NVDA 等屏幕阅读器实现两种操作模式: accessibility-developer-guide.com/knowledge/screen-readers/desktop/browse-focus-modes/" rel="nofollow noreferrer">浏览模式和焦点模式。
- 浏览模式用于阅读网站/文档/应用程序。屏幕阅读器将读取所有可见内容。
- 为了与网站/文档/应用程序进行交互,焦点模式提供了一些优势:仅读取交互内容部分。在网站中,这意味着可以读取链接、按钮、表单和导航,但不读取普通文本。
在 NVDA 中,您通常可以使用 Insert+Space 在浏览模式和焦点模式之间切换,然后通过声音进行确认。这适用于大多数应用程序:浏览器、Windows 资源管理器、Skype、VS Code。
但是,在我自己的 WPF 应用程序(例如具有辅助功能标签)中,当我按 Insert+Space 时,没有任何反应。 NVDA似乎始终处于焦点模式,并且没有浏览模式。
我不知道从哪里开始实施它。这是 WPF 的常见问题吗?这是 NVDA 的问题吗?它需要知道应用程序是否支持浏览模式?
Screen readers like NVDA implement two modes of operation: Browse Mode and Focus Mode.
- Browse Mode is for reading a website/document/application. The screen reader will read all visible contents.
- To interact with the website/document/application, Focus Mode offers some advantages: only the interactive content parts are read. In a website, this would mean that links, buttons, forms and navigation are read, but normal text is not read.
In NVDA, you can usually switch between Browse and Focus mode with Insert+Space, which is then confirmed by a sound. This works in most applications: Browsers, Windows Explorer, Skype, VS Code.
However, in my own WPF application (which e.g. has accessibility labels), when I press Insert+Space, nothing happens. NVDA seems to always be in Focus Mode, and there is no Browse Mode.
Intuitively this makes sense, because for Browse Mode, the screenreader needs to "know" what elements it should read, and in what order.
I have no clue where to begin implementing it. Is this a common WPF problem? Is it a problem of NVDA, which somehow needs to know that the application is capable of Browse Mode?
如果您在 Windows 上运行内置计算器应用程序,它会遇到与您的应用程序相同的问题。您始终处于表单模式,并且 Ins+space 不会切换到浏览模式。然而,计算器应用程序中实际上没有任何“纯文本”可供阅读。每个元素都是一个交互元素。
但是,“设置”应用程序确实有一些纯文本,并且也存在同样的问题。我可以导航到所有交互元素,但无法访问“更多地利用 Windows”文本或其下方的文本。从视觉上看,它看起来像是一个标题后面跟着一个段落,但切换到 NVDA 浏览模式不起作用。
Is it possible you built your application with the accessibility compiler option turned off? Here are a few things you can check:
If you run the built-in calculator app on Windows, it has the same problem as your app. You're always in forms mode and Ins+space won't switch to browse mode. However, there isn't really any "plain text" to read in the calculator app. Every element is an interactive element.
However, the Settings app does have some plain text and it has the same problem too. I can navigate to all the interactive elements but I can't get to the "Get even more out of Windows" text or the text underneath it. Visually it looks like a heading followed by a paragraph but switching to NVDA browse mode doesn't work.
这似乎是 NVDA 检测应用程序可访问性的方式:
Seems this is the way NVDA detects accessibility of an application:
Source: https://github.com/nvaccess/nvda/issues/13493