Laravel 7 雄辩地连接右表的相关记录
我在产品上应用目录规则后获取产品价格,我构建了一个 SQL 查询并尝试在 Laravel 7 中使用 Eloquent 执行此查询,但无法从 Catalog_rule 连接获取相关记录,因为 Catalog_rule 可能有一个产品的多个记录,我必须选择最相关和最近的记录,包括 override ='yes'。
SQL 查询:
SELECT products.*, hike_rule.hike_type, hike_rule.hike_amount, discount_rule.hike_amount as discount
IF(hike_rule.hike_amount > 0,
IF(hike_rule.hike_type = 'percent'),
@product_price := (products.price + products.price*hike_rule.hike_amount/100)
@product_price := (products.price + hike_rule.hike_amount)
@product_price := products.price) as product_price,
IF(discount > 0,
@product_sale_price := (@product_price + @product_price*discount/100)
@product_sale_price := @product_price
) as product_sale_price
FROM products
SELECT * FROM catalog_rule_products,catalog_rule where catalog_rule_products.rule_id = catalog_rule.rule_id and catalog_rule.status = 'active' and (catalog_rule.from_date != "0000-00-00" and catalog_rule.from_date <= NOW() ) and (catalog_rule.to_date != "0000-00-00" and catalog_rule.to_date >= NOW() ) and catalog_rule.rule_type = 'price_hike'
order by IF(override ='yes', 1, 0),rule_id desc
) hike_rule ON (hike_rule.product_id = products.product_id)
FROM catalog_rule_products,catalog_rule
where catalog_rule_products.rule_id = catalog_rule.rule_id and catalog_rule.status = 'active' and (catalog_rule.from_date != "0000-00-00" and catalog_rule.from_date <= NOW() ) and (catalog_rule.to_date != "0000-00-00" and catalog_rule.to_date >= NOW() ) and catalog_rule.rule_type = 'price_discount' order by IF(override ='yes', 1, 0),rule_id desc
) discount_rule ON (discount_rule.product_id = products.product_id)
WHERE products.category_id = 3 group by products.product_id
order by product_sale_price desc
产品 ID、SKU、类别 ID、数量、价格
创建表 `catalog_rule` ( `rule_id` int(10) 无符号非空, `name` varchar(191) 整理 utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `rule_type` enum('price_discount','price_hike') COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'price_discount', `description` 文本 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, `from_date` 日期默认为 NULL, `to_date` 日期默认为 NULL, `is_active` enum('enabled','disabled') COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'disabled', `conditions_type` enum('category','price','sku') COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, `sku`mediumtext COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci 默认为 NULL, `category_slug` varchar(191) 整理 utf8mb4_unicode_ci 默认为 NULL, `sort_order` int(11) NOT NULL 默认 0, `hike_amount` 小数(8,2) NOT NULL, `hike_type` enum('percent','fixed') COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'percent', `country_code` varchar(4) 整理 utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `created_at` 时间戳 NULL DEFAULT NULL, `updated_at` 时间戳 NULL DEFAULT NULL, `override` enum('yes','no') COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'no', `skip_products` enum('yes','no') 整理 utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'no' ) 引擎=InnoDB 默认字符集=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci; INSERT INTO `catalog_rule` (`rule_id`, `name`, `rule_type`, `description`, `from_date`, `to_date`, `is_active`, `conditions_type`, `sku`, `category_slug`, `sort_order`, `hike_amount`、`hike_type`、`country_code`、`created_at`、`updated_at`、 `覆盖`、`跳过产品`) 值 (3, '新规则', 'price_discount', '测试', '2021-10-07', '2022-01-31', '已启用', '类别', '', '礼服', 0, ' 15.00', '百分比', '全部', '2021-10-06 07:29:43', '2022-01-31 08:52:49', '否', '否'), (4, 'test2 规则', 'price_hike', NULL, '2021-12-01', '2022-01-31', '启用', '类别', '', '礼服', 0, '70.00' , '百分比', '全部', '2022-01-31 08:49:20', '2022-01-31 08:52:03', '否', '否'), (5, 'test2规则加息jutti', 'price_hike', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', '启用', '类别', 'a:4:{i:0;s:12:\"MBAG2110AV20\";i:1;s:12:\"MBAG2112CMR6\";i:2;s:11:\"MFM2006MCA2\";i: 3;s:19:\"MLADIES-JUT2108BAW5\";}', '女士-juttis', 0, '30.00', '百分比', '全部', '2022-03-04 12:53:02', '2022-03-08 11:10:17', '否', '是'), (6, '鞋类产品加价', 'price_hike', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'enabled', 'sku', 'a:2:{i:0;s:19:\"MLADIES-JUT2108AV0J\";i:1;s:19:\"MLADIES-JUT2108AV26\";}', NULL, 0, '40.00', ' %', '全部', '2022-03-08 11:12:48', '2022-03-08 11:12:48', '不', '不'), (7, '鞋子产品1', 'price_hike', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', '启用', 'sku', 'a:1:{i:0;s: 19:\"MLADIES-JUT2108BAW5\";}', NULL, 0, '35.00', '百分比', '全部', '2022-03-08 11:15:00', '2022-03-08 11:41:39', '否', '否'), (8, '手袋加价 25%', 'price_hike', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'enabled', 'category', '', 'ladies-bags', 0, '25.00', '百分比', '全部', '2022-03-08 11:15:54', '2022-03-12 02:12:52', '否', '否'), (9, '纱丽加价 30%', 'price_hike', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', '禁用', '类别', '', '纱丽', 0, ' 30.00', '百分比', '全部', '2022-03-08 11:44:51', '2022-03-11 05:06:08', '否', '否'), ( 10, '纱丽加价 40%', 'price_hike', NULL, '2022-03-04', '2022-03-11', '禁用', '类别', '', '纱丽', 0, ' 40.00', '百分比', '全部', '2022-03-08 14:21:09', '2022-03-11 05:05:41', '否', '否'), (11, '纱丽加价 25%', 'price_hike', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', '启用', '类别', '', '纱丽', 0, '25.00', '百分比', '全部', '2022-03-09 04:29:00', '2022-03-11 06:12:35', '是', '否'), (12, '折扣 30% 纱丽', 'price_discount', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', '禁用', '类别', '', '纱丽', 0, ' 30.00', '已修复', '全部', '2022-03-09 06:03:26', '2022-03-11 05:06:49', '否', '否'), (13, '折扣 40% 纱丽', 'price_discount', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', '禁用', '类别', '', '纱丽', 0, ' 40.00', '百分比', '全部', '2022-03-09 10:02:30', '2022-03-09 10:02:30', '是', '否'), (14, '衬衫 10% 折扣', 'price_discount', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', '已启用', '类别', '', '衬衫', 0, ' 10.00', '百分比', '全部', '2022-03-10 08:48:42', '2022-03-11 12:01:48', '否', '否');
创建表 `catalog_rule_products` ( `id` bigint(20) 无符号非空, `rule_id` int(10) 无符号非空, `product_id` int(10) 无符号非空 ) 引擎=InnoDB 默认字符集=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
)值 (2, 7, 2160), (1045, 13, 176), (1046, 13, 178), (1047, 13, 179), (1048, 13, 230), (1049, 13, 231), (1050, 13, 232), (1051, 13, 233), (1052, 13, 234), (1053, 13, 235), (1054, 13, 236), (1055, 13, 237), (1056, 13, 238), (1057, 13, 239), (1058, 13, 240), (1059, 13, 241), (1060, 13, 242), (1061, 13, 243), (1062, 13, 244), (1063, 13, 245), (1064, 13, 246), (1065, 13, 247), (1066, 13, 248), (1067, 13, 249), (1068, 13, 250), (1069, 13, 251), (1070, 13, 252), (1071, 13, 253), (1072, 13, 254), (1073, 13, 255), (1074, 13, 256), (1075, 13, 257), (1076, 13, 258), (1077, 13, 259), (1078, 13, 260), (1079, 13, 261), (1080, 13, 262), (1081, 13, 263), (1082, 13, 264), (1083, 13, 265), (1084, 13, 266), (1085, 13, 267), (1086, 13, 268), (1087, 13, 269), (1088, 13, 270), (1089, 13, 271), (1090, 13, 272), (1091, 13, 273), (1092, 13, 274), (1093, 13, 275), (1094, 13, 276), (1095, 13, 277), (1096, 13, 278), (1097, 13, 279), (1098, 13, 280), (1099, 13, 281), (1100, 13, 282), (1101, 13, 283), (1102, 13, 284), (1103, 13, 285), (1104, 13, 286), (1105, 13, 287), (1106, 13, 288), (1107, 13, 290), (1108, 13, 291), (1109, 13, 292), (1110, 13, 294), (1111, 13, 295), (1112, 13, 305), (1113, 13, 307), (1114, 13, 308), (1115, 13, 309), (1116, 13, 310), (1117, 13, 311), (1118, 13, 312), (1119, 13, 313), (1120, 13, 314), (1121, 13, 316), (1122, 13, 318), (1123, 13, 320), (1124, 13, 322), (1125, 13, 323), (1126, 13, 325), (1127, 13, 326), (1128, 13, 327), (1129, 13, 334), (1130, 13, 457), (1131, 13, 458), (1132, 13, 459), (1133, 13, 460), (1134, 13, 461), (1135, 13, 462), (1136, 13, 463), (1137, 13, 464), (1138, 13, 465), (1139, 13, 468), (1140, 13, 469), (1141, 13, 472), (1142, 13, 474), (1143, 13, 475), (1144, 13, 480), (1145, 13, 482), (1146, 13, 484), (1147, 13, 485), (1148, 13, 2135), (1149, 13, 2135), (1150, 13, 2135), (1151, 13, 2135), (1152, 13, 2136), (1153, 13, 2137), (1154, 13, 2138), (1155, 13, 2144), (1156, 13, 2148), (1157, 13, 2151), (1158, 13, 2170), (1159, 13, 2170), (1160, 13, 2174), (1972, 11, 176), (1973, 11, 178), (1974, 11, 179), (1975, 11, 230), (1976, 11, 231), (1977, 11, 232), (1978, 11, 233), (1979, 11, 234), (1980, 11, 235), (1981, 11, 236), (1982, 11, 237), (1983, 11, 238), (1984, 11, 239), (1985, 11, 240), (1986, 11, 241), (1987, 11, 242), (1988, 11, 243), (1989, 11, 244), (1990, 11, 245), (1991, 11, 246), (1992, 11, 247), (1993, 11, 248), (1994, 11, 249), (1995, 11, 250), (1996, 11, 251), (1997, 11, 252), (1998, 11, 253), (1999, 11, 254), (2000, 11, 255), (2001, 11, 256), (2002, 11, 257), (2003, 11, 258), (2004, 11, 259), (2005, 11, 260), (2006, 11, 261), (2007, 11, 262), (2008, 11, 263), (2009, 11, 264), (2010, 11, 265), (2011, 11, 266), (2012, 11, 267), (2013, 11, 268), (2014, 11, 269), (2015, 11, 270), (2016, 11, 271), (2017,11,272), (2018, 11, 273), (2019,11,274), (2020, 11, 275), (2021, 11, 276), (2022, 11, 277), (2023, 11, 278), (2024, 11, 279), (2025, 11, 280), (2026, 11, 281), (2027, 11, 282), (2028, 11, 283), (2029, 11, 284), (2030, 11, 285), (2031, 11, 286), (2032, 11, 287), (2033, 11, 288), (2034, 11, 290), (2035, 11, 291), (2036, 11, 292), (2037, 11, 294), (2038, 11, 295), (2039, 11, 305), (2040, 11, 307), (2041, 11, 308), (2042, 11, 309), (2043, 11, 310), (2044, 11, 311), (2045, 11, 312), (2046, 11, 313), (2047, 11, 314), (2048, 11, 316), (2049, 11, 318), (2050, 11, 320), (2051, 11, 322), (2052, 11, 323), (2053, 11, 325), (2054, 11, 326), (2055, 11, 327), (2056, 11, 334), (2057, 11, 457), (2058, 11, 458), (2059, 11, 459), (2060, 11, 460), (2061, 11, 461), (2062, 11, 462), (2063, 11, 463), (2064, 11, 464), (2065, 11, 465), (2066, 11, 468), (2067, 11, 469), (2068, 11, 472), (2069, 11, 474), (2070, 11, 475), (2071, 11, 480), (2072, 11, 482), (2073, 11, 484), (2074, 11, 485), (2075, 11, 2135), (2076, 11, 2135), (2077, 11, 2135), (2078, 11, 2135), (2079, 11, 2136), (2080, 11, 2137), (2081, 11, 2138), (2082, 11, 2144), (2083, 11, 2148), (2084, 11, 2151), (2085, 11, 2170), (2086, 11, 2170), (2087, 11, 2174), (2089, 14, 2176), (2090, 8, 2173), (2091, 8, 2181), (2092, 8, 2182), (2093, 8, 2183), (2094, 8, 2187);
I am fetching product price after applying catalog rules on products, I build a sql query and trying to do this query in Laravel 7 with Eloquent but unable to get relavent record from catalog_rule join because catalog_rule may has multiple records for a product and i must to pick most relavent and recent record including override ='yes'.
SQL Query:
SELECT products.*, hike_rule.hike_type, hike_rule.hike_amount, discount_rule.hike_amount as discount
IF(hike_rule.hike_amount > 0,
IF(hike_rule.hike_type = 'percent'),
@product_price := (products.price + products.price*hike_rule.hike_amount/100)
@product_price := (products.price + hike_rule.hike_amount)
@product_price := products.price) as product_price,
IF(discount > 0,
@product_sale_price := (@product_price + @product_price*discount/100)
@product_sale_price := @product_price
) as product_sale_price
FROM products
SELECT * FROM catalog_rule_products,catalog_rule where catalog_rule_products.rule_id = catalog_rule.rule_id and catalog_rule.status = 'active' and (catalog_rule.from_date != "0000-00-00" and catalog_rule.from_date <= NOW() ) and (catalog_rule.to_date != "0000-00-00" and catalog_rule.to_date >= NOW() ) and catalog_rule.rule_type = 'price_hike'
order by IF(override ='yes', 1, 0),rule_id desc
) hike_rule ON (hike_rule.product_id = products.product_id)
FROM catalog_rule_products,catalog_rule
where catalog_rule_products.rule_id = catalog_rule.rule_id and catalog_rule.status = 'active' and (catalog_rule.from_date != "0000-00-00" and catalog_rule.from_date <= NOW() ) and (catalog_rule.to_date != "0000-00-00" and catalog_rule.to_date >= NOW() ) and catalog_rule.rule_type = 'price_discount' order by IF(override ='yes', 1, 0),rule_id desc
) discount_rule ON (discount_rule.product_id = products.product_id)
WHERE products.category_id = 3 group by products.product_id
order by product_sale_price desc
I have pagination, searching, sorting too with products and other are working.
Table structure:
product_id , sku, category_id, qty, price
CREATE TABLE `catalog_rule` ( `rule_id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `name` varchar(191) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `rule_type` enum('price_discount','price_hike') COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'price_discount', `description` text COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, `from_date` date DEFAULT NULL, `to_date` date DEFAULT NULL, `is_active` enum('enabled','disabled') COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'disabled', `conditions_type` enum('category','price','sku') COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, `sku` mediumtext COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, `category_slug` varchar(191) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, `sort_order` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `hike_amount` decimal(8,2) NOT NULL, `hike_type` enum('percent','fixed') COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'percent', `country_code` varchar(4) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `created_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, `updated_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, `override` enum('yes','no') COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'no', `skip_products` enum('yes','no') COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'no' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci; INSERT INTO `catalog_rule` (`rule_id`, `name`, `rule_type`, `description`, `from_date`, `to_date`, `is_active`, `conditions_type`, `sku`, `category_slug`, `sort_order`, `hike_amount`, `hike_type`, `country_code`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, `override`, `skip_products`) VALUES (3, 'new rule', 'price_discount', 'test', '2021-10-07', '2022-01-31', 'enabled', 'category', '', 'gowns', 0, '15.00', 'percent', 'all', '2021-10-06 07:29:43', '2022-01-31 08:52:49', 'no', 'no'), (4, 'test2 rule', 'price_hike', NULL, '2021-12-01', '2022-01-31', 'enabled', 'category', '', 'gowns', 0, '70.00', 'percent', 'all', '2022-01-31 08:49:20', '2022-01-31 08:52:03', 'no', 'no'), (5, 'test2 rule hike jutti', 'price_hike', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'enabled', 'category', 'a:4:{i:0;s:12:\"MBAG2110AV20\";i:1;s:12:\"MBAG2112CMR6\";i:2;s:11:\"MFM2006MCA2\";i:3;s:19:\"MLADIES-JUT2108BAW5\";}', 'ladies-juttis', 0, '30.00', 'percent', 'all', '2022-03-04 12:53:02', '2022-03-08 11:10:17', 'no', 'yes'), (6, 'shoes products hike', 'price_hike', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'enabled', 'sku', 'a:2:{i:0;s:19:\"MLADIES-JUT2108AV0J\";i:1;s:19:\"MLADIES-JUT2108AV26\";}', NULL, 0, '40.00', 'percent', 'all', '2022-03-08 11:12:48', '2022-03-08 11:12:48', 'no', 'no'), (7, 'shoes products1', 'price_hike', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'enabled', 'sku', 'a:1:{i:0;s:19:\"MLADIES-JUT2108BAW5\";}', NULL, 0, '35.00', 'percent', 'all', '2022-03-08 11:15:00', '2022-03-08 11:41:39', 'no', 'no'), (8, 'hand bags 25% hike', 'price_hike', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'enabled', 'category', '', 'ladies-bags', 0, '25.00', 'percent', 'all', '2022-03-08 11:15:54', '2022-03-12 02:12:52', 'no', 'no'), (9, 'saree 30% hike', 'price_hike', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'disabled', 'category', '', 'sarees', 0, '30.00', 'percent', 'all', '2022-03-08 11:44:51', '2022-03-11 05:06:08', 'no', 'no'), ( 10, 'Saree 40% hike', 'price_hike', NULL, '2022-03-04', '2022-03-11', 'disabled', 'category', '', 'sarees', 0, '40.00', 'percent', 'all', '2022-03-08 14:21:09', '2022-03-11 05:05:41', 'no', 'no'), (11, 'hike 25% on sarees', 'price_hike', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'enabled', 'category', '', 'sarees', 0, '25.00', 'percent', 'all', '2022-03-09 04:29:00', '2022-03-11 06:12:35', 'yes', 'no'), (12, 'discount 30% saree', 'price_discount', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'disabled', 'category', '', 'sarees', 0, '30.00', 'fixed', 'all', '2022-03-09 06:03:26', '2022-03-11 05:06:49', 'no', 'no'), (13, 'discount 40% saree', 'price_discount', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'disabled', 'category', '', 'sarees', 0, '40.00', 'percent', 'all', '2022-03-09 10:02:30', '2022-03-09 10:02:30', 'yes', 'no'), (14, 'shirts 10% discount', 'price_discount', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'enabled', 'category', '', 'shirts', 0, '10.00', 'percent', 'all', '2022-03-10 08:48:42', '2022-03-11 12:01:48', 'no', 'no');
CREATE TABLE `catalog_rule_products` ( `id` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `rule_id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `product_id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
(2, 7, 2160),
(1045, 13, 176),
(1046, 13, 178),
(1047, 13, 179),
(1048, 13, 230),
(1049, 13, 231),
(1050, 13, 232),
(1051, 13, 233),
(1052, 13, 234),
(1053, 13, 235),
(1054, 13, 236),
(1055, 13, 237),
(1056, 13, 238),
(1057, 13, 239),
(1058, 13, 240),
(1059, 13, 241),
(1060, 13, 242),
(1061, 13, 243),
(1062, 13, 244),
(1063, 13, 245),
(1064, 13, 246),
(1065, 13, 247),
(1066, 13, 248),
(1067, 13, 249),
(1068, 13, 250),
(1069, 13, 251),
(1070, 13, 252),
(1071, 13, 253),
(1072, 13, 254),
(1073, 13, 255),
(1074, 13, 256),
(1075, 13, 257),
(1076, 13, 258),
(1077, 13, 259),
(1078, 13, 260),
(1079, 13, 261),
(1080, 13, 262),
(1081, 13, 263),
(1082, 13, 264),
(1083, 13, 265),
(1084, 13, 266),
(1085, 13, 267),
(1086, 13, 268),
(1087, 13, 269),
(1088, 13, 270),
(1089, 13, 271),
(1090, 13, 272),
(1091, 13, 273),
(1092, 13, 274),
(1093, 13, 275),
(1094, 13, 276),
(1095, 13, 277),
(1096, 13, 278),
(1097, 13, 279),
(1098, 13, 280),
(1099, 13, 281),
(1100, 13, 282),
(1101, 13, 283),
(1102, 13, 284),
(1103, 13, 285),
(1104, 13, 286),
(1105, 13, 287),
(1106, 13, 288),
(1107, 13, 290),
(1108, 13, 291),
(1109, 13, 292),
(1110, 13, 294),
(1111, 13, 295),
(1112, 13, 305),
(1113, 13, 307),
(1114, 13, 308),
(1115, 13, 309),
(1116, 13, 310),
(1117, 13, 311),
(1118, 13, 312),
(1119, 13, 313),
(1120, 13, 314),
(1121, 13, 316),
(1122, 13, 318),
(1123, 13, 320),
(1124, 13, 322),
(1125, 13, 323),
(1126, 13, 325),
(1127, 13, 326),
(1128, 13, 327),
(1129, 13, 334),
(1130, 13, 457),
(1131, 13, 458),
(1132, 13, 459),
(1133, 13, 460),
(1134, 13, 461),
(1135, 13, 462),
(1136, 13, 463),
(1137, 13, 464),
(1138, 13, 465),
(1139, 13, 468),
(1140, 13, 469),
(1141, 13, 472),
(1142, 13, 474),
(1143, 13, 475),
(1144, 13, 480),
(1145, 13, 482),
(1146, 13, 484),
(1147, 13, 485),
(1148, 13, 2135),
(1149, 13, 2135),
(1150, 13, 2135),
(1151, 13, 2135),
(1152, 13, 2136),
(1153, 13, 2137),
(1154, 13, 2138),
(1155, 13, 2144),
(1156, 13, 2148),
(1157, 13, 2151),
(1158, 13, 2170),
(1159, 13, 2170),
(1160, 13, 2174),
(1972, 11, 176),
(1973, 11, 178),
(1974, 11, 179),
(1975, 11, 230),
(1976, 11, 231),
(1977, 11, 232),
(1978, 11, 233),
(1979, 11, 234),
(1980, 11, 235),
(1981, 11, 236),
(1982, 11, 237),
(1983, 11, 238),
(1984, 11, 239),
(1985, 11, 240),
(1986, 11, 241),
(1987, 11, 242),
(1988, 11, 243),
(1989, 11, 244),
(1990, 11, 245),
(1991, 11, 246),
(1992, 11, 247),
(1993, 11, 248),
(1994, 11, 249),
(1995, 11, 250),
(1996, 11, 251),
(1997, 11, 252),
(1998, 11, 253),
(1999, 11, 254),
(2000, 11, 255),
(2001, 11, 256),
(2002, 11, 257),
(2003, 11, 258),
(2004, 11, 259),
(2005, 11, 260),
(2006, 11, 261),
(2007, 11, 262),
(2008, 11, 263),
(2009, 11, 264),
(2010, 11, 265),
(2011, 11, 266),
(2012, 11, 267),
(2013, 11, 268),
(2014, 11, 269),
(2015, 11, 270),
(2016, 11, 271),
(2017, 11, 272),
(2018, 11, 273),
(2019, 11, 274),
(2020, 11, 275),
(2021, 11, 276),
(2022, 11, 277),
(2023, 11, 278),
(2024, 11, 279),
(2025, 11, 280),
(2026, 11, 281),
(2027, 11, 282),
(2028, 11, 283),
(2029, 11, 284),
(2030, 11, 285),
(2031, 11, 286),
(2032, 11, 287),
(2033, 11, 288),
(2034, 11, 290),
(2035, 11, 291),
(2036, 11, 292),
(2037, 11, 294),
(2038, 11, 295),
(2039, 11, 305),
(2040, 11, 307),
(2041, 11, 308),
(2042, 11, 309),
(2043, 11, 310),
(2044, 11, 311),
(2045, 11, 312),
(2046, 11, 313),
(2047, 11, 314),
(2048, 11, 316),
(2049, 11, 318),
(2050, 11, 320),
(2051, 11, 322),
(2052, 11, 323),
(2053, 11, 325),
(2054, 11, 326),
(2055, 11, 327),
(2056, 11, 334),
(2057, 11, 457),
(2058, 11, 458),
(2059, 11, 459),
(2060, 11, 460),
(2061, 11, 461),
(2062, 11, 462),
(2063, 11, 463),
(2064, 11, 464),
(2065, 11, 465),
(2066, 11, 468),
(2067, 11, 469),
(2068, 11, 472),
(2069, 11, 474),
(2070, 11, 475),
(2071, 11, 480),
(2072, 11, 482),
(2073, 11, 484),
(2074, 11, 485),
(2075, 11, 2135),
(2076, 11, 2135),
(2077, 11, 2135),
(2078, 11, 2135),
(2079, 11, 2136),
(2080, 11, 2137),
(2081, 11, 2138),
(2082, 11, 2144),
(2083, 11, 2148),
(2084, 11, 2151),
(2085, 11, 2170),
(2086, 11, 2170),
(2087, 11, 2174),
(2089, 14, 2176),
(2090, 8, 2173),
(2091, 8, 2181),
(2092, 8, 2182),
(2093, 8, 2183),
(2094, 8, 2187);
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