I don't know what you are trying to do, but *= doesn't appear to do what you think it does.
*= is an assignment operator. It evaluates its left-hand side and its right-hand side, multiplies them together, and assigns the result to the result of its left-hand side.
The result of a + b is not something to which you can assign. This is not valid code.
是赋值运算符。它评估其左侧和右侧,将它们相乘,并将结果分配给其左侧的结果。a + b
的结果不可分配。这不是有效的代码。I don't know what you are trying to do, but
doesn't appear to do what you think it does.*=
is an assignment operator. It evaluates its left-hand side and its right-hand side, multiplies them together, and assigns the result to the result of its left-hand side.The result of
a + b
is not something to which you can assign. This is not valid code.