什么路径允许我的 Django 应用程序查看所有已安装的模块?

发布于 2025-01-12 02:23:07 字数 3271 浏览 3 评论 0原文

我正在接手一个复杂的项目。 5 位工程师为此工作了多年,但他们都离开了,我正在尝试自己解决这个问题。

我知道他们之前在 Centos8 上运行过这个应用程序,但 Centos8 在 12 月就停产了,所以我设置了一个运行 Redhat8 的新 EC2 实例。

为了解决各种软件的一些权限问题,我以 root 身份运行。


pip3 list


Package              Version
-------------------- -----------
argcomplete          2.0.0
Babel                2.5.1
blueflow             2.7.3
certifi              2021.10.8
cffi                 1.11.5
chardet              3.0.4
click                8.0.4
cloud-init           21.1
clufter              0.77.1
configobj            5.0.6
cryptography         3.2.1
dbus-python          1.2.4
decorator            4.2.1
distlib              0.3.4
ethtool              0.14
file-magic           0.3.0
filelock             3.4.1
gpg                  1.13.1
html5lib             0.999999999
idna                 2.5
importlib-metadata   4.8.3
importlib-resources  5.4.0
iniparse             0.4
Jinja2               2.10.1
jsonpatch            1.21
jsonpointer          1.10
jsonschema           2.6.0
libcomps             0.1.16
lxml                 4.2.3
MarkupSafe           0.23
oauthlib             2.1.0
packaging            21.3
pcs                  0.10.10
perf                 0.1
pexpect              4.3.1
pip                  21.3.1
pipenv               2022.1.8
pipx                 1.0.0
platformdirs         2.4.0
ply                  3.9
prettytable          0.7.2
ptyprocess           0.5.2
pycparser            2.14
PyGObject            3.28.3
pyinotify            0.9.6
PyJWT                1.6.1
pyOpenSSL            19.0.0
pyparsing            2.1.10
pyserial             3.1.1
PySocks              1.6.8
python-dateutil      2.6.1
python-dmidecode     3.12.2
python-linux-procfs  0.6.3
pytz                 2017.2
pyudev               0.21.0
PyYAML               3.12
requests             2.20.0
rpm                  4.14.3
schedutils           0.6
selinux              2.9
sepolicy             1.1
setools              4.3.0
setuptools           39.2.0
six                  1.11.0
subscription-manager 1.28.21
suds-jurko           0.7.dev0
syspurpose           1.28.21
typing_extensions    4.1.1
urllib3              1.24.2
userpath             1.7.0
virtualenv           20.13.2
virtualenv-clone     0.5.7
webencodings         0.5.1
zipp                 3.6.0                        


pipenv shell


pip3 list


pip        21.3.1
setuptools 59.6.0
wheel      0.37.1


pip3 list


pip        21.3.1
setuptools 59.6.0
wheel      0.37.1

不知何故,安装脚本不使用与 pipenv shell 相同的路径。


警告:以“root”用户身份运行 pip 可能会导致权限损坏以及与系统包管理器的行为冲突。建议改用虚拟环境: https://pip.pypa .io/warnings/venv

我有几个问题。 pipenv shell不是建立虚拟环境吗?除了 pipenv shell 之外,我还需要做 venv 吗?



I'm taking over a complex project. 5 engineers worked on this for years, but they have all left, and I'm trying to figure it out on my own.

I know they had this app previously running on Centos8, but Centos8 hit EOL in December, so I set up a new EC2 instance running Redhat8.

To get past some permission issues with various software, I'm running as root.

There was an install script that seemed to install a lot of software. If I do:

pip3 list

then I see:

Package              Version
-------------------- -----------
argcomplete          2.0.0
Babel                2.5.1
blueflow             2.7.3
certifi              2021.10.8
cffi                 1.11.5
chardet              3.0.4
click                8.0.4
cloud-init           21.1
clufter              0.77.1
configobj            5.0.6
cryptography         3.2.1
dbus-python          1.2.4
decorator            4.2.1
distlib              0.3.4
ethtool              0.14
file-magic           0.3.0
filelock             3.4.1
gpg                  1.13.1
html5lib             0.999999999
idna                 2.5
importlib-metadata   4.8.3
importlib-resources  5.4.0
iniparse             0.4
Jinja2               2.10.1
jsonpatch            1.21
jsonpointer          1.10
jsonschema           2.6.0
libcomps             0.1.16
lxml                 4.2.3
MarkupSafe           0.23
oauthlib             2.1.0
packaging            21.3
pcs                  0.10.10
perf                 0.1
pexpect              4.3.1
pip                  21.3.1
pipenv               2022.1.8
pipx                 1.0.0
platformdirs         2.4.0
ply                  3.9
prettytable          0.7.2
ptyprocess           0.5.2
pycparser            2.14
PyGObject            3.28.3
pyinotify            0.9.6
PyJWT                1.6.1
pyOpenSSL            19.0.0
pyparsing            2.1.10
pyserial             3.1.1
PySocks              1.6.8
python-dateutil      2.6.1
python-dmidecode     3.12.2
python-linux-procfs  0.6.3
pytz                 2017.2
pyudev               0.21.0
PyYAML               3.12
requests             2.20.0
rpm                  4.14.3
schedutils           0.6
selinux              2.9
sepolicy             1.1
setools              4.3.0
setuptools           39.2.0
six                  1.11.0
subscription-manager 1.28.21
suds-jurko           0.7.dev0
syspurpose           1.28.21
typing_extensions    4.1.1
urllib3              1.24.2
userpath             1.7.0
virtualenv           20.13.2
virtualenv-clone     0.5.7
webencodings         0.5.1
zipp                 3.6.0                        

Following the README that the previous engineers wrote, I then do:

pipenv shell

Now if I do:

pip3 list

This is all that is installed:

pip        21.3.1
setuptools 59.6.0
wheel      0.37.1

So I run the install script again, a lot seems to get installed, mostly I see "Requirement already satisfied" and then I do this again:

pip3 list

but still:

pip        21.3.1
setuptools 59.6.0
wheel      0.37.1

Somehow the install script doesn't use the same path as pipenv shell.

I see this warning:

WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead: https://pip.pypa.io/warnings/venv

I've a few questions. Doesn't pipenv shell establish a virtual environment? Is venv something I would need to do in addition to pipenv shell?

Also, even running as root, is there a way I can get all of the Python software to use the same path?

I'm looking for the simplest way to get this software running. This is just for development.

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