UIPasteboard 以英语显示粘贴关键字
在我的应用程序中,当我复制文本后尝试打开 UIPasteboard 时,它显示英语的粘贴文本。而其他选项文本都是日语! 所有设备的行为都不相同。在某些设备中,它显示文本 ペーsuto 有谁知道我们如何管理 UIPasteboard 选项文本语言? 它对地区或 iPhone 语言设置有任何依赖性吗?
In my app when I tried to open UIPasteboard after copying text it's showing Paste text in the English language. While other option texts are in Japanese!
It's not same behavior for all device. In some device, it's showing text ペースト
Does anyone having an idea how can we manage UIPasteboard option text language?
Does it have any dependency on region or iPhone language settings?
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It worked for me After changing the Development language to required one(Chinese) instead of the English. Following link helped to change the development language: How to set language other than English as the development language and Base localization?