Netsuite 公式计算
因此,我能够创建一个搜索,显示商品级别的历史单位费率,然后我可以按客户进行筛选,以显示创建价格跟踪器时可能发生的任何价格上涨。它的作用正如广告所宣传的那样。下面是输出的屏幕截图。 “基本价格”是自我们过渡到 NetSuite 以来生命周期内的最低商品费率。然后 1-6 个月后,它会拉动商品率,正如您所看到的,在第 3 个月左右,它会增加并显示出变化。
前任。如果基价为 2 美元,我们每月销售 20 个。销售额 40 美元。现在我们把价格提高到 3 美元,销售额将是 60 美元。但我们想显示增加 20 美元的影响。
有没有办法在 NS 中以某种方式创建该计算?我几乎在想这是因为我使用了 DECODE 而不是 CASE WHEN ?
So I was able to create a search that shows historical unit rates at an item level then I can filter by customer to show any price increases that may have taken place to create a price tracker. It works as advertised. Below is a screen shot of what the output is. "Base Price" is the minimum item rate for lifespan since we transitioned to NetSuite. Then 1-6 months back it will pull the item rate and as you can see, around the 3rd month, it increases and shows change.
Here is how the search looks when executed
What I am attempting to do now subtract the values from the formula from the "base price" because that is at the end of the day the total impact value. Eventually I want to bring in quantity so we can see the total impact of these changes to track if we are seeing an increase or not.
EX. If base is $2 and we sell 20 a month. $40 in sales. Now we up it to $3, sales would be $60. But we want to show the $20 in increase impact instead.
Below is from the results tab to generate the above.
Here is the view from the Results Tab
Is there a way to create that calculation somehow in NS? I am almost thinking it is because I used the DECODE instead of the CASE WHEN ?
Thank you
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您通常可以组合支持的功能;您只需要确保在“摘要”或“函数”列中应用的任何函数都在公式中复制。例如,您的第一列“项目费率”应用了汇总函数或“最小值” - 这需要包含在公式中,例如:
You can generally combine supported functions; you just need to make sure that any functions applied in the Summary or Function columns are replicated in the formula. For example, your first column "Item Rate" has a Summary function or "Minimum" applied - this needs to be included in the formula, something like: