带间隔的 LineSeries
我想知道是否存在一种方法,在使用 LineSeries 时,按间隔绘制线条,而不绘制没有数据的部分。例如,现在我有这样的东西:
是否有类似这样工作的功能或使我能够执行此操作? 感谢您的帮助。
I was wondering if there exists a way in which, while using a LineSeries, to draw the line in intervals and not drawing the parts on which there is no data. For example, right now I have something like this:
there are places in which there is no data for the yellow line, and I would like to not draw the line over those. In this case, where the big red column is, there is no data for the yellow line. I would like to do something like this:
Is there a functionality that works like this or enables me to do this?
Thank you for your help.
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目前尚无法开箱即用,但您可以跟踪此问题 完成后收到通知。
It is not available right now out of the box, but you could track this issue to be notified when it will be done.
As a workaround you could create several separate lines, but this is not so convenient though.