使用已知的工作功能组合为我的树脂打印机制作延时拍摄 - 但定制
所以我一直想在使用树脂打印机时制作延时摄影。 有一些已知的方法可以做到这一点: https://www.hackster.io/ryanjgill2/msla-smooth- time-lapse-199d87
或使用 DLSR 相机和光敏电阻通过 2.5 毫米插孔进行远程触发。
我的妻子对她的 DLSR 非常谨慎,所以这是不可能的。
回到 Hackster 模型。
当我通过 OctoPrint 运行打印机时,我已经将 Pi 连接到打印机。
虽然 OctoPrint 中包含的延时拍摄不起作用,因为我只能在给定的时间间隔内调用,但缺少结果。
Hackster 模型运行 PiCamera,我没有这样的设备,我认为 90 欧元对于它的功能来说是一个很高的价格,所以我必须依靠我的 C920HD USB 摄像头。
看看 Ryan 编写的代码:
from gpiozero import Button
from picamera import PiCamera
from signal import pause
import time
camera = PiCamera()
camera.resolution = '3280x2464'
currentTime = int
def capture():
currentTime = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
image_path = '/mnt/usb/photos/image_%s.jpg' % currentTime
print('Image captured: %d' % currentTime)
button = Button(14)
button.when_pressed = capture
我已经知道我的 C920 可以通过 fswebcam
或 ffmpeg
fswebcam -r 1920x1080 --no-banner /images/image1.jpg
import time
import os
from gpiozero import Button
from signal import pause
currentTime = int
timelapse = os.system('fswebcam -r 1920x1080 -S 3 --jpeg 50 --save /mnt/usb/photos/image_%s.jpg' % currentTime)
def capture():
currentTime = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
image_path = '/mnt/usb/photos/image_%s.jpg' % currentTime
print('Image captured: %d' % currentTime)
while True:
os.system('fswebcam -r 1920x1080 -S 3 --jpeg 50 --save /mnt/usb/photos/image_%s.jpg' % currentTime)
button = Button(14)
button.when_pressed = timelapse
ffmpeg -framerate 120 -pattern_type glob -i "photos/*.jpg" -s:v 1920x1080 -c:v libx264 -crf 20 -pix_fmt yuv420p timelapse.mp4
但在撰写本文时,我突然想到我正在尝试结合使用 fswebcam
和 ffmpeg
如果需要的话,我可以澄清 GPIO 等,但假设这里的人都知道发生了什么。
So I've been wanting to make a timelapse while using my resin printer.
There are some known ways to do this this this:
or by using a DLSR camera and a photoresistor via a 2.5mm jack to remote trigger.
My wife is very guarding of her DLSR so that is out of the question.
I am by all means not a coder, I know how to setup configs for printers, and I want to believe that I can understand some lines, but I'll just stick to what I do best, mechanical design engineering and modelling!
So back to the Hackster model.
I have a Pi already connected to the printer as I run it off OctoPrint.
Though included timelapse in OctoPrint won't work as I can only call on a given time interval the result is lacking.
The Hackster model runs of a PiCamera, I do not have such and I think 90 € is a high price for what it does, so I must rely on my C920HD USB camera.
Looking at the code made by Ryan:
from gpiozero import Button
from picamera import PiCamera
from signal import pause
import time
camera = PiCamera()
camera.resolution = '3280x2464'
currentTime = int
def capture():
currentTime = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
image_path = '/mnt/usb/photos/image_%s.jpg' % currentTime
print('Image captured: %d' % currentTime)
button = Button(14)
button.when_pressed = capture
I can conclude that I need to edit some of it.
I already know that my C920 can be used via fswebcam
or ffmpeg
and I know the resolution, though I do not know what is actually needed to be defined here?
Either way the full command to take a picture could/would look like this using fswebcam
fswebcam -r 1920x1080 --no-banner /images/image1.jpg
I also know that I can use os.system
to handle this.
So with the little to no knowledge I actually hold, I came up with this, but I'm obviously here because it didn't work.
import time
import os
from gpiozero import Button
from signal import pause
currentTime = int
timelapse = os.system('fswebcam -r 1920x1080 -S 3 --jpeg 50 --save /mnt/usb/photos/image_%s.jpg' % currentTime)
def capture():
currentTime = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
image_path = '/mnt/usb/photos/image_%s.jpg' % currentTime
print('Image captured: %d' % currentTime)
while True:
os.system('fswebcam -r 1920x1080 -S 3 --jpeg 50 --save /mnt/usb/photos/image_%s.jpg' % currentTime)
button = Button(14)
button.when_pressed = timelapse
And I would like to create a folder for every new timelapse I run, for the ease of it.
After shooting the pictures I would use:
ffmpeg -framerate 120 -pattern_type glob -i "photos/*.jpg" -s:v 1920x1080 -c:v libx264 -crf 20 -pix_fmt yuv420p timelapse.mp4
But as of writing this, it just occurred to me that I'm trying to use both fswebcam
and ffmpeg
Have I screwed up completely?
I can clarify the GPIO etc. if this needs but assuming that the lot here has an idea of what's going on.
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对于工作的不同部分使用适当的工具当然没有什么问题 -
非常适合从 USB 网络摄像头抓取图像,而ffmpeg
非常适合从一个媒体转换为媒体排序到另一个。还有一些其他选项 用于通过 Python 访问 USB 网络摄像头,但这些有点复杂。
There's certainly nothing wrong with using appropriate tools for different parts of the job -
is great for grabbing images from the USB web cam, andffmpeg
is great a converting media from one sort to another.There are some other options for accessing a USB webcam through Python, but those are somewhat more involved.
If you're happy stringing commands together as you've done there, then the following should work: