结账时将 Woocommerce 来宾域列入白名单
我需要仅为访客用户创建一个 woocommerce 商店(由于我客户公司的规定,无法进行客户注册)。 有什么办法可以将客户地址域限制为特定域吗?
我的客户希望我为他的员工开设一家 woocommerce 礼品店(一家为公司员工提供免费赠品的“商店”),并且只有在结账表单中提供带有公司域名的电子邮件地址后才可以结账。
谢谢你的帮助, 克日谢克
I need to create a woocommerce shop for guest users only (customer registration will not be possible due to my clients company regulations).
Is there any way to restrict customer address domain to a specific domain?
My clinet wants me to make a woocommerce gift shop for his employees (a "shop" with free swag items for company workers), and checkout should be possible only after providing email address with companys domain in checkout form.
Is there any way to whitelist only one or two specific domain in email field in guest checkout form?
Thenk you for your help,
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将以下函数放入您的functions.php - https://prnt.sc/O2V_i9B-Frf-
Place the following function in your functions.php - https://prnt.sc/O2V_i9B-Frf-