纬度 | 经度 | 颜色 |
-25.45896328 | -54.50323974 | #88CE86 |
-25.45896328 | -54.53023758 | #50B56E |
-25.4562635 | -54.50323974 | #88CE86 |
加上其他 10000 多
行线对应于 n 米大小的区域,定义了地图的分辨率。在下面的示例中,每个“像素”为 300 米。
我尝试使用 OpenLayers 在地图上绘制这些数据。我设法将数据转换为 geojson 格式,其中每行都是 FeatureCollection 上的一个点,但我无法更改生成的圆圈大小、形状或颜色。除此之外,我的浏览器无法处理绘制那么多信息,一切都变得非常慢:)。
我在某处读到,使用像 GDAL 这样的工具(我根本不熟悉)应该可以做到这一点,但我不知道如何做到这一点。
该应用程序的后端将采用 PHP,因此我认为我可以以特定格式转储此数据,执行命令行工具(或类似的工具),以及生成的数据(可能是 geotiff,我不会)创建此类文件)将使用 OpenLayers、Leaflet 或其他类型的地图可视化库(如 geotiff.js)(我读到可以显示地理参考图像)向用户显示。
I need some guidance on a problem that I'm recently struggling with.
I have a data structure that looks something like this:
latitude | longitude | color |
-25.45896328 | -54.50323974 | #88CE86 |
-25.45896328 | -54.53023758 | #50B56E |
-25.4562635 | -54.50323974 | #88CE86 |
plus other 10000+ lines
Each line corresponds to an area of n meters in size, defining the resolution of the map. In the example bellow, each "pixel" is 300 meters.
This data should generate an image that looks like this:
I tried to plot this data on a map with OpenLayers. I managed to transform the data into a geojson format, where each line is a Point on a FeatureCollection, but I couldn't change the generated circles size, shape or color. Besides that, my browser couldn't handle drawing that much information, and everything got very slow :).
I read somewhere that this should be possible with a tool like GDAL (which I'm not familiar at all), but I have no idea of how this could be done.
The backend of this application will be in PHP, so I think that i could dump this data in a specific format, execute a command line tool (or something like that), and the resulting data (probably a geotiff, I wasn't abble to create such file) would be shown to the user using OpenLayers, Leaflet or other type of map visualization library, like geotiff.js (which I read that can display georeferenced images).
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