public static List<Integer> getPrimeNumbers(int lowerBound, int upperBound){
ArrayList<Integer> primeNumber = new ArrayList<>()
// loop over all numbers in the range and add the number to primeNumber list if it is a prime.
for (int i = lowerBound, i <= upperBound, i++){
if isPrime(i){
return primeNumber;
// function to check if a number is prime
public static boolean isPrime(int num){
boolean flag = false;
for (int i = 2; i <= num / 2; ++i) {
// condition for nonprime number
if (num % i == 0) {
flag = true;
return flag;
Do a for loop in inside the function
public static List<Integer> getPrimeNumbers(int lowerBound, int upperBound){
ArrayList<Integer> primeNumber = new ArrayList<>()
// loop over all numbers in the range and add the number to primeNumber list if it is a prime.
for (int i = lowerBound, i <= upperBound, i++){
if isPrime(i){
return primeNumber;
// function to check if a number is prime
public static boolean isPrime(int num){
boolean flag = false;
for (int i = 2; i <= num / 2; ++i) {
// condition for nonprime number
if (num % i == 0) {
flag = true;
return flag;
private static boolean sieve[];
private static void eratosthenesSieve(int maxN)
sieve = new boolean[maxN+1];
Arrays.fill(sieve, true);//sets all elements of the given array to true
sieve[0] = false;// 0 isn't prime
sieve[1] = false;// 1 isn't prime
for (int i = 2; i <= maxN; i++) {//loop starts at 2 because we already know that 0 and 1 are false...
if (sieve[i]) {//checks if the current number is prime
for (int j = i*2; i <= maxN; j+=i) {
sieve[j] = false;//sets the multiples of current prime number to false
public static void main(String... args)
int min = 0, max = 0;
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter the range of Prime numbers seprated with a space");
min = sc.nextInt();
max = sc.nextInt();
do{//loop prints in descending order, if you want ascending change the condition to min++<max, check sieve[min] instead of sieve[max] and print min instead of max
}while(max-->min);//loop is min and max inclusive if you want only max exclusive, change this to while loop with same condition, if you want both exclusive change this to while loop with --max>min condition
For, smaller numbers, you can get away with Sieve of Eratosthenes. For larger ones, this method won't work...
private static boolean sieve[];
private static void eratosthenesSieve(int maxN)
sieve = new boolean[maxN+1];
Arrays.fill(sieve, true);//sets all elements of the given array to true
sieve[0] = false;// 0 isn't prime
sieve[1] = false;// 1 isn't prime
for (int i = 2; i <= maxN; i++) {//loop starts at 2 because we already know that 0 and 1 are false...
if (sieve[i]) {//checks if the current number is prime
for (int j = i*2; i <= maxN; j+=i) {
sieve[j] = false;//sets the multiples of current prime number to false
public static void main(String... args)
int min = 0, max = 0;
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter the range of Prime numbers seprated with a space");
min = sc.nextInt();
max = sc.nextInt();
do{//loop prints in descending order, if you want ascending change the condition to min++<max, check sieve[min] instead of sieve[max] and print min instead of max
}while(max-->min);//loop is min and max inclusive if you want only max exclusive, change this to while loop with same condition, if you want both exclusive change this to while loop with --max>min condition
public boolean isPrime(int n) {
if (n < 2) return false;
BigInteger bigInt = BigInteger.valueOf(n);
return bigInt.isProbablePrime(100);
* A prime p is said to be a Sophie Germain prime if both p and 2p+1 are prime
public boolean isSophieGermainPrime(int n) {
return isPrime(n) && isPrime(2*n + 1); // reusing my base method to implement a new variant
public List<Integer> getPrimeNumbers(int min, int max) {
public List<Integer> primes = new ArrayList<>();
for (int n = min; n <= max; n++) {
if (isPrime(n)) {
return primes;
更新: 我会将参数的数据类型从 int 更改为 long。这使我能够计算 mersennePrimeForRange(1, 1000000000) 范围内的前九个 Marsenne 素数
* A Mersenne prime (Mn) is a prime number that is one less than a power p of two
* where exponent p must be prime as well.
public static void mersennePrimeForRange(long min, long max) {
for (long p = min; p <= max; p++) {
if (isPrime(p)) {
long mn = (long) Math.pow(2, p) - 1;
if (isPrime(mn)) {
System.out.printf("Mersenne prime Mn for exponent p = %d is %d%n", p, mn);
Mersenne prime Mn for exponent p = 2 is 3
Mersenne prime Mn for exponent p = 3 is 7
Mersenne prime Mn for exponent p = 5 is 31
Mersenne prime Mn for exponent p = 7 is 127
Mersenne prime Mn for exponent p = 13 is 8191
Mersenne prime Mn for exponent p = 17 is 131071
Mersenne prime Mn for exponent p = 19 is 524287
Mersenne prime Mn for exponent p = 31 is 2147483647
Mersenne prime Mn for exponent p = 61 is 2305843009213693951
I would wrap a method called isPrime(int) where I will call BigInteger#isPobablePrime() as suggested by @barakugav. I provided an answer in another post where you can see this in action.
The reason for this approach is so that can establish a method for your best case that can be reused for method that check for other type of primes; like Sophie Germain primes.
public boolean isPrime(int n) {
if (n < 2) return false;
BigInteger bigInt = BigInteger.valueOf(n);
return bigInt.isProbablePrime(100);
* A prime p is said to be a Sophie Germain prime if both p and 2p+1 are prime
public boolean isSophieGermainPrime(int n) {
return isPrime(n) && isPrime(2*n + 1); // reusing my base method to implement a new variant
The same can be said to calculate prime numbers in range...
public List<Integer> getPrimeNumbers(int min, int max) {
public List<Integer> primes = new ArrayList<>();
for (int n = min; n <= max; n++) {
if (isPrime(n)) {
return primes;
UPDATE: I would change the data types of the arguments from int to long. This allowed me to calculate the first nine Marsenne primes in range mersennePrimeForRange(1, 1000000000)
* A Mersenne prime (Mn) is a prime number that is one less than a power p of two
* where exponent p must be prime as well.
public static void mersennePrimeForRange(long min, long max) {
for (long p = min; p <= max; p++) {
if (isPrime(p)) {
long mn = (long) Math.pow(2, p) - 1;
if (isPrime(mn)) {
System.out.printf("Mersenne prime Mn for exponent p = %d is %d%n", p, mn);
Mersenne prime Mn for exponent p = 2 is 3
Mersenne prime Mn for exponent p = 3 is 7
Mersenne prime Mn for exponent p = 5 is 31
Mersenne prime Mn for exponent p = 7 is 127
Mersenne prime Mn for exponent p = 13 is 8191
Mersenne prime Mn for exponent p = 17 is 131071
Mersenne prime Mn for exponent p = 19 is 524287
Mersenne prime Mn for exponent p = 31 is 2147483647
Mersenne prime Mn for exponent p = 61 is 2305843009213693951
使用 isProbablePrime,它比您编写的任何实现都要快。
Use isProbablePrime, it is faster than any implementation that you will write.
在函数内部执行 for 循环
Do a for loop in inside the function
For, smaller numbers, you can get away with Sieve of Eratosthenes. For larger ones, this method won't work...
的方法,其中我将按照 @巴拉库加夫。我在另一篇文章中提供了答案,您可以在其中看到它的实际效果。采用这种方法的原因是,可以为您的最佳情况建立一种方法,该方法可以重用于检查其他类型素数的方法;就像索菲·热尔曼素数一样。
。这使我能够计算mersennePrimeForRange(1, 1000000000) 范围内的前九个 Marsenne 素数
I would wrap a method called
where I will callBigInteger#isPobablePrime()
as suggested by @barakugav. I provided an answer in another post where you can see this in action.The reason for this approach is so that can establish a method for your best case that can be reused for method that check for other type of primes; like Sophie Germain primes.
The same can be said to calculate prime numbers in range...
I would change the data types of the arguments from
. This allowed me to calculate the first nine Marsenne primes in rangemersennePrimeForRange(1, 1000000000)