Pyomo 优化不起作用(天然气厂调度)
我正在尝试编写一个 pyomo 脚本,以根据对电价的完美预见来优化调度燃气厂。我相信我已经完成了 90%,只是还有一些问题。
我的脚本有效,但解算器从未调度工厂,即使它应该在哪里,在下面提供的示例中,我可以手动计算至少 8131 美元的潜在利润。
我怀疑我的零结果的原因是由于我如何编写约束,其中有 2 个;
- 燃气厂需要 10 分钟才能从冷启动启动。
- 一旦预热,燃气厂就有一个必须在/以上运行的最小负载。
- 天然气厂一天只能消耗 9000 GJ 的天然气,
import pandas as pd
from pyomo.environ import *
from pyomo.core import *
# ---------------------
# Main Functions
# ---------------------
def model_to_df(model, first_period, last_period):
# Need to increase the first & last period by 1 because of pyomo indexing
# and add 1 to the value of last model period because of the range
periods = range(model.T[first_period + 1], model.T[last_period + 1] + 1)
rrp = [model.P.extract_values()[None][i] for i in periods]
Gascold = [value(model.Gascold[i]) for i in periods]
Gaswarm = [value(model.Gaswarm[i]) for i in periods]
Gashot = [value(model.Gashot[i]) for i in periods]
GasUnit_mw = [value(model.GasUnit_mw[i]) for i in periods]
GasUse = [value(model.GasUse[i]) for i in periods]
df_dict = dict(
df = pd.DataFrame(df_dict)
return df
def optimize_year(df, gunits, gnet, gprice, vom, cold_gas_p_unit, hr, max_gas, sys_use,
first_model_period, last_model_period):
Optimize behavior of a gas plant over a time period
Assume perfect foresight of electricity prices.
df : dataframe
dataframe with columns of hourly LBMP and the hour of the year
gunits : int
number of gas turbines
gnet : double
size in MW's of each gas turbine
gprice : double
the price of gas $/GJ
vom : double
the variable cost of gas $/MWh dispatched
cold_gas_p_unit : double
the amount of gas in GJ used in 5 minutes while booting up from cold start
hr : double
heat rate, the amount of gas consumed per MWh produced (GJ/MWh)
sys_use : double
auxillary gas usage, percentage
max_gas : double
the maximum amount of gas (GJ) available to use in a period
first_model_period : int, optional
Set the first period of the year to be considered in the optimization
last_model_period : int, optional
Set the last period of the year to be considered in the optimization
Gas plant operational stats and time stamp
# Filter the data
df = df.loc[first_model_period:last_model_period, :]
model = ConcreteModel()
# Define model parameters
model.T = Set(initialize=df.period.tolist(), doc='periods of year', ordered=True)
model.P = Param(initialize=df.rrp.tolist(), doc='price for each period', within=Any)
model.MaxGas = Param(initialize=(gnet/12) * gunits * hr * (1+sys_use), doc='Max gas usage (GJ) in interval', within=Any)
model.MaxVol = Param(initialize=max_gas, doc='Max gas usage (GJ) in 24 hour period', within=Any)
model.MaxMW = Param(initialize=(gnet/12) * gunits, doc='Max MWs', within=Any)
model.Gascold = Var(model.T, doc='binary', within=Binary, initialize=1)
model.Gaswarm = Var(model.T, doc='binary', within=Binary, initialize=0)
model.Gashot = Var(model.T, doc='binary', within=Binary, initialize=0)
model.GasUse = Var(model.T, bounds=(0, model.MaxGas))
model.GasUnit_mw = Var(model.T, bounds=(0, model.MaxMW))
# *********************
# *********************
"Ensure that all three Gas State flags sum to 1"
def set_on(model, t):
return model.Gascold[t] + model.Gaswarm[t] + model.Gashot[t] == 1
model.limit_flags = Constraint(model.T, rule=set_on)
"Set t0 to GAS COLD = 1"
def gas_cold(model, t):
if t == model.T.first():
return model.Gascold[t] == 1
return model.Gascold[t] >= 0
model.gas_cold_check = Constraint(model.T, rule=gas_cold)
"Gas can only warm up from cold"
def gas_warm(model, t):
if t < 2:
return model.Gaswarm[t] == 0
elif (model.Gaswarm[t-2] + model.Gaswarm[t-1] + model.Gascold[t-1]) == 1:
return model.Gaswarm[t] >= 0
return model.Gaswarm[t] == 0
model.gas_warm_check = Constraint(model.T, rule=gas_warm)
"gas can only get hot from warm"
def gas_hot(model, t):
if t <= 2:
return model.Gashot[t] == 0
elif value(model.Gaswarm[t-2] + model.Gaswarm[t-1] + model.Gashot[t-2] + model.Gashot[t-1]) < 2:
return model.Gashot[t] == 0
return model.Gashot[t] >= 0
model.gas_hot_check = Constraint(model.T, rule=gas_hot)
"Gas hot min load"
def gas_hot_min_load(model, t):
if model.Gashot[t] == 1:
return model.GasUnit_mw[t] >= 30 / 12
return model.GasUnit_mw[t] == 0
model.gas_hot_min_load_check = Constraint(model.T, rule=gas_hot_min_load)
"Gas volume used"
def gas_volume_used(model, t):
'how much gas is being used?'
return model.GasUse[t] == (model.GasUnit_mw[t] * hr * (1+sys_use)) + (model.Gaswarm[t] * gunits * cold_gas_p_unit * (1+sys_use))
model.gas_vol = Constraint(model.T, rule=gas_volume_used)
"only 9000 GJ of gas can be used in a single day"
def daily_max_gas(model, t):
min_t = model.T.first()
max_t = model.T.last()
# Check all t until the last 24 hours
if t <= max_t:
return sum(model.GasUse[i] for i in range(min_t, max_t+1)) <= model.MaxVol
return Constraint.Skip
model.max_gas_vol = Constraint(model.T, rule=daily_max_gas)
# Define the income, expenses, and profit
gas_income = sum(df.loc[t, 'rrp'] * model.GasUnit_mw[t] for t in model.T)
gas_expenses = sum(model.GasUse[t] * gprice + model.GasUnit_mw[t] * vom for t in model.T)
profit = gas_income - gas_expenses
model.objective = Objective(expr=profit, sense=maximize)
# Solve the model
solver = SolverFactory('glpk')
results_df = model_to_df(model, first_period=first_model_period, last_period=last_model_period)
results_df['local_time'] = df.loc[:, 'local_time']
return results_df
# *********************
# *********************
# Import file
df = pd.read_csv('raw_prices.csv')
# New Index
df['period'] = df.reset_index().index
# get current Year
first_model_period = 0
last_model_period = df['period'].iloc[-1]
# Gas Inputs
gunits = 3 # No units
gnet = 58.5 # MW/unit
srmc = 115.49 # $/MWh
vom = 6.18 # $/MWh
gprice = 10.206 # $/GJ
cold_gas_p_unit = 15.75 # GJ/unit/5mins
hr = 10.5 # GJ/MWh
sys_use = 0.02 # %
max_gas = 9000 # GJ
# Run Model
results_df = optimize_year(df=df, gunits=gunits, gnet=gnet, gprice=gprice, vom=vom, cold_gas_p_unit=cold_gas_p_unit,
hr=hr, max_gas=max_gas, sys_use=sys_use,
first_model_period=first_model_period, last_model_period=last_model_period)
# ---------------------
# Write the file out and remove the index
# ---------------------
print('ran successfully')
results_df.to_csv('optimised_output.csv', index=False)
local_time rrp
3/07/2022 16:40 64.99
3/07/2022 16:45 73.10744
3/07/2022 16:50 74.21746
3/07/2022 16:55 95.90964
3/07/2022 17:00 89.60728
3/07/2022 17:05 90.37018
3/07/2022 17:10 92.52947
3/07/2022 17:15 100.1449
3/07/2022 17:20 103.70199
3/07/2022 17:25 290.2848
3/07/2022 17:30 115.40232
3/07/2022 17:35 121.00009
3/07/2022 17:40 294.62543
3/07/2022 17:45 121
3/07/2022 17:50 294.69446
3/07/2022 17:55 124.90664
3/07/2022 18:00 117.21929
3/07/2022 18:05 115.60193
3/07/2022 18:10 121
3/07/2022 18:15 148.20186
3/07/2022 18:20 123.11763
3/07/2022 18:25 120.99996
3/07/2022 18:30 121
3/07/2022 18:35 121
3/07/2022 18:40 121
3/07/2022 18:45 120.77726
3/07/2022 18:50 105.44435
3/07/2022 18:55 104.22928
3/07/2022 19:00 102.26646
3/07/2022 19:05 99.5896
3/07/2022 19:10 95.5881
3/07/2022 19:15 88
3/07/2022 19:20 88
3/07/2022 19:25 88
3/07/2022 19:30 96.97537
3/07/2022 19:35 88
3/07/2022 19:40 86.39322
3/07/2022 19:45 88
3/07/2022 19:50 85.97703
3/07/2022 19:55 86
3/07/2022 20:00 87.61047
3/07/2022 20:05 88
3/07/2022 20:10 88
3/07/2022 20:15 85.34908
3/07/2022 20:20 85.1
3/07/2022 20:25 71.01181
3/07/2022 20:30 84.88422
3/07/2022 20:35 85.39669
3/07/2022 20:40 86.02542
3/07/2022 20:45 84.87425
3/07/2022 20:50 70.0652
3/07/2022 20:55 70.65106
3/07/2022 21:00 70.53063
3/07/2022 21:05 68.27
3/07/2022 21:10 68.86159
3/07/2022 21:15 68.32018
3/07/2022 21:20 67.30473
3/07/2022 21:25 66.78292
3/07/2022 21:30 66.02195
3/07/2022 21:35 66.40755
I am trying to write an pyomo script to optimally dispatch a gas plant based on perfect foresight of electricity prices. I believe I am 90% of the way there, just a few issues.
My script works, but the solver is never dispatching the plant, even where it should be, in the example provided below, manually I can calculate at least $8131 of potential profit.
I suspect the reason for my zero results is due to how I've written the constraints, of which there are 2;
- Gas Plant takes 10 minutes to boot up from a cold start
- Once warmed up, the gas plant has a min load it must operate at/above.
- Gas Plant can only consume 9000 GJ of gas in a single day
Specifically on further testing, I think it is the 'gas_volume_used' constraint which is causing the issue.
Help Requested
Could someone please have a look at my code and see what I am missing in the constraint equations?
import pandas as pd
from pyomo.environ import *
from pyomo.core import *
# ---------------------
# Main Functions
# ---------------------
def model_to_df(model, first_period, last_period):
# Need to increase the first & last period by 1 because of pyomo indexing
# and add 1 to the value of last model period because of the range
periods = range(model.T[first_period + 1], model.T[last_period + 1] + 1)
rrp = [model.P.extract_values()[None][i] for i in periods]
Gascold = [value(model.Gascold[i]) for i in periods]
Gaswarm = [value(model.Gaswarm[i]) for i in periods]
Gashot = [value(model.Gashot[i]) for i in periods]
GasUnit_mw = [value(model.GasUnit_mw[i]) for i in periods]
GasUse = [value(model.GasUse[i]) for i in periods]
df_dict = dict(
df = pd.DataFrame(df_dict)
return df
def optimize_year(df, gunits, gnet, gprice, vom, cold_gas_p_unit, hr, max_gas, sys_use,
first_model_period, last_model_period):
Optimize behavior of a gas plant over a time period
Assume perfect foresight of electricity prices.
df : dataframe
dataframe with columns of hourly LBMP and the hour of the year
gunits : int
number of gas turbines
gnet : double
size in MW's of each gas turbine
gprice : double
the price of gas $/GJ
vom : double
the variable cost of gas $/MWh dispatched
cold_gas_p_unit : double
the amount of gas in GJ used in 5 minutes while booting up from cold start
hr : double
heat rate, the amount of gas consumed per MWh produced (GJ/MWh)
sys_use : double
auxillary gas usage, percentage
max_gas : double
the maximum amount of gas (GJ) available to use in a period
first_model_period : int, optional
Set the first period of the year to be considered in the optimization
last_model_period : int, optional
Set the last period of the year to be considered in the optimization
Gas plant operational stats and time stamp
# Filter the data
df = df.loc[first_model_period:last_model_period, :]
model = ConcreteModel()
# Define model parameters
model.T = Set(initialize=df.period.tolist(), doc='periods of year', ordered=True)
model.P = Param(initialize=df.rrp.tolist(), doc='price for each period', within=Any)
model.MaxGas = Param(initialize=(gnet/12) * gunits * hr * (1+sys_use), doc='Max gas usage (GJ) in interval', within=Any)
model.MaxVol = Param(initialize=max_gas, doc='Max gas usage (GJ) in 24 hour period', within=Any)
model.MaxMW = Param(initialize=(gnet/12) * gunits, doc='Max MWs', within=Any)
model.Gascold = Var(model.T, doc='binary', within=Binary, initialize=1)
model.Gaswarm = Var(model.T, doc='binary', within=Binary, initialize=0)
model.Gashot = Var(model.T, doc='binary', within=Binary, initialize=0)
model.GasUse = Var(model.T, bounds=(0, model.MaxGas))
model.GasUnit_mw = Var(model.T, bounds=(0, model.MaxMW))
# *********************
# *********************
"Ensure that all three Gas State flags sum to 1"
def set_on(model, t):
return model.Gascold[t] + model.Gaswarm[t] + model.Gashot[t] == 1
model.limit_flags = Constraint(model.T, rule=set_on)
"Set t0 to GAS COLD = 1"
def gas_cold(model, t):
if t == model.T.first():
return model.Gascold[t] == 1
return model.Gascold[t] >= 0
model.gas_cold_check = Constraint(model.T, rule=gas_cold)
"Gas can only warm up from cold"
def gas_warm(model, t):
if t < 2:
return model.Gaswarm[t] == 0
elif (model.Gaswarm[t-2] + model.Gaswarm[t-1] + model.Gascold[t-1]) == 1:
return model.Gaswarm[t] >= 0
return model.Gaswarm[t] == 0
model.gas_warm_check = Constraint(model.T, rule=gas_warm)
"gas can only get hot from warm"
def gas_hot(model, t):
if t <= 2:
return model.Gashot[t] == 0
elif value(model.Gaswarm[t-2] + model.Gaswarm[t-1] + model.Gashot[t-2] + model.Gashot[t-1]) < 2:
return model.Gashot[t] == 0
return model.Gashot[t] >= 0
model.gas_hot_check = Constraint(model.T, rule=gas_hot)
"Gas hot min load"
def gas_hot_min_load(model, t):
if model.Gashot[t] == 1:
return model.GasUnit_mw[t] >= 30 / 12
return model.GasUnit_mw[t] == 0
model.gas_hot_min_load_check = Constraint(model.T, rule=gas_hot_min_load)
"Gas volume used"
def gas_volume_used(model, t):
'how much gas is being used?'
return model.GasUse[t] == (model.GasUnit_mw[t] * hr * (1+sys_use)) + (model.Gaswarm[t] * gunits * cold_gas_p_unit * (1+sys_use))
model.gas_vol = Constraint(model.T, rule=gas_volume_used)
"only 9000 GJ of gas can be used in a single day"
def daily_max_gas(model, t):
min_t = model.T.first()
max_t = model.T.last()
# Check all t until the last 24 hours
if t <= max_t:
return sum(model.GasUse[i] for i in range(min_t, max_t+1)) <= model.MaxVol
return Constraint.Skip
model.max_gas_vol = Constraint(model.T, rule=daily_max_gas)
# Define the income, expenses, and profit
gas_income = sum(df.loc[t, 'rrp'] * model.GasUnit_mw[t] for t in model.T)
gas_expenses = sum(model.GasUse[t] * gprice + model.GasUnit_mw[t] * vom for t in model.T)
profit = gas_income - gas_expenses
model.objective = Objective(expr=profit, sense=maximize)
# Solve the model
solver = SolverFactory('glpk')
results_df = model_to_df(model, first_period=first_model_period, last_period=last_model_period)
results_df['local_time'] = df.loc[:, 'local_time']
return results_df
# *********************
# *********************
# Import file
df = pd.read_csv('raw_prices.csv')
# New Index
df['period'] = df.reset_index().index
# get current Year
first_model_period = 0
last_model_period = df['period'].iloc[-1]
# Gas Inputs
gunits = 3 # No units
gnet = 58.5 # MW/unit
srmc = 115.49 # $/MWh
vom = 6.18 # $/MWh
gprice = 10.206 # $/GJ
cold_gas_p_unit = 15.75 # GJ/unit/5mins
hr = 10.5 # GJ/MWh
sys_use = 0.02 # %
max_gas = 9000 # GJ
# Run Model
results_df = optimize_year(df=df, gunits=gunits, gnet=gnet, gprice=gprice, vom=vom, cold_gas_p_unit=cold_gas_p_unit,
hr=hr, max_gas=max_gas, sys_use=sys_use,
first_model_period=first_model_period, last_model_period=last_model_period)
# ---------------------
# Write the file out and remove the index
# ---------------------
print('ran successfully')
results_df.to_csv('optimised_output.csv', index=False)
Example Data
local_time rrp
3/07/2022 16:40 64.99
3/07/2022 16:45 73.10744
3/07/2022 16:50 74.21746
3/07/2022 16:55 95.90964
3/07/2022 17:00 89.60728
3/07/2022 17:05 90.37018
3/07/2022 17:10 92.52947
3/07/2022 17:15 100.1449
3/07/2022 17:20 103.70199
3/07/2022 17:25 290.2848
3/07/2022 17:30 115.40232
3/07/2022 17:35 121.00009
3/07/2022 17:40 294.62543
3/07/2022 17:45 121
3/07/2022 17:50 294.69446
3/07/2022 17:55 124.90664
3/07/2022 18:00 117.21929
3/07/2022 18:05 115.60193
3/07/2022 18:10 121
3/07/2022 18:15 148.20186
3/07/2022 18:20 123.11763
3/07/2022 18:25 120.99996
3/07/2022 18:30 121
3/07/2022 18:35 121
3/07/2022 18:40 121
3/07/2022 18:45 120.77726
3/07/2022 18:50 105.44435
3/07/2022 18:55 104.22928
3/07/2022 19:00 102.26646
3/07/2022 19:05 99.5896
3/07/2022 19:10 95.5881
3/07/2022 19:15 88
3/07/2022 19:20 88
3/07/2022 19:25 88
3/07/2022 19:30 96.97537
3/07/2022 19:35 88
3/07/2022 19:40 86.39322
3/07/2022 19:45 88
3/07/2022 19:50 85.97703
3/07/2022 19:55 86
3/07/2022 20:00 87.61047
3/07/2022 20:05 88
3/07/2022 20:10 88
3/07/2022 20:15 85.34908
3/07/2022 20:20 85.1
3/07/2022 20:25 71.01181
3/07/2022 20:30 84.88422
3/07/2022 20:35 85.39669
3/07/2022 20:40 86.02542
3/07/2022 20:45 84.87425
3/07/2022 20:50 70.0652
3/07/2022 20:55 70.65106
3/07/2022 21:00 70.53063
3/07/2022 21:05 68.27
3/07/2022 21:10 68.86159
3/07/2022 21:15 68.32018
3/07/2022 21:20 67.30473
3/07/2022 21:25 66.78292
3/07/2022 21:30 66.02195
3/07/2022 21:35 66.40755
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Well, I went a little geek on this. Got hooked, kinda interesting problem.
So, I made a bunch of changes and left some of your code in this example. I also chopped down a handful of the cost variables and made them rather simple as I was getting a little lost in the sauce and so that I was (mostly) convinced things were working, so the units/conversions/costs are a bit nonsensical now, but should be easily recovered.
Hopefully there are a couple concepts in here that you can use as you work through this. A few notes...
Plot shows pretty convincing evidence that it is running as hoped, it starts up, runs at max blast when price is high, and adheres to rolling gas limit, then shuts down and does it again.