A* Python 实现问题
所以,我有一个作业,我需要在 Python 中实现 A* 算法,但我遇到了障碍。 我已经写了大部分内容,但我不明白为什么它不能正常工作(即没有产生最佳路径),
from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d
from matplotlib import cm
from queue import PriorityQueue
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
#Defining working files and work area size
N = 100
# fileNameIn = 'surface_'+str(N)+'x'+str(N)+'_separator.txt'
# fileNameEnd = 'surface_'+str(N)+'x'+str(N)+'_separator.end_points.txt'
fileNameIn = 'surface_'+str(N)+'x'+str(N)+'.txt'
fileNameEnd = 'surface_'+str(N)+'x'+str(N)+'.end_points.txt'
#This is needed for 3D plotting, otherwise the surface is rendered above the obstacles and paths
surfaceAlpha = 0.5
#Initial values
x0 = 0
y0 = 0
xn = 0
yn = 0
lepes1 = 0
lepes2 = 0
#Clearing/creating result file
f = open('result.txt', 'w')
#Allocating work area matrix
matrix = np.zeros((N, N))
#Reading in the work area
def ReadIn():
fi = open(fileNameIn, 'r')
lines = fi.readlines()
global matrix
x = 0
y = 0
z = 0.0
b = 0
for line in lines:
tmp = line.split()
x = int(tmp[0])
y = int(tmp[1])
z = float(tmp[2])
b = int(tmp[3])
if (b != 0):
z = -1 *z
matrix[x][y] = z
#Reading in the end-points
def ReadEnd():
fe = open(fileNameEnd, 'r')
lines = fe.readlines()
global x0, y0, xn, yn
x0, y0 = map(int, lines[0].split())
xn, yn = map(int, lines[1].split())
#Plotting in 2D
def Heatmap2D(Xe1, Ye1, Xe2, Ye2, matrix):
Xo = []
Yo = []
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
if (matrix[i][j] < 0):
plt.imshow(abs(matrix.transpose()), cmap=cm.coolwarm)
plt.plot(Xe1, Ye1, color='green')
plt.plot(Xe2, Ye2, color='purple')
plt.scatter(Xo, Yo, color='black', s=1)
plt.scatter(x0, y0, color='yellow', s=10)
plt.scatter(xn, yn, color='orange', s=10)
#Plotting in 3D
def Heatmap3D(X, Y, Xe1, Ye1, Ze1, Xe2, Ye2, Ze2, matrix):
Z = abs(matrix)
Zo = []
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
if (matrix[i][j] < 0):
Zo.append((i, j, abs(matrix[i][j])))
fig3D = plt.figure(2)
ax3D = fig3D.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
#ax3D.scatter(X, Y, Z, c=Z, cmap=cm.coolwarm, alpha=surfaceAlpha) #Worse performance
ax3D.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, cmap=cm.coolwarm, alpha=surfaceAlpha)
for it in Zo: ax3D.scatter(it[1], it[0], it[2], c='black', alpha=1, s=1)
ax3D.scatter(y0, x0, abs(matrix[x0][y0]), c='yellow', s=10)
ax3D.scatter(yn, xn, abs(matrix[xn][yn]), c='orange', s=10)
ax3D.plot3D(Ye1, Xe1, Ze1, 'green', alpha=1)
ax3D.plot3D(Ye2, Xe2, Ze2, 'purple', alpha=1)
#Calculating euclidean distance between two points
def Distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):
z1 = abs(matrix[x1][y1])
z2 = abs(matrix[x2][y2])
return np.sqrt((x1 - x2)**2 + (y1 - y2)**2 + (z1 - z2)**2)
#Heuristic calculation
def H_score(x, y, H):
z = abs(matrix[x][y])
zn = abs(matrix[xn][yn])
if (H == 0):
return abs(x - xn) + abs(y - yn) + abs(z - zn) #Manhattan
elif (H == 1):
return max(abs(xn - x), abs(yn - y))#, abs(zn - z)) #Chebyshev
return Distance(x, y, xn, yn) #Euclidean
#Exact calculation
def G_score(prevG, x, y, x1, y1, H):
d = 0
z = abs(matrix[x][y])
z1 = abs(matrix[x1][y1])
if (H == 0):
d = abs(x - x1) + abs(y - y1) + abs(z - z1) #Manhattan
elif (H == 1):
d = max(abs(x1 - x), abs(y1 - y))#, abs(z1 - z)) #Chebyshev
d = Distance(x, y, x1, y1)
d = d + prevG
return d / 1.0 #Division is only here for testing
#Check if 2 points are neighbours or not
def Neighbour(x1, y1, x2, y2):
szomsz = False
if ((abs(x1 - x2) <= 1) and (abs(y1 - y2) <= 1) and IsValid(x1, y1) and IsValid(x2, y2) and (not ((x1 == x2) and (y1 == y2)))):
szomsz = True
szomsz = False
return szomsz
#Check if point is valid (i.e is inside of work area/matrix and is not an obstacle)
def IsValid(x, y):
valid = False
if ((x >= 0) and (x < N) and (y >= 0) and (y < N) and (matrix[x][y] >= 0.0)):
valid = True
valid = False
return valid
#Check if point is end point
def IsGoal(x, y):
if (x == xn and y == yn):
return True
return False
#Check if element is in OpenList
def OLCheck(elem):
global OpenList
check = False
for it in OpenList.queue:
if (it[0] >= elem[0] and it[1] == elem[1] and it[2] == elem[2]):# and it[3] == elem[3]):
check = True
return check
#Check if element is in CloseList
def CLCheck(elem):
global CloseList
check = False
for it in CloseList:
if (it[0] == elem[1]):# and it[1] == elem[2] and it[2] == elem[3]):
check = True
return check
#Getting neighbours
def Expand(elemP, H):
global OpenList, CloseList
X = [-1, 0, 1]
Y = [-1, 0, 1]
xp = elemP[1][0]
yp = elemP[1][1]
factor = 1.09 * 100 #For testing purposes
for ix in X:
x = xp + ix
for iy in Y:
y = yp + iy
if (Neighbour(xp, yp, x, y)):
G = G_score(elemP[3] / factor, xp, yp, x, y, H)
f = G + H_score(x, y, H)
elem = (f, (x, y), (xp, yp), G)
if ((not CLCheck(elem)) and (not OLCheck(elem))):
#A* algorithm
def A_star(H):
global OpenList, CloseList, dist, Result
if (OpenList.empty()):
print('ERROR: Empty Open List!')
return -1
maxLepesek = 10000
lepesek = 0
while (not OpenList.empty()):
elem = OpenList.get()
x = elem[1][0] #Current
y = elem[1][1]
xp = elem[2][0] #Previous of current
yp = elem[2][1]
G = elem[3] #G_score of current
CloseList.append(((x, y), (xp, yp), G))
if (IsGoal(x, y)): break #End of algorithm
if (lepesek >= maxLepesek):
print('ERROR:', maxLepesek, 'lepes elerve'); return -2 #Failsafe
if (len(CloseList) <= 1): dist = 0.0
else: dist = dist + G #Distance(x, y, xp, yp)
Expand(elem, H)
lepesek = lepesek + 1
print('A* lepesek: ', lepesek, '/', maxLepesek)
return 0
#Getting Result array from CloseList
def getResult():
global distS
Res = []
#for it in CloseList: Res.append(it[0])
#return Res
Res.append((xn, yn))
while ((x0, y0) not in Res):
tempR = Res[len(Res) - 1]
for it in reversed(CloseList):
if (it[0] == tempR):
distS = distS + it[2]
return Res[::-1]
#Writing out
def Kiir(Result):
print('Length:', dist)
print('Length (post Result calculation):', distS)
print('Steps:', lepes-1)
f = open('result.txt', 'a')
# Main part =======================================================
# a =============================================
OpenList = PriorityQueue()
OpenList.put((0, (x0, y0), (x0, y0), 0))
CloseList = []
Result = []
dist = 0.0
distS = 0.0
retval = -1
Xe1 = []
Ye1 = []
Ze1 = []
retval = A_star(1)
if (retval == 0):
Result = getResult()
lepes = len(Result)
for it in Result:
for i in range(len(Result)-1):
x1 = Result[i][0]
y1 = Result[i][1]
z1 = matrix[x1][y1]
x2 = Result[i+1][0]
y2 = Result[i+1][1]
z2 = matrix[x2][y2]
print("Chebyshev: (Green)")
# b =============================================
OpenList = PriorityQueue()
OpenList.put((0, (x0, y0), (x0, y0), 0))
CloseList = []
Result = []
dist = 0.0
distS = 0.0
retval = -1
Xe2 = []
Ye2 = []
Ze2 = []
retval = A_star(2)
if (retval == 0):
Result = getResult()
lepes = len(Result)
for it in Result:
for i in range(len(Result)-1):
x1 = Result[i][0]
y1 = Result[i][1]
z1 = matrix[x1][y1]
x2 = Result[i+1][0]
y2 = Result[i+1][1]
z2 = matrix[x2][y2]
print("Euclidean: (Purple)")
# plot ==========================================
X, Y = np.meshgrid(range(N), range(N))
Heatmap2D(Xe1, Ye1, Xe2, Ye2, matrix)
#Heatmap3D(X, Y, Xe1, Ye1, Ze1, Xe2, Ye2, Ze2, matrix)
我最好的猜测是我没有正确计算 G_score (我没有真正考虑到第一个节点的距离,因为当我这样做时,代码往往会永远运行:c)
以下是输入文件: surface_100x100.txt https://pastebin.com/N9dHG5K9
0 0
99 30
So, I've got an assignment, I need to implement the A* algorithm in Python, but I've hit a roadblock.
I've written most of it, but I can't figure out why isn't it working properly (i.e doesn't produce the best path)
I figured maybe someone more knowledgeable might point out the obvious issue with it.
from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d
from matplotlib import cm
from queue import PriorityQueue
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
#Defining working files and work area size
N = 100
# fileNameIn = 'surface_'+str(N)+'x'+str(N)+'_separator.txt'
# fileNameEnd = 'surface_'+str(N)+'x'+str(N)+'_separator.end_points.txt'
fileNameIn = 'surface_'+str(N)+'x'+str(N)+'.txt'
fileNameEnd = 'surface_'+str(N)+'x'+str(N)+'.end_points.txt'
#This is needed for 3D plotting, otherwise the surface is rendered above the obstacles and paths
surfaceAlpha = 0.5
#Initial values
x0 = 0
y0 = 0
xn = 0
yn = 0
lepes1 = 0
lepes2 = 0
#Clearing/creating result file
f = open('result.txt', 'w')
#Allocating work area matrix
matrix = np.zeros((N, N))
#Reading in the work area
def ReadIn():
fi = open(fileNameIn, 'r')
lines = fi.readlines()
global matrix
x = 0
y = 0
z = 0.0
b = 0
for line in lines:
tmp = line.split()
x = int(tmp[0])
y = int(tmp[1])
z = float(tmp[2])
b = int(tmp[3])
if (b != 0):
z = -1 *z
matrix[x][y] = z
#Reading in the end-points
def ReadEnd():
fe = open(fileNameEnd, 'r')
lines = fe.readlines()
global x0, y0, xn, yn
x0, y0 = map(int, lines[0].split())
xn, yn = map(int, lines[1].split())
#Plotting in 2D
def Heatmap2D(Xe1, Ye1, Xe2, Ye2, matrix):
Xo = []
Yo = []
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
if (matrix[i][j] < 0):
plt.imshow(abs(matrix.transpose()), cmap=cm.coolwarm)
plt.plot(Xe1, Ye1, color='green')
plt.plot(Xe2, Ye2, color='purple')
plt.scatter(Xo, Yo, color='black', s=1)
plt.scatter(x0, y0, color='yellow', s=10)
plt.scatter(xn, yn, color='orange', s=10)
#Plotting in 3D
def Heatmap3D(X, Y, Xe1, Ye1, Ze1, Xe2, Ye2, Ze2, matrix):
Z = abs(matrix)
Zo = []
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
if (matrix[i][j] < 0):
Zo.append((i, j, abs(matrix[i][j])))
fig3D = plt.figure(2)
ax3D = fig3D.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
#ax3D.scatter(X, Y, Z, c=Z, cmap=cm.coolwarm, alpha=surfaceAlpha) #Worse performance
ax3D.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, cmap=cm.coolwarm, alpha=surfaceAlpha)
for it in Zo: ax3D.scatter(it[1], it[0], it[2], c='black', alpha=1, s=1)
ax3D.scatter(y0, x0, abs(matrix[x0][y0]), c='yellow', s=10)
ax3D.scatter(yn, xn, abs(matrix[xn][yn]), c='orange', s=10)
ax3D.plot3D(Ye1, Xe1, Ze1, 'green', alpha=1)
ax3D.plot3D(Ye2, Xe2, Ze2, 'purple', alpha=1)
#Calculating euclidean distance between two points
def Distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):
z1 = abs(matrix[x1][y1])
z2 = abs(matrix[x2][y2])
return np.sqrt((x1 - x2)**2 + (y1 - y2)**2 + (z1 - z2)**2)
#Heuristic calculation
def H_score(x, y, H):
z = abs(matrix[x][y])
zn = abs(matrix[xn][yn])
if (H == 0):
return abs(x - xn) + abs(y - yn) + abs(z - zn) #Manhattan
elif (H == 1):
return max(abs(xn - x), abs(yn - y))#, abs(zn - z)) #Chebyshev
return Distance(x, y, xn, yn) #Euclidean
#Exact calculation
def G_score(prevG, x, y, x1, y1, H):
d = 0
z = abs(matrix[x][y])
z1 = abs(matrix[x1][y1])
if (H == 0):
d = abs(x - x1) + abs(y - y1) + abs(z - z1) #Manhattan
elif (H == 1):
d = max(abs(x1 - x), abs(y1 - y))#, abs(z1 - z)) #Chebyshev
d = Distance(x, y, x1, y1)
d = d + prevG
return d / 1.0 #Division is only here for testing
#Check if 2 points are neighbours or not
def Neighbour(x1, y1, x2, y2):
szomsz = False
if ((abs(x1 - x2) <= 1) and (abs(y1 - y2) <= 1) and IsValid(x1, y1) and IsValid(x2, y2) and (not ((x1 == x2) and (y1 == y2)))):
szomsz = True
szomsz = False
return szomsz
#Check if point is valid (i.e is inside of work area/matrix and is not an obstacle)
def IsValid(x, y):
valid = False
if ((x >= 0) and (x < N) and (y >= 0) and (y < N) and (matrix[x][y] >= 0.0)):
valid = True
valid = False
return valid
#Check if point is end point
def IsGoal(x, y):
if (x == xn and y == yn):
return True
return False
#Check if element is in OpenList
def OLCheck(elem):
global OpenList
check = False
for it in OpenList.queue:
if (it[0] >= elem[0] and it[1] == elem[1] and it[2] == elem[2]):# and it[3] == elem[3]):
check = True
return check
#Check if element is in CloseList
def CLCheck(elem):
global CloseList
check = False
for it in CloseList:
if (it[0] == elem[1]):# and it[1] == elem[2] and it[2] == elem[3]):
check = True
return check
#Getting neighbours
def Expand(elemP, H):
global OpenList, CloseList
X = [-1, 0, 1]
Y = [-1, 0, 1]
xp = elemP[1][0]
yp = elemP[1][1]
factor = 1.09 * 100 #For testing purposes
for ix in X:
x = xp + ix
for iy in Y:
y = yp + iy
if (Neighbour(xp, yp, x, y)):
G = G_score(elemP[3] / factor, xp, yp, x, y, H)
f = G + H_score(x, y, H)
elem = (f, (x, y), (xp, yp), G)
if ((not CLCheck(elem)) and (not OLCheck(elem))):
#A* algorithm
def A_star(H):
global OpenList, CloseList, dist, Result
if (OpenList.empty()):
print('ERROR: Empty Open List!')
return -1
maxLepesek = 10000
lepesek = 0
while (not OpenList.empty()):
elem = OpenList.get()
x = elem[1][0] #Current
y = elem[1][1]
xp = elem[2][0] #Previous of current
yp = elem[2][1]
G = elem[3] #G_score of current
CloseList.append(((x, y), (xp, yp), G))
if (IsGoal(x, y)): break #End of algorithm
if (lepesek >= maxLepesek):
print('ERROR:', maxLepesek, 'lepes elerve'); return -2 #Failsafe
if (len(CloseList) <= 1): dist = 0.0
else: dist = dist + G #Distance(x, y, xp, yp)
Expand(elem, H)
lepesek = lepesek + 1
print('A* lepesek: ', lepesek, '/', maxLepesek)
return 0
#Getting Result array from CloseList
def getResult():
global distS
Res = []
#for it in CloseList: Res.append(it[0])
#return Res
Res.append((xn, yn))
while ((x0, y0) not in Res):
tempR = Res[len(Res) - 1]
for it in reversed(CloseList):
if (it[0] == tempR):
distS = distS + it[2]
return Res[::-1]
#Writing out
def Kiir(Result):
print('Length:', dist)
print('Length (post Result calculation):', distS)
print('Steps:', lepes-1)
f = open('result.txt', 'a')
# Main part =======================================================
# a =============================================
OpenList = PriorityQueue()
OpenList.put((0, (x0, y0), (x0, y0), 0))
CloseList = []
Result = []
dist = 0.0
distS = 0.0
retval = -1
Xe1 = []
Ye1 = []
Ze1 = []
retval = A_star(1)
if (retval == 0):
Result = getResult()
lepes = len(Result)
for it in Result:
for i in range(len(Result)-1):
x1 = Result[i][0]
y1 = Result[i][1]
z1 = matrix[x1][y1]
x2 = Result[i+1][0]
y2 = Result[i+1][1]
z2 = matrix[x2][y2]
print("Chebyshev: (Green)")
# b =============================================
OpenList = PriorityQueue()
OpenList.put((0, (x0, y0), (x0, y0), 0))
CloseList = []
Result = []
dist = 0.0
distS = 0.0
retval = -1
Xe2 = []
Ye2 = []
Ze2 = []
retval = A_star(2)
if (retval == 0):
Result = getResult()
lepes = len(Result)
for it in Result:
for i in range(len(Result)-1):
x1 = Result[i][0]
y1 = Result[i][1]
z1 = matrix[x1][y1]
x2 = Result[i+1][0]
y2 = Result[i+1][1]
z2 = matrix[x2][y2]
print("Euclidean: (Purple)")
# plot ==========================================
X, Y = np.meshgrid(range(N), range(N))
Heatmap2D(Xe1, Ye1, Xe2, Ye2, matrix)
#Heatmap3D(X, Y, Xe1, Ye1, Ze1, Xe2, Ye2, Ze2, matrix)
My best guess is that I do not compute the G_score correctly (I do not really take into consideration the distance from the first node, because when I do, the code tends to run forever :c )
Here are the input files:
0 0
99 30
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