Laravel 7 雄辩地连接右表的相关记录

发布于 2025-01-13 00:35:10 字数 10607 浏览 0 评论 0原文

我在产品上应用目录规则后获取产品价格,我构建了一个 SQL 查询并尝试在 Laravel 7 中使用 Eloquent 执行此查询,但无法从 Catalog_rule 连接获取相关记录,因为 Catalog_rule 可能有一个产品的多个记录,我必须选择最相关和最近的记录,包括 override ='yes'。

SQL 查询:

            SELECT    products.*, hike_rule.hike_type, hike_rule.hike_amount, discount_rule.hike_amount as discount
            IF(hike_rule.hike_amount > 0, 
                IF(hike_rule.hike_type = 'percent'),
                    @product_price := (products.price + products.price*hike_rule.hike_amount/100)
                    @product_price := (products.price + hike_rule.hike_amount)
            @product_price := products.price) as product_price,
            IF(discount > 0,
                @product_sale_price := (@product_price + @product_price*discount/100)
                @product_sale_price := @product_price
            ) as product_sale_price

            FROM      products 
            LEFT JOIN      (
                        SELECT    *  FROM   catalog_rule_products,catalog_rule where  catalog_rule_products.rule_id = catalog_rule.rule_id and catalog_rule.status = 'active' and (catalog_rule.from_date != "0000-00-00" and catalog_rule.from_date <= NOW() ) and (catalog_rule.to_date != "0000-00-00" and catalog_rule.to_date >= NOW() ) and catalog_rule.rule_type = 'price_hike'
                        order by IF(override ='yes', 1, 0),rule_id desc 
                    ) hike_rule ON (hike_rule.product_id = products.product_id)
           LEFT JOIN      (
                        SELECT    * 
                        FROM      catalog_rule_products,catalog_rule
                        where  catalog_rule_products.rule_id = catalog_rule.rule_id and catalog_rule.status = 'active' and (catalog_rule.from_date != "0000-00-00" and catalog_rule.from_date <= NOW() ) and (catalog_rule.to_date != "0000-00-00" and catalog_rule.to_date >= NOW() ) and catalog_rule.rule_type = 'price_discount'  order by IF(override ='yes', 1, 0),rule_id desc 
                    ) discount_rule ON (discount_rule.product_id = products.product_id)

            WHERE     products.category_id = 3 group by products.product_id
            order by product_sale_price desc



  1. 产品

    产品 ID、SKU、类别 ID、数量、价格

  2. catalog_rule

     创建表 `catalog_rule` (
      `rule_id` int(10) 无符号非空,
      `name` varchar(191) 整理 utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
      `rule_type` enum('price_discount','price_hike') COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'price_discount',
       `description` 文本 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
       `from_date` 日期默认为 NULL,
       `to_date` 日期默认为 NULL,
       `is_active` enum('enabled','disabled') COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'disabled',
       `conditions_type` enum('category','price','sku') COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
       `sku`mediumtext COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci 默认为 NULL,
       `category_slug` varchar(191) 整理 utf8mb4_unicode_ci 默认为 NULL,
       `sort_order` int(11) NOT NULL 默认 0,
       `hike_amount` 小数(8,2) NOT NULL,
       `hike_type` enum('percent','fixed') COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'percent',
       `country_code` varchar(4) 整理 utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
       `created_at` 时间戳 NULL DEFAULT NULL,
       `updated_at` 时间戳 NULL DEFAULT NULL,
       `override` enum('yes','no') COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'no',
       `skip_products` enum('yes','no') 整理 utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'no'
     ) 引擎=InnoDB 默认字符集=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
    INSERT INTO `catalog_rule` (`rule_id`, `name`, `rule_type`, `description`, `from_date`, `to_date`, `is_active`, `conditions_type`, `sku`, `category_slug`, `sort_order`, `hike_amount`、`hike_type`、`country_code`、`created_at`、`updated_at`、 `覆盖`、`跳过产品`) 值
       (3, '新规则', 'price_discount', '测试', '2021-10-07', '2022-01-31', '已启用', '类别', '', '礼服', 0, ' 15.00', '百分比', '全部', '2021-10-06 07:29:43', '2022-01-31 08:52:49', '否', '否'),
       (4, 'test2 规则', 'price_hike', NULL, '2021-12-01', '2022-01-31', '启用', '类别', '', '礼服', 0, '70.00' , '百分比', '全部', '2022-01-31 08:49:20', '2022-01-31 08:52:03', '否', '否'),
        (5, 'test2规则加息jutti', 'price_hike', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', '启用', '类别', 'a:4:{i:0;s:12:\"MBAG2110AV20\";i:1;s:12:\"MBAG2112CMR6\";i:2;s:11:\"MFM2006MCA2\";i: 3;s:19:\"MLADIES-JUT2108BAW5\";}', '女士-juttis', 0, '30.00', '百分比', '全部', '2022-03-04 12:53:02', '2022-03-08 11:10:17', '否', '是'),
        (6, '鞋类产品加价', 'price_hike', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'enabled', 'sku', 'a:2:{i:0;s:19:\"MLADIES-JUT2108AV0J\";i:1;s:19:\"MLADIES-JUT2108AV26\";}', NULL, 0, '40.00', ' %', '全部', '2022-03-08 11:12:48', '2022-03-08 11:12:48', '不', '不'),
        (7, '鞋子产品1', 'price_hike', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', '启用', 'sku', 'a:1:{i:0;s: 19:\"MLADIES-JUT2108BAW5\";}', NULL, 0, '35.00', '百分比', '全部', '2022-03-08 11:15:00', '2022-03-08 11:41:39', '否', '否'),
        (8, '手袋加价 25%', 'price_hike', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'enabled', 'category', '', 'ladies-bags', 0, '25.00', '百分比', '全部', '2022-03-08 11:15:54', '2022-03-12 02:12:52', '否', '否'),
         (9, '纱丽加价 30%', 'price_hike', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', '禁用', '类别', '', '纱丽', 0, ' 30.00', '百分比', '全部', '2022-03-08 11:44:51', '2022-03-11 05:06:08', '否', '否'),
         ( 10, '纱丽加价 40%', 'price_hike', NULL, '2022-03-04', '2022-03-11', '禁用', '类别', '', '纱丽', 0, ' 40.00', '百分比', '全部', '2022-03-08 14:21:09', '2022-03-11 05:05:41', '否', '否'),
         (11, '纱丽加价 25%', 'price_hike', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', '启用', '类别', '', '纱丽', 0, '25.00', '百分比', '全部', '2022-03-09 04:29:00', '2022-03-11 06:12:35', '是', '否'),
          (12, '折扣 30% 纱丽', 'price_discount', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', '禁用', '类别', '', '纱丽', 0, ' 30.00', '已修复', '全部', '2022-03-09 06:03:26', '2022-03-11 05:06:49', '否', '否'),
         (13, '折扣 40% 纱丽', 'price_discount', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', '禁用', '类别', '', '纱丽', 0, ' 40.00', '百分比', '全部', '2022-03-09 10:02:30', '2022-03-09 10:02:30', '是', '否'),
        (14, '衬衫 10% 折扣', 'price_discount', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', '已启用', '类别', '', '衬衫', 0, ' 10.00', '百分比', '全部', '2022-03-10 08:48:42', '2022-03-11 12:01:48', '否', '否');
  3. Catalog_rule_products

     创建表 `catalog_rule_products` (
       `id` bigint(20) 无符号非空,
       `rule_id` int(10) 无符号非空,
       `product_id` int(10) 无符号非空
     ) 引擎=InnoDB 默认字符集=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;

    插入catalog_rule_productsidrule_idproduct_id)值 (2, 7, 2160), (1045, 13, 176), (1046, 13, 178), (1047, 13, 179), (1048, 13, 230), (1049, 13, 231), (1050, 13, 232), (1051, 13, 233), (1052, 13, 234), (1053, 13, 235), (1054, 13, 236), (1055, 13, 237), (1056, 13, 238), (1057, 13, 239), (1058, 13, 240), (1059, 13, 241), (1060, 13, 242), (1061, 13, 243), (1062, 13, 244), (1063, 13, 245), (1064, 13, 246), (1065, 13, 247), (1066, 13, 248), (1067, 13, 249), (1068, 13, 250), (1069, 13, 251), (1070, 13, 252), (1071, 13, 253), (1072, 13, 254), (1073, 13, 255), (1074, 13, 256), (1075, 13, 257), (1076, 13, 258), (1077, 13, 259), (1078, 13, 260), (1079, 13, 261), (1080, 13, 262), (1081, 13, 263), (1082, 13, 264), (1083, 13, 265), (1084, 13, 266), (1085, 13, 267), (1086, 13, 268), (1087, 13, 269), (1088, 13, 270), (1089, 13, 271), (1090, 13, 272), (1091, 13, 273), (1092, 13, 274), (1093, 13, 275), (1094, 13, 276), (1095, 13, 277), (1096, 13, 278), (1097, 13, 279), (1098, 13, 280), (1099, 13, 281), (1100, 13, 282), (1101, 13, 283), (1102, 13, 284), (1103, 13, 285), (1104, 13, 286), (1105, 13, 287), (1106, 13, 288), (1107, 13, 290), (1108, 13, 291), (1109, 13, 292), (1110, 13, 294), (1111, 13, 295), (1112, 13, 305), (1113, 13, 307), (1114, 13, 308), (1115, 13, 309), (1116, 13, 310), (1117, 13, 311), (1118, 13, 312), (1119, 13, 313), (1120, 13, 314), (1121, 13, 316), (1122, 13, 318), (1123, 13, 320), (1124, 13, 322), (1125, 13, 323), (1126, 13, 325), (1127, 13, 326), (1128, 13, 327), (1129, 13, 334), (1130, 13, 457), (1131, 13, 458), (1132, 13, 459), (1133, 13, 460), (1134, 13, 461), (1135, 13, 462), (1136, 13, 463), (1137, 13, 464), (1138, 13, 465), (1139, 13, 468), (1140, 13, 469), (1141, 13, 472), (1142, 13, 474), (1143, 13, 475), (1144, 13, 480), (1145, 13, 482), (1146, 13, 484), (1147, 13, 485), (1148, 13, 2135), (1149, 13, 2135), (1150, 13, 2135), (1151, 13, 2135), (1152, 13, 2136), (1153, 13, 2137), (1154, 13, 2138), (1155, 13, 2144), (1156, 13, 2148), (1157, 13, 2151), (1158, 13, 2170), (1159, 13, 2170), (1160, 13, 2174), (1972, 11, 176), (1973, 11, 178), (1974, 11, 179), (1975, 11, 230), (1976, 11, 231), (1977, 11, 232), (1978, 11, 233), (1979, 11, 234), (1980, 11, 235), (1981, 11, 236), (1982, 11, 237), (1983, 11, 238), (1984, 11, 239), (1985, 11, 240), (1986, 11, 241), (1987, 11, 242), (1988, 11, 243), (1989, 11, 244), (1990, 11, 245), (1991, 11, 246), (1992, 11, 247), (1993, 11, 248), (1994, 11, 249), (1995, 11, 250), (1996, 11, 251), (1997, 11, 252), (1998, 11, 253), (1999, 11, 254), (2000, 11, 255), (2001, 11, 256), (2002, 11, 257), (2003, 11, 258), (2004, 11, 259), (2005, 11, 260), (2006, 11, 261), (2007, 11, 262), (2008, 11, 263), (2009, 11, 264), (2010, 11, 265), (2011, 11, 266), (2012, 11, 267), (2013, 11, 268), (2014, 11, 269), (2015, 11, 270), (2016, 11, 271), (2017,11,272), (2018, 11, 273), (2019,11,274), (2020, 11, 275), (2021, 11, 276), (2022, 11, 277), (2023, 11, 278), (2024, 11, 279), (2025, 11, 280), (2026, 11, 281), (2027, 11, 282), (2028, 11, 283), (2029, 11, 284), (2030, 11, 285), (2031, 11, 286), (2032, 11, 287), (2033, 11, 288), (2034, 11, 290), (2035, 11, 291), (2036, 11, 292), (2037, 11, 294), (2038, 11, 295), (2039, 11, 305), (2040, 11, 307), (2041, 11, 308), (2042, 11, 309), (2043, 11, 310), (2044, 11, 311), (2045, 11, 312), (2046, 11, 313), (2047, 11, 314), (2048, 11, 316), (2049, 11, 318), (2050, 11, 320), (2051, 11, 322), (2052, 11, 323), (2053, 11, 325), (2054, 11, 326), (2055, 11, 327), (2056, 11, 334), (2057, 11, 457), (2058, 11, 458), (2059, 11, 459), (2060, 11, 460), (2061, 11, 461), (2062, 11, 462), (2063, 11, 463), (2064, 11, 464), (2065, 11, 465), (2066, 11, 468), (2067, 11, 469), (2068, 11, 472), (2069, 11, 474), (2070, 11, 475), (2071, 11, 480), (2072, 11, 482), (2073, 11, 484), (2074, 11, 485), (2075, 11, 2135), (2076, 11, 2135), (2077, 11, 2135), (2078, 11, 2135), (2079, 11, 2136), (2080, 11, 2137), (2081, 11, 2138), (2082, 11, 2144), (2083, 11, 2148), (2084, 11, 2151), (2085, 11, 2170), (2086, 11, 2170), (2087, 11, 2174), (2089, 14, 2176), (2090, 8, 2173), (2091, 8, 2181), (2092, 8, 2182), (2093, 8, 2183), (2094, 8, 2187);

I am fetching product price after applying catalog rules on products, I build a sql query and trying to do this query in Laravel 7 with Eloquent but unable to get relavent record from catalog_rule join because catalog_rule may has multiple records for a product and i must to pick most relavent and recent record including override ='yes'.

SQL Query:

            SELECT    products.*, hike_rule.hike_type, hike_rule.hike_amount, discount_rule.hike_amount as discount
            IF(hike_rule.hike_amount > 0, 
                IF(hike_rule.hike_type = 'percent'),
                    @product_price := (products.price + products.price*hike_rule.hike_amount/100)
                    @product_price := (products.price + hike_rule.hike_amount)
            @product_price := products.price) as product_price,
            IF(discount > 0,
                @product_sale_price := (@product_price + @product_price*discount/100)
                @product_sale_price := @product_price
            ) as product_sale_price

            FROM      products 
            LEFT JOIN      (
                        SELECT    *  FROM   catalog_rule_products,catalog_rule where  catalog_rule_products.rule_id = catalog_rule.rule_id and catalog_rule.status = 'active' and (catalog_rule.from_date != "0000-00-00" and catalog_rule.from_date <= NOW() ) and (catalog_rule.to_date != "0000-00-00" and catalog_rule.to_date >= NOW() ) and catalog_rule.rule_type = 'price_hike'
                        order by IF(override ='yes', 1, 0),rule_id desc 
                    ) hike_rule ON (hike_rule.product_id = products.product_id)
           LEFT JOIN      (
                        SELECT    * 
                        FROM      catalog_rule_products,catalog_rule
                        where  catalog_rule_products.rule_id = catalog_rule.rule_id and catalog_rule.status = 'active' and (catalog_rule.from_date != "0000-00-00" and catalog_rule.from_date <= NOW() ) and (catalog_rule.to_date != "0000-00-00" and catalog_rule.to_date >= NOW() ) and catalog_rule.rule_type = 'price_discount'  order by IF(override ='yes', 1, 0),rule_id desc 
                    ) discount_rule ON (discount_rule.product_id = products.product_id)

            WHERE     products.category_id = 3 group by products.product_id
            order by product_sale_price desc

I have pagination, searching, sorting too with products and other are working.

Table structure:

  1. products

    product_id , sku, category_id, qty, price

  2. catalog_rule

     CREATE TABLE `catalog_rule` (
      `rule_id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
      `name` varchar(191) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
      `rule_type` enum('price_discount','price_hike') COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'price_discount',
       `description` text COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
       `from_date` date DEFAULT NULL,
       `to_date` date DEFAULT NULL,
       `is_active` enum('enabled','disabled') COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'disabled',
       `conditions_type` enum('category','price','sku') COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
       `sku` mediumtext COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
       `category_slug` varchar(191) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
       `sort_order` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
       `hike_amount` decimal(8,2) NOT NULL,
       `hike_type` enum('percent','fixed') COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'percent',
       `country_code` varchar(4) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
       `created_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
       `updated_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
       `override` enum('yes','no') COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'no',
       `skip_products` enum('yes','no') COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'no'
     ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
    INSERT INTO `catalog_rule` (`rule_id`, `name`, `rule_type`, `description`, `from_date`, `to_date`, `is_active`, `conditions_type`, `sku`, `category_slug`, `sort_order`, `hike_amount`, `hike_type`, `country_code`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, `override`, `skip_products`) VALUES
       (3, 'new rule', 'price_discount', 'test', '2021-10-07', '2022-01-31', 'enabled', 'category', '', 'gowns', 0, '15.00', 'percent', 'all', '2021-10-06 07:29:43', '2022-01-31 08:52:49', 'no', 'no'),
       (4, 'test2 rule', 'price_hike', NULL, '2021-12-01', '2022-01-31', 'enabled', 'category', '', 'gowns', 0, '70.00', 'percent', 'all', '2022-01-31 08:49:20', '2022-01-31 08:52:03', 'no', 'no'),
        (5, 'test2 rule hike jutti', 'price_hike', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'enabled', 'category', 'a:4:{i:0;s:12:\"MBAG2110AV20\";i:1;s:12:\"MBAG2112CMR6\";i:2;s:11:\"MFM2006MCA2\";i:3;s:19:\"MLADIES-JUT2108BAW5\";}', 'ladies-juttis', 0, '30.00', 'percent', 'all', '2022-03-04 12:53:02', '2022-03-08 11:10:17', 'no', 'yes'),
        (6, 'shoes products hike', 'price_hike', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'enabled', 'sku', 'a:2:{i:0;s:19:\"MLADIES-JUT2108AV0J\";i:1;s:19:\"MLADIES-JUT2108AV26\";}', NULL, 0, '40.00', 'percent', 'all', '2022-03-08 11:12:48', '2022-03-08 11:12:48', 'no', 'no'),
        (7, 'shoes products1', 'price_hike', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'enabled', 'sku', 'a:1:{i:0;s:19:\"MLADIES-JUT2108BAW5\";}', NULL, 0, '35.00', 'percent', 'all', '2022-03-08 11:15:00', '2022-03-08 11:41:39', 'no', 'no'),
        (8, 'hand bags 25% hike', 'price_hike', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'enabled', 'category', '', 'ladies-bags', 0, '25.00', 'percent', 'all', '2022-03-08 11:15:54', '2022-03-12 02:12:52', 'no', 'no'),
         (9, 'saree 30% hike', 'price_hike', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'disabled', 'category', '', 'sarees', 0, '30.00', 'percent', 'all', '2022-03-08 11:44:51', '2022-03-11 05:06:08', 'no', 'no'),
         ( 10, 'Saree 40% hike', 'price_hike', NULL, '2022-03-04', '2022-03-11', 'disabled', 'category', '', 'sarees', 0, '40.00', 'percent', 'all', '2022-03-08 14:21:09', '2022-03-11 05:05:41', 'no', 'no'),
         (11, 'hike 25% on sarees', 'price_hike', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'enabled', 'category', '', 'sarees', 0, '25.00', 'percent', 'all', '2022-03-09 04:29:00', '2022-03-11 06:12:35', 'yes', 'no'),
          (12, 'discount 30% saree', 'price_discount', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'disabled', 'category', '', 'sarees', 0, '30.00', 'fixed', 'all', '2022-03-09 06:03:26', '2022-03-11 05:06:49', 'no', 'no'),
         (13, 'discount 40% saree', 'price_discount', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'disabled', 'category', '', 'sarees', 0, '40.00', 'percent', 'all', '2022-03-09 10:02:30', '2022-03-09 10:02:30', 'yes', 'no'),
        (14, 'shirts 10% discount', 'price_discount', NULL, '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'enabled', 'category', '', 'shirts', 0, '10.00', 'percent', 'all', '2022-03-10 08:48:42', '2022-03-11 12:01:48', 'no', 'no');
  3. Catalog_rule_products

     CREATE TABLE `catalog_rule_products` (
       `id` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
       `rule_id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
       `product_id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL
     ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;

    INSERT INTO catalog_rule_products (id, rule_id, product_id) VALUES
    (2, 7, 2160),
    (1045, 13, 176),
    (1046, 13, 178),
    (1047, 13, 179),
    (1048, 13, 230),
    (1049, 13, 231),
    (1050, 13, 232),
    (1051, 13, 233),
    (1052, 13, 234),
    (1053, 13, 235),
    (1054, 13, 236),
    (1055, 13, 237),
    (1056, 13, 238),
    (1057, 13, 239),
    (1058, 13, 240),
    (1059, 13, 241),
    (1060, 13, 242),
    (1061, 13, 243),
    (1062, 13, 244),
    (1063, 13, 245),
    (1064, 13, 246),
    (1065, 13, 247),
    (1066, 13, 248),
    (1067, 13, 249),
    (1068, 13, 250),
    (1069, 13, 251),
    (1070, 13, 252),
    (1071, 13, 253),
    (1072, 13, 254),
    (1073, 13, 255),
    (1074, 13, 256),
    (1075, 13, 257),
    (1076, 13, 258),
    (1077, 13, 259),
    (1078, 13, 260),
    (1079, 13, 261),
    (1080, 13, 262),
    (1081, 13, 263),
    (1082, 13, 264),
    (1083, 13, 265),
    (1084, 13, 266),
    (1085, 13, 267),
    (1086, 13, 268),
    (1087, 13, 269),
    (1088, 13, 270),
    (1089, 13, 271),
    (1090, 13, 272),
    (1091, 13, 273),
    (1092, 13, 274),
    (1093, 13, 275),
    (1094, 13, 276),
    (1095, 13, 277),
    (1096, 13, 278),
    (1097, 13, 279),
    (1098, 13, 280),
    (1099, 13, 281),
    (1100, 13, 282),
    (1101, 13, 283),
    (1102, 13, 284),
    (1103, 13, 285),
    (1104, 13, 286),
    (1105, 13, 287),
    (1106, 13, 288),
    (1107, 13, 290),
    (1108, 13, 291),
    (1109, 13, 292),
    (1110, 13, 294),
    (1111, 13, 295),
    (1112, 13, 305),
    (1113, 13, 307),
    (1114, 13, 308),
    (1115, 13, 309),
    (1116, 13, 310),
    (1117, 13, 311),
    (1118, 13, 312),
    (1119, 13, 313),
    (1120, 13, 314),
    (1121, 13, 316),
    (1122, 13, 318),
    (1123, 13, 320),
    (1124, 13, 322),
    (1125, 13, 323),
    (1126, 13, 325),
    (1127, 13, 326),
    (1128, 13, 327),
    (1129, 13, 334),
    (1130, 13, 457),
    (1131, 13, 458),
    (1132, 13, 459),
    (1133, 13, 460),
    (1134, 13, 461),
    (1135, 13, 462),
    (1136, 13, 463),
    (1137, 13, 464),
    (1138, 13, 465),
    (1139, 13, 468),
    (1140, 13, 469),
    (1141, 13, 472),
    (1142, 13, 474),
    (1143, 13, 475),
    (1144, 13, 480),
    (1145, 13, 482),
    (1146, 13, 484),
    (1147, 13, 485),
    (1148, 13, 2135),
    (1149, 13, 2135),
    (1150, 13, 2135),
    (1151, 13, 2135),
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    (1153, 13, 2137),
    (1154, 13, 2138),
    (1155, 13, 2144),
    (1156, 13, 2148),
    (1157, 13, 2151),
    (1158, 13, 2170),
    (1159, 13, 2170),
    (1160, 13, 2174),
    (1972, 11, 176),
    (1973, 11, 178),
    (1974, 11, 179),
    (1975, 11, 230),
    (1976, 11, 231),
    (1977, 11, 232),
    (1978, 11, 233),
    (1979, 11, 234),
    (1980, 11, 235),
    (1981, 11, 236),
    (1982, 11, 237),
    (1983, 11, 238),
    (1984, 11, 239),
    (1985, 11, 240),
    (1986, 11, 241),
    (1987, 11, 242),
    (1988, 11, 243),
    (1989, 11, 244),
    (1990, 11, 245),
    (1991, 11, 246),
    (1992, 11, 247),
    (1993, 11, 248),
    (1994, 11, 249),
    (1995, 11, 250),
    (1996, 11, 251),
    (1997, 11, 252),
    (1998, 11, 253),
    (1999, 11, 254),
    (2000, 11, 255),
    (2001, 11, 256),
    (2002, 11, 257),
    (2003, 11, 258),
    (2004, 11, 259),
    (2005, 11, 260),
    (2006, 11, 261),
    (2007, 11, 262),
    (2008, 11, 263),
    (2009, 11, 264),
    (2010, 11, 265),
    (2011, 11, 266),
    (2012, 11, 267),
    (2013, 11, 268),
    (2014, 11, 269),
    (2015, 11, 270),
    (2016, 11, 271),
    (2017, 11, 272),
    (2018, 11, 273),
    (2019, 11, 274),
    (2020, 11, 275),
    (2021, 11, 276),
    (2022, 11, 277),
    (2023, 11, 278),
    (2024, 11, 279),
    (2025, 11, 280),
    (2026, 11, 281),
    (2027, 11, 282),
    (2028, 11, 283),
    (2029, 11, 284),
    (2030, 11, 285),
    (2031, 11, 286),
    (2032, 11, 287),
    (2033, 11, 288),
    (2034, 11, 290),
    (2035, 11, 291),
    (2036, 11, 292),
    (2037, 11, 294),
    (2038, 11, 295),
    (2039, 11, 305),
    (2040, 11, 307),
    (2041, 11, 308),
    (2042, 11, 309),
    (2043, 11, 310),
    (2044, 11, 311),
    (2045, 11, 312),
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    (2047, 11, 314),
    (2048, 11, 316),
    (2049, 11, 318),
    (2050, 11, 320),
    (2051, 11, 322),
    (2052, 11, 323),
    (2053, 11, 325),
    (2054, 11, 326),
    (2055, 11, 327),
    (2056, 11, 334),
    (2057, 11, 457),
    (2058, 11, 458),
    (2059, 11, 459),
    (2060, 11, 460),
    (2061, 11, 461),
    (2062, 11, 462),
    (2063, 11, 463),
    (2064, 11, 464),
    (2065, 11, 465),
    (2066, 11, 468),
    (2067, 11, 469),
    (2068, 11, 472),
    (2069, 11, 474),
    (2070, 11, 475),
    (2071, 11, 480),
    (2072, 11, 482),
    (2073, 11, 484),
    (2074, 11, 485),
    (2075, 11, 2135),
    (2076, 11, 2135),
    (2077, 11, 2135),
    (2078, 11, 2135),
    (2079, 11, 2136),
    (2080, 11, 2137),
    (2081, 11, 2138),
    (2082, 11, 2144),
    (2083, 11, 2148),
    (2084, 11, 2151),
    (2085, 11, 2170),
    (2086, 11, 2170),
    (2087, 11, 2174),
    (2089, 14, 2176),
    (2090, 8, 2173),
    (2091, 8, 2181),
    (2092, 8, 2182),
    (2093, 8, 2183),
    (2094, 8, 2187);

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