lambda 演算中 2 个列表的串联
我已经定义了多态列表的类型及其构造函数,现在尝试 编写一个连接 2 个列表的函数,但我的函数 concat 不起作用
Definition listA A :Set :=
forall T :Set, T -> (A -> T -> T) -> T.
Definition pnil (A :Set) : listA A :=
fun T: Set => fun (x : T ) => fun (c : A -> T -> T) => x.
Definition pcons (A :Set): A -> (listA A) -> (listA A):=
fun (a : A) (q : listA A) => fun T : Set => fun (x : T ) => fun (c : A -> T -> T) => c a (q T x c).
Definition concat (A :Set ) (a b:listA A): listA A :=
a A b ( pcons A a b).
我收到函数 concat 的错误
In environment
A : Set
a : listeA A
b : listeA A
The term "b" has type "listeA A" while it is expected to have type "A".
I have defined the type of a polymorphic list and its constructors, and now trying to
write a fonction that concatenate 2 lists but my function concat does not work
Definition listA A :Set :=
forall T :Set, T -> (A -> T -> T) -> T.
Definition pnil (A :Set) : listA A :=
fun T: Set => fun (x : T ) => fun (c : A -> T -> T) => x.
Definition pcons (A :Set): A -> (listA A) -> (listA A):=
fun (a : A) (q : listA A) => fun T : Set => fun (x : T ) => fun (c : A -> T -> T) => c a (q T x c).
Definition concat (A :Set ) (a b:listA A): listA A :=
a A b ( pcons A a b).
error I get for the function concat
In environment
A : Set
a : listeA A
b : listeA A
The term "b" has type "listeA A" while it is expected to have type "A".
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构建一些listA A
,因此它的第一个参数应该是listA A
,所以这第三个参数应该是pcons A
而不是pcons A a b
。There are two issues with your function: first, you use
to build somelistA A
and not someA
, so its first argument should belistA A
and notA
. Second, its third argument is also incorrect: in thecons
case, you simply want to reusecons
again, rather than usingb
, so this third argument should bepcons A
instead ofpcons A a b
.In the end, you get
If you want to test it and convince yourself it does the right thing, you might want to play with
that convert from your impredicative encoding to the usual datatype and back.
For instance, you can do
and see that the result is indeed