Office-JS API 使用 Fetch 从服务器获取数据,替换 Word 中的字段 - ItemNotFound 错误

发布于 2025-01-13 13:12:32 字数 21483 浏览 4 评论 0原文

我是 Office-JS API 的新手,但尝试开发一个 POC 来演示通过单击按钮即可将 Word 文档中的所有字段替换为从 API 检索到的相应数据的能力。

因此,我开发了一个 API 作为 Azure 函数,我可以调用它并传递一个值,并且它将以 JSON 形式返回与传递的值匹配的记录的字段名称和值。我已经使用 Postman 对此进行了测试。

现在我正在尝试让 Office-JS 部分正常工作。我从 VS-2022 模板开始,我已将其转换为 TypeScript。

我的预期方法是,当用户单击按钮时,应用程序将调用 API 并获取记录(数据)字段作为一组名称/值对。


此代码成功找到搜索条件,并对替换项进行排队,为 context.sync 调用做准备...但在 context.sync 调用期间,报告错误“ItemNotFound”。



(function () {
    "use strict";

    var messageBanner;

    // The initialize function must be run each time a new page is loaded.
    Office.initialize = function (reason) {
        (window as any).Promise = OfficeExtension.Promise;
        $(document).ready(function () {
            // Initialize the notification mechanism and hide it
            var element = document.querySelector('.MessageBanner');
            messageBanner = new components.MessageBanner(element);
            OfficeExtension.config.extendedErrorLogging = true;

            // If not using Word 2016, use fallback logic.
            if (!Office.context.requirements.isSetSupported('WordApi', '1.1')) {
                $("#template-description").text("This sample displays the selected text.");
                $('#button-desc').text("Display the selected text");


            $("#template-description").text("This POC demonstrates template capabilities for NLRB within WORD.");
            $('#button-text').text("Merge Template!");
            $('#button-desc').text("Replaces fields with appropriate data.");

            // Add a click event handler for the highlight button.

    async function loadCaseData(caseNum) { (context) => {
                url = `[My API URL]`;

                .then(resp => resp.json())
                .then(resp => {
                    console.log('Server Response : ' + JSON.stringify(resp));

                    let fieldList = Object.entries(resp).map(([k, v]) => {
                        let fieldNameString = '«' + k + '»';
                        return { fieldName: fieldNameString, fieldValue: v };
                    console.log("Dataset in first part: " + JSON.stringify(fieldList));
                    return fieldList;
                .then(async fieldList => await searchDocForFields(fieldList, context))
            return context.sync();

    async function simpleTest() { (context) => {

            let fieldList = [
                { fieldName: "«StartLogSeqNo»", fieldValue: "AAA5fgABbpgACw==" },
                { fieldName: "«EndLogSeqNo»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«SeqVal»", fieldValue: "AAA5fgABbpgAAw==" },
                { fieldName: "«DmlOperation»", fieldValue: 4 },
                { fieldName: "«DmlUpdateFields»", fieldValue: "AAAAAAAAAUAgADg=" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseAssgnedDt»", fieldValue: "2011-07-22T17:12:19" },
                { fieldName: "«AsgnUsrExcldFlg»", fieldValue: "N" },
                { fieldName: "«BuId»", fieldValue: "0-R9NH" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseFiledDt»", fieldValue: "2006-03-09T00:00:00" },
                { fieldName: "«InquiryId»", fieldValue: "08-CA-123456" },
                { fieldName: "«ChgofccmReqFlg»", fieldValue: "N" },
                { fieldName: "«DisputeUnitCity»", fieldValue: "Cleveland" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseClasification»", fieldValue: "Unclassified" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseClosedDt»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«Created»", fieldValue: "2010-10-07T15:32:29" },
                { fieldName: "«CreatedBy»", fieldValue: "0-1" },
                { fieldName: "«CrimeSubTypeCd»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«TypeCd»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«DbLastUpd»", fieldValue: "2019-10-20T17:17:14.31" },
                { fieldName: "«DbLastUpdSrc»", fieldValue: "ScriptingService_PreInvokeMethod" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseDescription»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«LastUpd»", fieldValue: "2019-10-20T17:17:14" },
                { fieldName: "«LastUpdBy»", fieldValue: "1-CGA" },
                { fieldName: "«LocalSeqNum»", fieldValue: 1 },
                { fieldName: "«ModificationNum»", fieldValue: 11 },
                { fieldName: "«CaseName»", fieldValue: "This is the case name from the data" },
                { fieldName: "«ParCaseId»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«PrAgencyId»", fieldValue: "No Match Row Id" },
                { fieldName: "«PrAgentId»", fieldValue: "No Match Row Id" },
                { fieldName: "«PrPostnId»", fieldValue: "1-5D2V9F       " },
                { fieldName: "«PrPrtnrId»", fieldValue: "No Match Row Id" },
                { fieldName: "«PrRepDnrmFlg»", fieldValue: "Y" },
                { fieldName: "«PrRepManlFlg»", fieldValue: "Y" },
                { fieldName: "«PrRepSysFlg»", fieldValue: "Y" },
                { fieldName: "«PrSgroupId»", fieldValue: "No Match Row Id" },
                { fieldName: "«PrSubjectId»", fieldValue: "No Match Row Id" },
                { fieldName: "«PrSuspctId»", fieldValue: "No Match Row Id" },
                { fieldName: "«IaCategory»", fieldValue: "2" },
                { fieldName: "«RewardExchangeDt»", fieldValue: "2010-10-07T11:09:02" },
                { fieldName: "«RowId»", fieldValue: "1-2DCA-1327" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseNumber»", fieldValue: "08-CA-123456" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseSource»", fieldValue: "Visit" },
                { fieldName: "«DisputeUnitState»", fieldValue: "OH" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseStatus»", fieldValue: "Open" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseSubType»", fieldValue: "CA" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseSubTypeCd»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«TerritoryTypeCd»", fieldValue: "08" },
                { fieldName: "«ThreatLvlCd»", fieldValue: "Batch" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseType»", fieldValue: "C" },
                { fieldName: "«BlockedFlag»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«CaseLongName»", fieldValue: "This is the case name from the data" },
                { fieldName: "«XCaseNumCi»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«DojCaseType»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«ElectionTargetDt»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«HearingTargetDt»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«MethodType»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«XNameCi»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«Num8a3Discriminatees»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«Num8b2Discriminatees»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«NumOfEmployees»", fieldValue: 146 },
                { fieldName: "«PostElectionSelfCertification»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«Potential10j»", fieldValue: "N" },
                { fieldName: "«XPrPostnBrdId»", fieldValue: "1-4P8HN1" },
                { fieldName: "«XPrPostnSpvId»", fieldValue: "1-1RAQT2" },
                { fieldName: "«ElectionSelfCertification»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«XTypeCdCi»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«Moved2dh»", fieldValue: 1 },
                { fieldName: "«IdentityVal»", fieldValue: 5792070 },
                { fieldName: "«CdcRecordedFields»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«NxgenTestCase»", fieldValue: "N" },
                { fieldName: "«InquiryChargePetition»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«ChangeCaptureDatetime»", fieldValue: "2019-10-20T13:17:15.83" },
                { fieldName: "«RegionRecommendsPursuing10j»", fieldValue: "N" },
                { fieldName: "«SurrogateKey»", fieldValue: 1731295 }

            await searchDocForFields(fieldList, context);

    async function searchDocForFields(fieldList, context) {

        console.log("Dataset: " + JSON.stringify(fieldList));

        const allSearchResults = [];
        console.log('fieldList.Length = ' + fieldList.length);
        //    console.log("Dataset in second part: " + JSON.stringify(fieldList));
        for (let fieldCount = 0; fieldCount < fieldList.length; fieldCount++) {
            let options = Word.SearchOptions.newObject(context);
            options.matchWildCards = false;
            options.matchCase = true;
            options.matchWholeWord = true;
            // Check the document to see if this field from the database is found
            //        console.log("Checking for " + fieldList[fieldCount].fieldName + " to be replaced with " + fieldList[fieldCount].fieldValue);
            let searchResults =[fieldCount].fieldName, options);
            //Load all of the items that meet the search criteria
            let correlatedSearchResult = {
                rangesMatchingFieldName: searchResults,
                fieldValue: fieldList[fieldCount].fieldValue
        await context.sync();

        // Now we have all of the search results in the correlatedSearchResult array.
        for (let searchResultCount = 0; searchResultCount < allSearchResults.length; searchResultCount++) {
            let correlatedObject = allSearchResults[searchResultCount];
            console.log("Checking for search result " + searchResultCount + " of " + allSearchResults.length);
            for (let rangeCount = 0; rangeCount < correlatedObject.rangesMatchingFieldName.items.length; rangeCount++) {
                let targetRange = correlatedObject.rangesMatchingFieldName.items[rangeCount];
                let replacementValue = correlatedObject.fieldValue;
                targetRange.insertText(replacementValue, Word.InsertLocation.replace);
                console.log("Replacing found instance " + rangeCount + " of " + correlatedObject.rangesMatchingFieldName.items.length + " (" + JSON.stringify(targetRange) + ") with (" + replacementValue + ")");
        return await context.sync();

    function dataCompareTest(caseNum) { => {
                url = `[My API URL]`;

            const codedFieldList = [
                { fieldName: "«StartLogSeqNo»", fieldValue: "AAA5fgABbpgACw==" },
                { fieldName: "«EndLogSeqNo»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«SeqVal»", fieldValue: "AAA5fgABbpgAAw==" },
                { fieldName: "«DmlOperation»", fieldValue: 4 },
                { fieldName: "«DmlUpdateFields»", fieldValue: "AAAAAAAAAUAgADg=" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseAssgnedDt»", fieldValue: "2011-07-22T17:12:19" },
                { fieldName: "«AsgnUsrExcldFlg»", fieldValue: "N" },
                { fieldName: "«BuId»", fieldValue: "0-R9NH" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseFiledDt»", fieldValue: "2006-03-09T00:00:00" },
                { fieldName: "«InquiryId»", fieldValue: "08-CA-123456" },
                { fieldName: "«ChgofccmReqFlg»", fieldValue: "N" },
                { fieldName: "«DisputeUnitCity»", fieldValue: "Cleveland" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseClasification»", fieldValue: "Unclassified" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseClosedDt»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«Created»", fieldValue: "2010-10-07T15:32:29" },
                { fieldName: "«CreatedBy»", fieldValue: "0-1" },
                { fieldName: "«CrimeSubTypeCd»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«TypeCd»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«DbLastUpd»", fieldValue: "2019-10-20T17:17:14.31" },
                { fieldName: "«DbLastUpdSrc»", fieldValue: "ScriptingService_PreInvokeMethod" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseDescription»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«LastUpd»", fieldValue: "2019-10-20T17:17:14" },
                { fieldName: "«LastUpdBy»", fieldValue: "1-CGA" },
                { fieldName: "«LocalSeqNum»", fieldValue: 1 },
                { fieldName: "«ModificationNum»", fieldValue: 11 },
                { fieldName: "«CaseName»", fieldValue: "This is the case name from the data" },
                { fieldName: "«ParCaseId»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«PrAgencyId»", fieldValue: "No Match Row Id" },
                { fieldName: "«PrAgentId»", fieldValue: "No Match Row Id" },
                { fieldName: "«PrPostnId»", fieldValue: "1-5D2V9F       " },
                { fieldName: "«PrPrtnrId»", fieldValue: "No Match Row Id" },
                { fieldName: "«PrRepDnrmFlg»", fieldValue: "Y" },
                { fieldName: "«PrRepManlFlg»", fieldValue: "Y" },
                { fieldName: "«PrRepSysFlg»", fieldValue: "Y" },
                { fieldName: "«PrSgroupId»", fieldValue: "No Match Row Id" },
                { fieldName: "«PrSubjectId»", fieldValue: "No Match Row Id" },
                { fieldName: "«PrSuspctId»", fieldValue: "No Match Row Id" },
                { fieldName: "«IaCategory»", fieldValue: "2" },
                { fieldName: "«RewardExchangeDt»", fieldValue: "2010-10-07T11:09:02" },
                { fieldName: "«RowId»", fieldValue: "1-2DCA-1327" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseNumber»", fieldValue: "08-CA-123456" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseSource»", fieldValue: "Visit" },
                { fieldName: "«DisputeUnitState»", fieldValue: "OH" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseStatus»", fieldValue: "Open" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseSubType»", fieldValue: "CA" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseSubTypeCd»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«TerritoryTypeCd»", fieldValue: "08" },
                { fieldName: "«ThreatLvlCd»", fieldValue: "Batch" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseType»", fieldValue: "C" },
                { fieldName: "«BlockedFlag»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«CaseLongName»", fieldValue: "This is the case name from the data" },
                { fieldName: "«XCaseNumCi»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«DojCaseType»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«ElectionTargetDt»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«HearingTargetDt»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«MethodType»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«XNameCi»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«Num8a3Discriminatees»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«Num8b2Discriminatees»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«NumOfEmployees»", fieldValue: 146 },
                { fieldName: "«PostElectionSelfCertification»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«Potential10j»", fieldValue: "N" },
                { fieldName: "«XPrPostnBrdId»", fieldValue: "1-4P8HN1" },
                { fieldName: "«XPrPostnSpvId»", fieldValue: "1-1RAQT2" },
                { fieldName: "«ElectionSelfCertification»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«XTypeCdCi»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«Moved2dh»", fieldValue: 1 },
                { fieldName: "«IdentityVal»", fieldValue: 5792070 },
                { fieldName: "«CdcRecordedFields»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«NxgenTestCase»", fieldValue: "N" },
                { fieldName: "«InquiryChargePetition»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«ChangeCaptureDatetime»", fieldValue: "2019-10-20T13:17:15.83" },
                { fieldName: "«RegionRecommendsPursuing10j»", fieldValue: "N" },
                { fieldName: "«SurrogateKey»", fieldValue: 1731295 }

                .then(resp => resp.json())
                .then(resp => {
                    console.log('Server Response : ' + JSON.stringify(resp));

                    let fetchFieldList = Object.entries(resp).map(([k, v]) => {
                        let fieldNameString = '«' + k + '»';
                        return { fieldName: fieldNameString, fieldValue: v };
                    console.log("Dataset in first part: " + JSON.stringify(fetchFieldList));
                    return fetchFieldList;
                .then(fieldList => {
                    console.log('Comparing datasets');

                    const jsonFieldList = JSON.stringify(fieldList);
                    const jsonCodedFieldList = JSON.stringify(codedFieldList);
                    const same = jsonFieldList === jsonCodedFieldList;
                    console.log("Are the arrays the same? " + same);
            return context.sync();

    //$$(Helper function for treating errors, $loc_script_taskpane_home_js_comment34$)$$
    function errorHandler(error) {
        // $$(Always be sure to catch any accumulated errors that bubble up from the execution., $loc_script_taskpane_home_js_comment35$)$$
        showNotification("Error:", error);
        console.log("Error: " + error);
        if (error instanceof OfficeExtension.Error) {
            console.log("Debug info: " + JSON.stringify(error.debugInfo));

    // Helper function for displaying notifications
    function showNotification(header, content) {

从我的数据 API 返回的示例 JSON:

    "CaseAssgnedDt": "2011-07-22T17:12:19",
    "AsgnUsrExcldFlg": "N",
    "BuId": "0-R9NH",
    "CaseFiledDt": "2006-03-09T00:00:00",
    "InquiryId": "08-CA-123456",
    "ChgofccmReqFlg": "N",
    "DisputeUnitCity": "Cleveland",
    "CaseClasification": "Unclassified",
    "CaseClosedDt": null,
    "Created": "2010-10-07T15:32:29",
    "CreatedBy": "0-1",
    "CrimeSubTypeCd": null,
    "TypeCd": null,
    "DbLastUpd": "2019-10-20T17:17:14.31",
    "DbLastUpdSrc": "ScriptingService_PreInvokeMethod",
    "CaseDescription": null,
    "LastUpd": "2019-10-20T17:17:14",
    "LastUpdBy": "1-CGA",
    "LocalSeqNum": 1,
    "ModificationNum": 11,
    "CaseName": "This is the case name from the data",
    "ParCaseId": null,
    "PrAgencyId": "No Match Row Id",
    "PrAgentId": "No Match Row Id",
    "PrPostnId": "1-5D2V9F       ",
    "PrPrtnrId": "No Match Row Id",
    "PrRepDnrmFlg": "Y",
    "PrRepManlFlg": "Y",
    "PrRepSysFlg": "Y",
    "PrSgroupId": "No Match Row Id",
    "PrSubjectId": "No Match Row Id",
    "PrSuspctId": "No Match Row Id",
    "IaCategory": "2",
    "RewardExchangeDt": "2010-10-07T11:09:02",
    "RowId": "1-2DCA-1327",
    "CaseNumber": "08-CA-123456",
    "CaseSource": "Visit",
    "DisputeUnitState": "OH",
    "CaseStatus": "Open",
    "CaseSubType": "CA",
    "CaseSubTypeCd": null,
    "TerritoryTypeCd": "08",
    "ThreatLvlCd": "Batch",
    "CaseType": "C",
    "BlockedFlag": null,
    "CaseLongName": "This is the case name from the data",
    "XCaseNumCi": null,
    "DojCaseType": null,
    "ElectionTargetDt": null,
    "HearingTargetDt": null,
    "MethodType": null,
    "XNameCi": null,
    "Num8a3Discriminatees": null,
    "Num8b2Discriminatees": null,
    "NumOfEmployees": 146,
    "PostElectionSelfCertification": null,
    "Potential10j": "N",
    "XPrPostnBrdId": "1-4P8HN1",
    "XPrPostnSpvId": "1-1RAQT2",
    "ElectionSelfCertification": null,
    "XTypeCdCi": null,
    "Moved2dh": 1,
    "IdentityVal": 5792070,
    "CdcRecordedFields": null,
    "NxgenTestCase": "N",
    "InquiryChargePetition": null,
    "ChangeCaptureDatetime": "2019-10-20T13:17:15.83",
    "RegionRecommendsPursuing10j": "N",
    "SurrogateKey": 1731295



- 更新: 根据 Rick Kirkham 的建议,我创建了一个新函数(“simpleTest”,现在包含在上面的代码中)来简化和验证该方法,并惊讶地发现它有效(尽管我敢打赌 Rick 并不感到惊讶,哈哈)。

我还添加了一个函数“dataCompare”(也在上面的代码中),它手动加载一个数据集,并使用 Fetch 调用加载另一个数据集,然后比较两者,它会响应两个数组相同。

所以我很困惑,因为数据是相同的,并且 loadCaseData 和 simpleTest 函数都使用相同的 searchDocForFields 函数来进行搜索和替换,为什么 simpleTest 函数会工作,而 loadCaseData 函数会失败并显示项目未找到错误?

谢谢。 标记。

I am new to the Office-JS API, but trying to develop a POC to demonstrate the ability to, with the click of a button, replace all fields in a Word document with corresponding data retrieved from an API.

So I have developed an API as an Azure Function, which I can call, passing a value, and it will return the field names and values as JSON for the record that matches the passed value. I have tested this already using Postman.

Now I am trying to get the Office-JS piece working. I started with the VS-2022 template, which I have converted to TypeScript.

My intended approach is that when the user clicks the button, the application will call the API and obtain the record (data) fields as a set of name/value pairs.

Then, I want loop through all of the (data) fields returned, and for each (data) field name, check to see if there is a (document) field in the document by that name; if so, replace the (document) field with the (data) field's value.

This code is successfully finding the search criteria, and queueing up the replacements, in preparation for the context.sync call... But then during the context.sync call, is reporting an error "ItemNotFound."

I am following the recommended approach documented here under the "Process objects in the document with the correlated objects pattern" section.

My code follows:

(function () {
    "use strict";

    var messageBanner;

    // The initialize function must be run each time a new page is loaded.
    Office.initialize = function (reason) {
        (window as any).Promise = OfficeExtension.Promise;
        $(document).ready(function () {
            // Initialize the notification mechanism and hide it
            var element = document.querySelector('.MessageBanner');
            messageBanner = new components.MessageBanner(element);
            OfficeExtension.config.extendedErrorLogging = true;

            // If not using Word 2016, use fallback logic.
            if (!Office.context.requirements.isSetSupported('WordApi', '1.1')) {
                $("#template-description").text("This sample displays the selected text.");
                $('#button-desc').text("Display the selected text");


            $("#template-description").text("This POC demonstrates template capabilities for NLRB within WORD.");
            $('#button-text').text("Merge Template!");
            $('#button-desc').text("Replaces fields with appropriate data.");

            // Add a click event handler for the highlight button.

    async function loadCaseData(caseNum) { (context) => {
                url = `[My API URL]`;

                .then(resp => resp.json())
                .then(resp => {
                    console.log('Server Response : ' + JSON.stringify(resp));

                    let fieldList = Object.entries(resp).map(([k, v]) => {
                        let fieldNameString = '«' + k + '»';
                        return { fieldName: fieldNameString, fieldValue: v };
                    console.log("Dataset in first part: " + JSON.stringify(fieldList));
                    return fieldList;
                .then(async fieldList => await searchDocForFields(fieldList, context))
            return context.sync();

    async function simpleTest() { (context) => {

            let fieldList = [
                { fieldName: "«StartLogSeqNo»", fieldValue: "AAA5fgABbpgACw==" },
                { fieldName: "«EndLogSeqNo»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«SeqVal»", fieldValue: "AAA5fgABbpgAAw==" },
                { fieldName: "«DmlOperation»", fieldValue: 4 },
                { fieldName: "«DmlUpdateFields»", fieldValue: "AAAAAAAAAUAgADg=" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseAssgnedDt»", fieldValue: "2011-07-22T17:12:19" },
                { fieldName: "«AsgnUsrExcldFlg»", fieldValue: "N" },
                { fieldName: "«BuId»", fieldValue: "0-R9NH" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseFiledDt»", fieldValue: "2006-03-09T00:00:00" },
                { fieldName: "«InquiryId»", fieldValue: "08-CA-123456" },
                { fieldName: "«ChgofccmReqFlg»", fieldValue: "N" },
                { fieldName: "«DisputeUnitCity»", fieldValue: "Cleveland" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseClasification»", fieldValue: "Unclassified" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseClosedDt»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«Created»", fieldValue: "2010-10-07T15:32:29" },
                { fieldName: "«CreatedBy»", fieldValue: "0-1" },
                { fieldName: "«CrimeSubTypeCd»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«TypeCd»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«DbLastUpd»", fieldValue: "2019-10-20T17:17:14.31" },
                { fieldName: "«DbLastUpdSrc»", fieldValue: "ScriptingService_PreInvokeMethod" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseDescription»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«LastUpd»", fieldValue: "2019-10-20T17:17:14" },
                { fieldName: "«LastUpdBy»", fieldValue: "1-CGA" },
                { fieldName: "«LocalSeqNum»", fieldValue: 1 },
                { fieldName: "«ModificationNum»", fieldValue: 11 },
                { fieldName: "«CaseName»", fieldValue: "This is the case name from the data" },
                { fieldName: "«ParCaseId»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«PrAgencyId»", fieldValue: "No Match Row Id" },
                { fieldName: "«PrAgentId»", fieldValue: "No Match Row Id" },
                { fieldName: "«PrPostnId»", fieldValue: "1-5D2V9F       " },
                { fieldName: "«PrPrtnrId»", fieldValue: "No Match Row Id" },
                { fieldName: "«PrRepDnrmFlg»", fieldValue: "Y" },
                { fieldName: "«PrRepManlFlg»", fieldValue: "Y" },
                { fieldName: "«PrRepSysFlg»", fieldValue: "Y" },
                { fieldName: "«PrSgroupId»", fieldValue: "No Match Row Id" },
                { fieldName: "«PrSubjectId»", fieldValue: "No Match Row Id" },
                { fieldName: "«PrSuspctId»", fieldValue: "No Match Row Id" },
                { fieldName: "«IaCategory»", fieldValue: "2" },
                { fieldName: "«RewardExchangeDt»", fieldValue: "2010-10-07T11:09:02" },
                { fieldName: "«RowId»", fieldValue: "1-2DCA-1327" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseNumber»", fieldValue: "08-CA-123456" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseSource»", fieldValue: "Visit" },
                { fieldName: "«DisputeUnitState»", fieldValue: "OH" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseStatus»", fieldValue: "Open" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseSubType»", fieldValue: "CA" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseSubTypeCd»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«TerritoryTypeCd»", fieldValue: "08" },
                { fieldName: "«ThreatLvlCd»", fieldValue: "Batch" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseType»", fieldValue: "C" },
                { fieldName: "«BlockedFlag»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«CaseLongName»", fieldValue: "This is the case name from the data" },
                { fieldName: "«XCaseNumCi»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«DojCaseType»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«ElectionTargetDt»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«HearingTargetDt»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«MethodType»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«XNameCi»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«Num8a3Discriminatees»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«Num8b2Discriminatees»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«NumOfEmployees»", fieldValue: 146 },
                { fieldName: "«PostElectionSelfCertification»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«Potential10j»", fieldValue: "N" },
                { fieldName: "«XPrPostnBrdId»", fieldValue: "1-4P8HN1" },
                { fieldName: "«XPrPostnSpvId»", fieldValue: "1-1RAQT2" },
                { fieldName: "«ElectionSelfCertification»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«XTypeCdCi»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«Moved2dh»", fieldValue: 1 },
                { fieldName: "«IdentityVal»", fieldValue: 5792070 },
                { fieldName: "«CdcRecordedFields»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«NxgenTestCase»", fieldValue: "N" },
                { fieldName: "«InquiryChargePetition»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«ChangeCaptureDatetime»", fieldValue: "2019-10-20T13:17:15.83" },
                { fieldName: "«RegionRecommendsPursuing10j»", fieldValue: "N" },
                { fieldName: "«SurrogateKey»", fieldValue: 1731295 }

            await searchDocForFields(fieldList, context);

    async function searchDocForFields(fieldList, context) {

        console.log("Dataset: " + JSON.stringify(fieldList));

        const allSearchResults = [];
        console.log('fieldList.Length = ' + fieldList.length);
        //    console.log("Dataset in second part: " + JSON.stringify(fieldList));
        for (let fieldCount = 0; fieldCount < fieldList.length; fieldCount++) {
            let options = Word.SearchOptions.newObject(context);
            options.matchWildCards = false;
            options.matchCase = true;
            options.matchWholeWord = true;
            // Check the document to see if this field from the database is found
            //        console.log("Checking for " + fieldList[fieldCount].fieldName + " to be replaced with " + fieldList[fieldCount].fieldValue);
            let searchResults =[fieldCount].fieldName, options);
            //Load all of the items that meet the search criteria
            let correlatedSearchResult = {
                rangesMatchingFieldName: searchResults,
                fieldValue: fieldList[fieldCount].fieldValue
        await context.sync();

        // Now we have all of the search results in the correlatedSearchResult array.
        for (let searchResultCount = 0; searchResultCount < allSearchResults.length; searchResultCount++) {
            let correlatedObject = allSearchResults[searchResultCount];
            console.log("Checking for search result " + searchResultCount + " of " + allSearchResults.length);
            for (let rangeCount = 0; rangeCount < correlatedObject.rangesMatchingFieldName.items.length; rangeCount++) {
                let targetRange = correlatedObject.rangesMatchingFieldName.items[rangeCount];
                let replacementValue = correlatedObject.fieldValue;
                targetRange.insertText(replacementValue, Word.InsertLocation.replace);
                console.log("Replacing found instance " + rangeCount + " of " + correlatedObject.rangesMatchingFieldName.items.length + " (" + JSON.stringify(targetRange) + ") with (" + replacementValue + ")");
        return await context.sync();

    function dataCompareTest(caseNum) { => {
                url = `[My API URL]`;

            const codedFieldList = [
                { fieldName: "«StartLogSeqNo»", fieldValue: "AAA5fgABbpgACw==" },
                { fieldName: "«EndLogSeqNo»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«SeqVal»", fieldValue: "AAA5fgABbpgAAw==" },
                { fieldName: "«DmlOperation»", fieldValue: 4 },
                { fieldName: "«DmlUpdateFields»", fieldValue: "AAAAAAAAAUAgADg=" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseAssgnedDt»", fieldValue: "2011-07-22T17:12:19" },
                { fieldName: "«AsgnUsrExcldFlg»", fieldValue: "N" },
                { fieldName: "«BuId»", fieldValue: "0-R9NH" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseFiledDt»", fieldValue: "2006-03-09T00:00:00" },
                { fieldName: "«InquiryId»", fieldValue: "08-CA-123456" },
                { fieldName: "«ChgofccmReqFlg»", fieldValue: "N" },
                { fieldName: "«DisputeUnitCity»", fieldValue: "Cleveland" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseClasification»", fieldValue: "Unclassified" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseClosedDt»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«Created»", fieldValue: "2010-10-07T15:32:29" },
                { fieldName: "«CreatedBy»", fieldValue: "0-1" },
                { fieldName: "«CrimeSubTypeCd»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«TypeCd»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«DbLastUpd»", fieldValue: "2019-10-20T17:17:14.31" },
                { fieldName: "«DbLastUpdSrc»", fieldValue: "ScriptingService_PreInvokeMethod" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseDescription»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«LastUpd»", fieldValue: "2019-10-20T17:17:14" },
                { fieldName: "«LastUpdBy»", fieldValue: "1-CGA" },
                { fieldName: "«LocalSeqNum»", fieldValue: 1 },
                { fieldName: "«ModificationNum»", fieldValue: 11 },
                { fieldName: "«CaseName»", fieldValue: "This is the case name from the data" },
                { fieldName: "«ParCaseId»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«PrAgencyId»", fieldValue: "No Match Row Id" },
                { fieldName: "«PrAgentId»", fieldValue: "No Match Row Id" },
                { fieldName: "«PrPostnId»", fieldValue: "1-5D2V9F       " },
                { fieldName: "«PrPrtnrId»", fieldValue: "No Match Row Id" },
                { fieldName: "«PrRepDnrmFlg»", fieldValue: "Y" },
                { fieldName: "«PrRepManlFlg»", fieldValue: "Y" },
                { fieldName: "«PrRepSysFlg»", fieldValue: "Y" },
                { fieldName: "«PrSgroupId»", fieldValue: "No Match Row Id" },
                { fieldName: "«PrSubjectId»", fieldValue: "No Match Row Id" },
                { fieldName: "«PrSuspctId»", fieldValue: "No Match Row Id" },
                { fieldName: "«IaCategory»", fieldValue: "2" },
                { fieldName: "«RewardExchangeDt»", fieldValue: "2010-10-07T11:09:02" },
                { fieldName: "«RowId»", fieldValue: "1-2DCA-1327" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseNumber»", fieldValue: "08-CA-123456" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseSource»", fieldValue: "Visit" },
                { fieldName: "«DisputeUnitState»", fieldValue: "OH" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseStatus»", fieldValue: "Open" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseSubType»", fieldValue: "CA" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseSubTypeCd»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«TerritoryTypeCd»", fieldValue: "08" },
                { fieldName: "«ThreatLvlCd»", fieldValue: "Batch" },
                { fieldName: "«CaseType»", fieldValue: "C" },
                { fieldName: "«BlockedFlag»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«CaseLongName»", fieldValue: "This is the case name from the data" },
                { fieldName: "«XCaseNumCi»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«DojCaseType»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«ElectionTargetDt»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«HearingTargetDt»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«MethodType»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«XNameCi»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«Num8a3Discriminatees»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«Num8b2Discriminatees»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«NumOfEmployees»", fieldValue: 146 },
                { fieldName: "«PostElectionSelfCertification»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«Potential10j»", fieldValue: "N" },
                { fieldName: "«XPrPostnBrdId»", fieldValue: "1-4P8HN1" },
                { fieldName: "«XPrPostnSpvId»", fieldValue: "1-1RAQT2" },
                { fieldName: "«ElectionSelfCertification»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«XTypeCdCi»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«Moved2dh»", fieldValue: 1 },
                { fieldName: "«IdentityVal»", fieldValue: 5792070 },
                { fieldName: "«CdcRecordedFields»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«NxgenTestCase»", fieldValue: "N" },
                { fieldName: "«InquiryChargePetition»", fieldValue: null },
                { fieldName: "«ChangeCaptureDatetime»", fieldValue: "2019-10-20T13:17:15.83" },
                { fieldName: "«RegionRecommendsPursuing10j»", fieldValue: "N" },
                { fieldName: "«SurrogateKey»", fieldValue: 1731295 }

                .then(resp => resp.json())
                .then(resp => {
                    console.log('Server Response : ' + JSON.stringify(resp));

                    let fetchFieldList = Object.entries(resp).map(([k, v]) => {
                        let fieldNameString = '«' + k + '»';
                        return { fieldName: fieldNameString, fieldValue: v };
                    console.log("Dataset in first part: " + JSON.stringify(fetchFieldList));
                    return fetchFieldList;
                .then(fieldList => {
                    console.log('Comparing datasets');

                    const jsonFieldList = JSON.stringify(fieldList);
                    const jsonCodedFieldList = JSON.stringify(codedFieldList);
                    const same = jsonFieldList === jsonCodedFieldList;
                    console.log("Are the arrays the same? " + same);
            return context.sync();

    //$(Helper function for treating errors, $loc_script_taskpane_home_js_comment34$)$
    function errorHandler(error) {
        // $(Always be sure to catch any accumulated errors that bubble up from the execution., $loc_script_taskpane_home_js_comment35$)$
        showNotification("Error:", error);
        console.log("Error: " + error);
        if (error instanceof OfficeExtension.Error) {
            console.log("Debug info: " + JSON.stringify(error.debugInfo));

    // Helper function for displaying notifications
    function showNotification(header, content) {

And the sample JSON returned from my data API:

    "CaseAssgnedDt": "2011-07-22T17:12:19",
    "AsgnUsrExcldFlg": "N",
    "BuId": "0-R9NH",
    "CaseFiledDt": "2006-03-09T00:00:00",
    "InquiryId": "08-CA-123456",
    "ChgofccmReqFlg": "N",
    "DisputeUnitCity": "Cleveland",
    "CaseClasification": "Unclassified",
    "CaseClosedDt": null,
    "Created": "2010-10-07T15:32:29",
    "CreatedBy": "0-1",
    "CrimeSubTypeCd": null,
    "TypeCd": null,
    "DbLastUpd": "2019-10-20T17:17:14.31",
    "DbLastUpdSrc": "ScriptingService_PreInvokeMethod",
    "CaseDescription": null,
    "LastUpd": "2019-10-20T17:17:14",
    "LastUpdBy": "1-CGA",
    "LocalSeqNum": 1,
    "ModificationNum": 11,
    "CaseName": "This is the case name from the data",
    "ParCaseId": null,
    "PrAgencyId": "No Match Row Id",
    "PrAgentId": "No Match Row Id",
    "PrPostnId": "1-5D2V9F       ",
    "PrPrtnrId": "No Match Row Id",
    "PrRepDnrmFlg": "Y",
    "PrRepManlFlg": "Y",
    "PrRepSysFlg": "Y",
    "PrSgroupId": "No Match Row Id",
    "PrSubjectId": "No Match Row Id",
    "PrSuspctId": "No Match Row Id",
    "IaCategory": "2",
    "RewardExchangeDt": "2010-10-07T11:09:02",
    "RowId": "1-2DCA-1327",
    "CaseNumber": "08-CA-123456",
    "CaseSource": "Visit",
    "DisputeUnitState": "OH",
    "CaseStatus": "Open",
    "CaseSubType": "CA",
    "CaseSubTypeCd": null,
    "TerritoryTypeCd": "08",
    "ThreatLvlCd": "Batch",
    "CaseType": "C",
    "BlockedFlag": null,
    "CaseLongName": "This is the case name from the data",
    "XCaseNumCi": null,
    "DojCaseType": null,
    "ElectionTargetDt": null,
    "HearingTargetDt": null,
    "MethodType": null,
    "XNameCi": null,
    "Num8a3Discriminatees": null,
    "Num8b2Discriminatees": null,
    "NumOfEmployees": 146,
    "PostElectionSelfCertification": null,
    "Potential10j": "N",
    "XPrPostnBrdId": "1-4P8HN1",
    "XPrPostnSpvId": "1-1RAQT2",
    "ElectionSelfCertification": null,
    "XTypeCdCi": null,
    "Moved2dh": 1,
    "IdentityVal": 5792070,
    "CdcRecordedFields": null,
    "NxgenTestCase": "N",
    "InquiryChargePetition": null,
    "ChangeCaptureDatetime": "2019-10-20T13:17:15.83",
    "RegionRecommendsPursuing10j": "N",
    "SurrogateKey": 1731295

I appreciate any and all help to get this working, please.

Thank you.

Per Rick Kirkham's recommendation, I created a new function ("simpleTest", included now in the code above) to simplify and validate the approach, and was surprised to see that it worked (Though I'll bet Rick isn't surprised, LOL).

I also added a function "dataCompare", also in the code above), which loads one dataset manually, and the other using the Fetch call, and then compares the two, and it responds that the two arrays are the same.

So I am at a loss given that the data is the same, and both the loadCaseData and the simpleTest functions use the same searchDocForFields function to do the search-and-replace, why would the simpleTest function work, and the loadCaseData function fail with the ItemNotFound error?


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佞臣 2025-01-20 13:12:32

最终,这一切都是由于缺少单个等待造成的...请注意下面带有 FETCH 语句的行,该语句之前没有 AWAIT。

    async function loadCaseData(caseNum) { (context) => {
            const ul = document.getElementById('caseData'),
                url = `[URL to my API]`;

            const createNode = element => { return document.createElement(element); };
            const append = (parent, el) => { return parent.appendChild(el); };

/*----->*/  await fetch(url)
                .then(resp => resp.json())
                .then(resp => {
                    console.log('Server Response : ' + JSON.stringify(resp));

                    let fieldList = Object.entries(resp).map(([k, v]) => {
                        let fieldNameString = '«' + k + '»';
                        return { fieldName: fieldNameString, fieldValue: v };
                    //console.log("Dataset in first part: " + JSON.stringify(fieldList));
                    return fieldList;
                .then(async fieldList => await searchDocForFields(fieldList, context))
            return context.sync();

    async function newLoadCaseData(caseNum) { (context) => {
                url = `[URL to my API]`;

            let resp = await (await fetch(url)).json();
            //let data = resp.json();
            console.log('Server Response : ' + JSON.stringify(resp));

            let fieldList = Object.entries(resp).map(([k, v]) => {
                let fieldNameString = '«' + k + '»';
                return { fieldName: fieldNameString, fieldValue: v };
            console.log("Dataset in first part: " + JSON.stringify(fieldList));

            await searchDocForFields(fieldList, context);





This all, ultimately, turned out to be caused by lack of a single await... Note the line below with the FETCH statement, which previously did not have an AWAIT before it.

    async function loadCaseData(caseNum) { (context) => {
            const ul = document.getElementById('caseData'),
                url = `[URL to my API]`;

            const createNode = element => { return document.createElement(element); };
            const append = (parent, el) => { return parent.appendChild(el); };

/*----->*/  await fetch(url)
                .then(resp => resp.json())
                .then(resp => {
                    console.log('Server Response : ' + JSON.stringify(resp));

                    let fieldList = Object.entries(resp).map(([k, v]) => {
                        let fieldNameString = '«' + k + '»';
                        return { fieldName: fieldNameString, fieldValue: v };
                    //console.log("Dataset in first part: " + JSON.stringify(fieldList));
                    return fieldList;
                .then(async fieldList => await searchDocForFields(fieldList, context))
            return context.sync();

    async function newLoadCaseData(caseNum) { (context) => {
                url = `[URL to my API]`;

            let resp = await (await fetch(url)).json();
            //let data = resp.json();
            console.log('Server Response : ' + JSON.stringify(resp));

            let fieldList = Object.entries(resp).map(([k, v]) => {
                let fieldNameString = '«' + k + '»';
                return { fieldName: fieldNameString, fieldValue: v };
            console.log("Dataset in first part: " + JSON.stringify(fieldList));

            await searchDocForFields(fieldList, context);

I discovered this by trying to further simplify my code, and thus created the "newLoadCaseData" function also shown. When writing the FETCH statement in this version, VS2022 inserted an await for me, and opened my eyes to the problem.

This is now working, and I hope that my research and mistakes/fixes turn out to help someone else as well.



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