从 win32 中的其他会话中截取屏幕截图
我想截取其他登录会话的屏幕截图。从运行可执行文件的会话中截取屏幕截图是可以的,但是我如何对其他会话执行此操作? 注意:我的可执行文件将以管理员身份执行。
I want to take screenshots from other logon sessions. Taking screenshot from the session that has ran the executable is okay but how can I do this with other sessions ?
Note: My executable is going to be executed as administrator.
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您无法跨会话边界访问 UI。您必须在目标会话中运行一个单独的进程,然后该进程可以在本地捕获屏幕截图,然后使用您选择的 IPC 机制(例如套接字或管道)将数据传输到主进程。
You can't access UIs from across session boundaries. You will have to run a separate process in the target session, and then that process can capture the screenshot locally and then use an IPC mechanism of your choosing, such as a socket or pipe, to transmit the data to your main process.