为什么 Haskell 不能将 PosgreSQL 字符串分成字段?
我是 PostgreSQL 的新手。简单,所以如果问题很愚蠢,请原谅。
我正在阅读本教程: Postgresql 数据访问使用 Haskell
retrieveClient :: Connection -> Int -> IO [Only String]
retrieveClient conn cid = query conn "SELECT ticker FROM spot_daily WHERE id = ?" $ (Only cid)
并希望修改它以返回 IO [(String, Integer, Float)] 。
retrieveClient2 :: Connection -> Float -> IO [(String, Integer, Float)]
retrieveClient2 conn cid = query conn "SELECT (ticker, timestamp, some_val) FROM spot_daily WHERE p_open > ?" $ (Only cid)
main :: IO ()
main = do
conn <- connect localPG
mapM_ print =<< (retrieveClient2 conn 50.0)
MyApp-exe.EXE: Incompatible {errSQLType = "record", errSQLTableOid = Nothing, errSQLField = "row", errHaskellType = "Text", errMessage = "types incompatible"}
在 Haskell 世界里,“在 Hackage 上搜索你想要的类型签名!”是很常见的说法。但从错误消息中我不清楚什么类型的签名会让 GHC 满意。
data MyStruct = { field1 :: String, field2 :: Integer, field3 :: Float} deriving (Eq, Show)
retrieveClient3 :: Connection -> Int -> IO [Only MyStruct]
retrieveClient3 conn cid = MyStruct (query conn "SELECT ticker FROM spot_daily WHERE id = ?" $ (Only cid))
作为对评论的回应,以下是 spot_daily 的架构:
Table "public.spot_daily"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
id | integer | | not null | nextval('spot_daily_id_seq'::regclass)
ticker | character varying(20) | | not null |
epoch | bigint | | not null |
p_open | double precision | | |
p_close | double precision | | |
p_high | double precision | | |
p_low | double precision | | |
synthetic | boolean | | |
"spot_daily_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
I am new to PostgreSQL.Simple so please forgive if question is dumb.
I am going through this tutorial: Postgresql Data Access with Haskell
I got the first demo program to run.
Now I am taking this function:
retrieveClient :: Connection -> Int -> IO [Only String]
retrieveClient conn cid = query conn "SELECT ticker FROM spot_daily WHERE id = ?" $ (Only cid)
and wish to modify it to return IO [(String, Integer, Float)]
So I wrote:
retrieveClient2 :: Connection -> Float -> IO [(String, Integer, Float)]
retrieveClient2 conn cid = query conn "SELECT (ticker, timestamp, some_val) FROM spot_daily WHERE p_open > ?" $ (Only cid)
main :: IO ()
main = do
conn <- connect localPG
mapM_ print =<< (retrieveClient2 conn 50.0)
and I get this:
MyApp-exe.EXE: Incompatible {errSQLType = "record", errSQLTableOid = Nothing, errSQLField = "row", errHaskellType = "Text", errMessage = "types incompatible"}
It's common in the Haskell world to say, "Search for the type signature you want on Hackage!" but it's not clear to me from the error message what type signature would make GHC happy.
Is there a conversion function for this sort of thing? I tried doing this:
data MyStruct = { field1 :: String, field2 :: Integer, field3 :: Float} deriving (Eq, Show)
retrieveClient3 :: Connection -> Int -> IO [Only MyStruct]
retrieveClient3 conn cid = MyStruct (query conn "SELECT ticker FROM spot_daily WHERE id = ?" $ (Only cid))
but that results in a different error.
In response to a comment, here is schema for spot_daily:
Table "public.spot_daily"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
id | integer | | not null | nextval('spot_daily_id_seq'::regclass)
ticker | character varying(20) | | not null |
epoch | bigint | | not null |
p_open | double precision | | |
p_close | double precision | | |
p_high | double precision | | |
p_low | double precision | | |
synthetic | boolean | | |
"spot_daily_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
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PostgreSQL 类型区分“行”和“记录”。正如所写的(带括号),您的 SQL 查询返回一条记录,该记录不是由元组的
应该能够处理:PostgreSQL types make a distinction between a "row" and a "record". As written (with parentheses), your SQL query is returning a record, which isn't handled by the
instance for tuples.Changing the query (by removing the parentheses), makes it return a row, which
should be able to handle: