2.0D0)/abs(-
  Fjac(2,1) = -sin(x-y)+y*exp(x*y)
  Fjac(2,2) = sin(x-y)+x*exp(x*y)

。您只需得到一个解析型雅可比 fortran 函数。

同时,由于秩不匹配,无法求解 mxn 矩阵的逆。您应该简化方程组以获得 nxn 雅各宾。

此外,当我们使用 Newton-Raphson 方法时,我们不求解 Jacobin 的逆,这对于大型系统来说既耗时又不准确。一个简单的方法是在 LAPACK 中使用 dgesv 来实现密集 Jacobin。因为我们只需要从线性方程组中求解向量x


dgesv 使用LU分解和高斯消去法求解上述方程组,比求解逆矩阵要快得多。

如果方程组很大,可以使用UMFPACK及其fortran接口模块mUMFPACK来求解方程组,其中J是稀疏矩阵。或者在广泛使用的稀疏矩阵库 SPARSEKIT2 中使用子例程 ILUDLUSOL

除此之外,还有大量其他方法试图更快、更准确地求解 Jx=-F,例如广义最小残差 (GMRES) 和稳定双-共轭梯度(BICGSTAB)是一篇文献。

Normally we can use auto difference tools as @John Alexiou mentioned. However in practise I prefer using MATLAB to analytically solve out the Jacobian and then use its build-in function fortran() to convert the result to a f90 file. Take your function as an example. Just type these into MATLAB

syms x y
Fval(1)=log(abs(x-y^2)) - sin(x*y) - sin(pi);
Fval(2)=exp(x*y) + cos(x-y) - 2;

which will yield

  Fjac(1,1) = -y*cos(x*y)-((-(x-y**2)/abs(-x+y**2)))/abs(-x+y**2)
  Fjac(1,2) = -x*cos(x*y)+(y*((-(x-y**2)/abs(-x+y**2)))*2.0D0)/abs(-
  Fjac(2,1) = -sin(x-y)+y*exp(x*y)
  Fjac(2,2) = sin(x-y)+x*exp(x*y)

to you. You just get an analytical Jacobian fortran function.

Meanwhile, it is impossible to solve the inverse of a mxn matrix because of rank mismatching. You should simplify the system of equations to get a nxn Jacobin.

Additionally, when we use Newton-Raphson's method we do not solve the inverse of the Jacobin which is time-consuming and inaccurate for a large system. An easy way is to use dgesv in LAPACK for dense Jacobin. As we only need to solve the vector x from system of linear equations


dgesv use LU decomposition and Gaussian elimination to solve above system of equations which is extremely faster than solving inverse matrix.

If the system of equations is large, you can use UMFPACK and its fortran interface module mUMFPACK to solve the system of equations in which J is a sparse matrix. Or use subroutine ILUD and LUSOL in a wide-spread sparse matrix library SPARSEKIT2.

In addition to these, there are tons of other methods which try to solve the Jx=-F faster and more accurate such as Generalized Minimal Residual (GMRES) and Stabilized Bi-Conjugate Gradient (BICGSTAB) which is a strand of literature.

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