我们正在编写一个基于java的跳跃和奔跑游戏。我们有 12 个课程和一个主要草图。在类游戏中,我们描述游戏的状态以及当该游戏状态发生时应该发生什么。我们的玩家有一个问题,在我们定义的玩家类中,当玩家死亡时,游戏状态“Lose”应该发生。但似乎,班级玩家无法在班级游戏中达到该游戏状态的定义。
我们还收到错误 NullPointerException。
-----------------------class Game----------------------
class Game
// Eigenschaften
private Level1 level1;
private Player p;
private Level2 level2;
private Level3 level3;
PImage start;
public String gameState;
public boolean left, right, up, down, space;
public FrameObject camera, gameWorld;
public boolean intersectHaus;
PImage win;
PImage gameover;
public Enemy [] enemies;
public Blume [] blumen;
PImage spring;
public int lives;
// Konstruktor
size(1400, 750);
this.p = new Player();
this.start = loadImage("start.png");
this.win = loadImage("win.png");
this.gameover = loadImage("gameover.png");
this.spring = loadImage ("level2.png");
this.gameState = "START";
this.level1 = new Level1(this);
this.level2 = new Level2(this);
this.level3 = new Level3(this);
this.lives = 3;
// Methoden
void display()
case "START":
println("start funktioniert");
case "PLAY1":
println("play1 funktioniert");
case "WIN":
println("win funktioniert");
case "WIN2":
case "WIN3":
case "LOSE":
println("lose hat funktioniert");
case "PLAY2":
case "PLAY3":
void startGame()
image(this.start, 0, 0);
if (mousePressed == true)
gameState = "PLAY1";
void playGame()
void playGame2()
void playGame3()
void winGame2()
image(this.win, 0, 0);
if (mousePressed == true)
if (mousePressed == true)
gameState = "PLAY3";
void winGame3()
image(this.win, 0, 0);
if (mousePressed == true)
gameState = "START";
void winGame()
image(this.win, 0, 0);
if (mousePressed == true)
if (mousePressed == true)
gameState = "PLAY2";
void loseGame()
image(this.gameover, 0, 0);
if (mousePressed == true)
gameState = "START";
public void setGameState(String state)
this.gameState = state;
public Player getPlayer()
return this.p;
---------------------class Level3---------------------
class Level3
private Player p;
private Blume [] blumen;
private Wabe [] waben;
private GiftBlume [] giftBlumen;
private Haus h;
private FrameObject camera, gameWorld;
public ImageObject backImage;
public ImageObject backImage1;
public ImageObject backImage2;
PImage hintergrund;
PImage background;
private Game parent;
PImage hintergrund1;
private Enemy [] enemies;
PImage haus;
private int score;
Level3(Game parent)
size(1400, 750);
this.parent = parent;
this.score = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < plattformen.length; i++)
plattformen[i] = loadImage("blume"+i+".png");
left = false;
right = false;
up = false;
down = false;
space = false;
this.p = this.parent.getPlayer();
this.blumen = new Blume[8];
this.blumen[0] = new Blume(plattformen[15], 10, 550, 200, 25, "safe");
this.blumen[1] = new Blume(plattformen[14], 700, 200, 200, 25, "safe");
this.blumen[2] = new Blume(plattformen[13], 1100, 460, 200, 25, "safe");
this.blumen[3] = new Blume(plattformen[12], 2000, 240, 170, 25, "safe");
this.blumen[4] = new Blume(plattformen[17], 2500, 450, 200, 25, "safe");
this.blumen[5] = new Blume(plattformen[15], 3700, 550, 200, 25, "safe");
this.blumen[6] = new Blume(plattformen[14], 4000, 200, 200, 25, "safe");
this.blumen[7] = new Blume(plattformen[13], 4100, 460, 200, 25, "safe");
this.giftBlumen = new GiftBlume[4]; //
this.giftBlumen [0] = new GiftBlume(1450, 420, 290, 25, "death");
this.giftBlumen [1] = new GiftBlume(3000, 420, 290, 25, "death");
this.giftBlumen [2] = new GiftBlume(3400, 420, 290, 25, "death");
this.giftBlumen [3] = new GiftBlume(4800, 420, 290, 25, "death");
this.waben = new Wabe[47];
this.waben[0] = new Wabe(430, 100, 30, 30); //nach Blume 1
this.waben[1] = new Wabe(430, 150, 30, 30);
this.waben[2] = new Wabe(430, 200, 30, 30);
this.waben[3] = new Wabe(430, 250, 30, 30);
this.waben[4] = new Wabe(430, 300, 30, 30);
this.waben[5] = new Wabe(960, 130, 30, 30); // nach Blume 2
this.waben[6] = new Wabe(990, 160, 30, 30);
this.waben[7] = new Wabe(1020, 190, 30, 30);
this.waben[8] = new Wabe(1050, 220, 30, 30);
this.waben[9] = new Wabe(1080, 250, 30, 30);
this.waben[10] = new Wabe(1110, 280, 30, 30);
this.waben[11] = new Wabe(1540, 160, 30, 30); // Blume 4
this.waben[12] = new Wabe(1540, 100, 30, 30);
this.waben[13] = new Wabe(1540, 220, 30, 30);
this.waben[14] = new Wabe(2070, 160, 30, 30); // Blume 6
this.waben[15] = new Wabe(2070, 60, 30, 30);
this.waben[16] = new Wabe(2040, 110, 30, 30);
this.waben[17] = new Wabe(2100, 110, 30, 30);
this.waben[18] = new Wabe(2770, 300, 30, 30); // nach Blume 6
this.waben[19] = new Wabe(2820, 300, 30, 30);
this.waben[20] = new Wabe(2870, 300, 30, 30);
this.waben[21] = new Wabe(2920, 300, 30, 30);
this.waben[22] = new Wabe(3000, 80, 30, 30); // über Blume 7 & 8
this.waben[23] = new Wabe(3050, 80, 30, 30);
this.waben[24] = new Wabe(3100, 80, 30, 30);
this.waben[25] = new Wabe(3150, 80, 30, 30);
this.waben[26] = new Wabe(3200, 80, 30, 30);
this.waben[27] = new Wabe(3250, 80, 30, 30);
this.waben[28] = new Wabe(3300, 80, 30, 30);
this.waben[29] = new Wabe(3350, 80, 30, 30);
this.waben[30] = new Wabe(3400, 80, 30, 30);
this.waben[31] = new Wabe(3450, 80, 30, 30);
this.waben[32] = new Wabe(3500, 80, 30, 30);
this.waben[33] = new Wabe(3550, 80, 30, 30);
this.waben[34] = new Wabe(3700, 450, 30, 30); // Blume 9
this.waben[35] = new Wabe(3750, 450, 30, 30);
this.waben[36] = new Wabe(3800, 450, 30, 30);
this.waben[37] = new Wabe(3850, 450, 30, 30);
this.waben[38] = new Wabe(3900, 450, 30, 30);
this.waben[39] = new Wabe(4400, 200, 30, 30); // nach Blume 11
this.waben[40] = new Wabe(4450, 200, 30, 30);
this.waben[41] = new Wabe(4500, 200, 30, 30);
this.waben[42] = new Wabe(4550, 200, 30, 30);
this.waben[43] = new Wabe(4600, 200, 30, 30);
this.waben[44] = new Wabe(4650, 200, 30, 30);
this.waben[45] = new Wabe(4600, 150, 30, 30);
this.waben[46] = new Wabe(4600, 250, 30, 30);
hintergrund1 = loadImage("hintergrund3.png");
backImage2 = new ImageObject(0, 0, 1400, 750, hintergrund1);
gameWorld = new FrameObject(0, 0, backImage2.w*4, backImage2.h);
camera = new FrameObject(0, 0, width, height);
this.h = new Haus();
this.enemies = new Enemy [this.blumen.length];
for (int i = 0; i < this.blumen.length; i++) {
this.enemies[i] = new Enemy (this.blumen[i]);
camera.x = (gameWorld.x + gameWorld.w/2) - camera.w/2;
camera.y = (gameWorld.y + gameWorld.h/2) - camera.h/2;
void display ()
for (int i = 0; i < this.blumen.length; ++ i) // für nicht sichere Plattform
this.p.collisionSide = rectangleCollisions(this.p, this.blumen[i]);
if (this.p.collisionSide != "none" && this.blumen[i].typeof == "death")
camera.x = floor(p.x + (p.halfWidth) - (camera.w/2));
camera.y = floor(p.y + (p.halfHeight) - (camera.h/2));
if (camera.x < gameWorld.x)
camera.x = gameWorld.x;
if (camera.y < gameWorld.y)
camera.y = gameWorld.y;
if (camera.x + camera.w > gameWorld.x + gameWorld.w)
camera.x = gameWorld.x + gameWorld.w - camera.w;
if (camera.y + camera.h > gameWorld.h)
camera.y = gameWorld.h - camera.h;
for (int i = 0; i < this.enemies.length; i++) {
if (rectangleCollisionPvE(this.p, this.enemies[i]) && !this.enemies[i].dead) {
translate(-camera.x, -camera.y);
for (int i = 0; i < this.blumen.length; ++i)
for (int i = 0; i < this.giftBlumen.length; ++i) //
if (intersectGiftBlume(this.p, this.giftBlumen[i]) == true)
for (int i = 0; i < waben.length; ++i)
if (intersect(this.p, this.waben[i]) == true)
this.score ++;
for (int i = 0; i < this.enemies.length; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.haus.width/2; i ++)
if (intersectHaus(this.p, this.h) == true)
image(this.hintergrund, 200, 200);
String s = "Score: " + score;
text(s, 1270, 50);
text("Steuerung:", 60, 50);
text("space - springen, a - links, d - rechts", 60, 70);
boolean intersect(Player p, Wabe w)
float distance = dist(p.x, p.y, w.x, w.y);
if (distance < (p.w/2 + w.w/2))
return true;
} else
return false;
boolean intersectGiftBlume(Player p, GiftBlume g) //
float distance = dist(p.x, p.y, g.x, g.y);
if (distance < (p.w/2 + g.w/2))
return true;
} else
return false;
boolean intersectHaus(Player p, Haus h)
float distance = dist(p.x, p.y, h.x, h.y);
if (distance < (p.w/2 + h.w/2))
return true;
} else
return false;
boolean rectangleCollisionPvE (Player r1, Enemy r2) {
float dx = (r1.x + r1.w/2) - (r2.x + r2.w/2);
float dy = (r1.y + r1.h/2) - (r2.y + r2.h/2);
float combinedHalfWidths = r1.halfWidth + r2.halfWidth;
float combinedHalfHeights = r1.halfHeight + r2.halfHeight;
if (abs(dx)< combinedHalfWidths) {
if (abs(dy)< combinedHalfHeights) {
return true;
return false;
String rectangleCollisions(Player r1, Blume r2)
if (r1.vy < 0) // ausklammern um nicht von unten durch die Blume springen
return "none";
float dx = (r1.x + r1.w/2) - (r2.x + r2.w/2);
float dy = (r1.y + r1.h/2) - (r2.y + r2.h/2);
float combinedHalfWidths = r1.halfWidth + r2.halfWidth;
float combinedHalfHeights = r1.halfHeight + r2.halfHeight;
if (abs(dx) < combinedHalfWidths)
if (abs(dy) < combinedHalfHeights)
float overlapX = combinedHalfWidths - abs(dx);
float overlapY = combinedHalfHeights - abs(dy);
if (overlapX >= overlapY)
if (dy > 0)
r1.y += overlapY;
return "top";
} else
r1.y -= overlapY;
return "bottom";
} else
if (dx > 0)
r1.x += overlapX;
return "left";
} else
r1.x -= overlapX;
return "right";
} else
return "none";
} else
return "none";
-------------------------- class Player-----------------------
class Player
// Eigenschaften
private float w, h, x, y, vx, vy, accelerationX, accelerationY, speedLimit; // acceleration = Beschleunigung
private int lives;
// world values
private float friction, bounce, gravity;
private boolean isOnGround;
private float jumpForce;
private float halfWidth, halfHeight;
private String collisionSide;
private boolean facingRight;
public String gameState;
private PImage player, player2;
// Konstruktor
this.lives = 3;
this.player = loadImage("biene.png");
this.player2 = loadImage("biene2.png");
void init()
this.w = 90; // an Biene anpassen!
this.h = 65;
this.x = 50; // - w/2;
this.y = 10; //(gameWorld.y + gameWorld.h/2) - h/2;
this.vx = 0;
this.vy = 0;
this.accelerationX = 0;
this.accelerationY = 0;
this.speedLimit = 15;
this.isOnGround = false;
this.jumpForce = -15; //Höhe Sprung
// world values
this.friction = 0.96;
this.bounce = -0.2;
this.gravity = 0.3;
this.halfWidth = w/2;
this.halfHeight = h/2;
this.facingRight = true;
this.collisionSide = "";
// Methoden
void update()
//text("Leben: "+this.lives, 1000, 500);
// start all moves off with friction at 1
if (left && !right)
this.accelerationX = -0.2;
this.friction = 1;
this.facingRight = false;
if (right && !left)
this.accelerationX = 0.2;
this.friction = 1;
this.facingRight = true;
if (!left && !right)
this.accelerationX = 0;
if (up && !down && isOnGround) // <--- im Fall fliegen können
this.vy = this.jumpForce;
this.isOnGround = false;
this.friction = 1;
if (down && !up)
this.accelerationY = 0.2;
this.friction = 1;
if (!up && !down)
this.accelerationY = 0;
// removing impulse reintroduces friction
if (!up && !down && !left && !right)
this.friction = 0.96;
this.gravity = 0.3; // Geschwindigkeit des Fallens
this.vx += this.accelerationX;
this.vy += this.accelerationY;
// friction 1 = no friction
this.vx *= this.friction;
this.vy *= this.friction;
//apply gravity
this.vy += this.gravity;
// correct fpr max. speeds
if (this.vx > this.speedLimit)
this.vx = this.speedLimit;
if (this.vx < -this.speedLimit)
this.vx = -this.speedLimit;
// need to let gravity ramp it up
if (this.vy > 3* this.speedLimit) // Geschwindigkeit des Fallens
this.vy = 3 * this.speedLimit;
if (this.vy < -this.speedLimit)
this.vy = -this.speedLimit;
if (abs(vx) < 0.2)
this.vx = 0;
if (abs(vy) < 0.2)
this.vy = 0;
// move player
this.x += this.vx;
this.y += this.vy;
//x = Math.max(0, Math.min(x + vx, gameWorld.w - w));
//y = Math.max(0, Math.min(y + vy, gameWorld.h - h));
} // Update Ende
void checkBoundaries()
// left
if (this.x < 0)
this.vx *= this.bounce;
this.x = 0;
if (this.y < 0)
this.vy *= this.bounce;
this.y = 0;
void checkBlumen()
if (this.collisionSide == "bottom" && this.vy >= 0)
if (this.vy < 1)
this.isOnGround = true;
this.vy = 0;
} else
this.vy *= this.bounce/2;
} else if (this.collisionSide == "top" && this.vy <= 0)
this.vy = 0;
} else if (this.collisionSide == "right" && this.vx >= 0)
this.vx = 0;
} else if (this.collisionSide == "left" && this.vx <= 0)
this.vx = 0;
if (this.collisionSide != "bottom" && this.vy > 0)
this.isOnGround = false;
void lebenGift()
this.lives --;
if (this.lives <1)
gameState = "LOSE";
void leben()
text("Leben: "+this.lives, 1270, 100);
if (this.y + this.h > height)
if (this.lives <1)
gameState = "LOSE";
void display()
//rect(x, y, w, h);
if (facingRight)
image(this.player, x, y - 40);
} else
image(this.player2, x, y - 40);
We are programming a jump and run game in processing which is java based. We have 12 classes and a main sketch. In the class game we describe the states of the game and what is supposed to happen when that game state happens. There is a problem with our player, in the class player we defined when the player dies and that the state game-state Lose is supposed to happen. But it seems, that the class player can't reach the definition of that game-state in the class game.
We are also getting the error NullPointerException.
-----------------------class Game----------------------
class Game
// Eigenschaften
private Level1 level1;
private Player p;
private Level2 level2;
private Level3 level3;
PImage start;
public String gameState;
public boolean left, right, up, down, space;
public FrameObject camera, gameWorld;
public boolean intersectHaus;
PImage win;
PImage gameover;
public Enemy [] enemies;
public Blume [] blumen;
PImage spring;
public int lives;
// Konstruktor
size(1400, 750);
this.p = new Player();
this.start = loadImage("start.png");
this.win = loadImage("win.png");
this.gameover = loadImage("gameover.png");
this.spring = loadImage ("level2.png");
this.gameState = "START";
this.level1 = new Level1(this);
this.level2 = new Level2(this);
this.level3 = new Level3(this);
this.lives = 3;
// Methoden
void display()
case "START":
println("start funktioniert");
case "PLAY1":
println("play1 funktioniert");
case "WIN":
println("win funktioniert");
case "WIN2":
case "WIN3":
case "LOSE":
println("lose hat funktioniert");
case "PLAY2":
case "PLAY3":
void startGame()
image(this.start, 0, 0);
if (mousePressed == true)
gameState = "PLAY1";
void playGame()
void playGame2()
void playGame3()
void winGame2()
image(this.win, 0, 0);
if (mousePressed == true)
if (mousePressed == true)
gameState = "PLAY3";
void winGame3()
image(this.win, 0, 0);
if (mousePressed == true)
gameState = "START";
void winGame()
image(this.win, 0, 0);
if (mousePressed == true)
if (mousePressed == true)
gameState = "PLAY2";
void loseGame()
image(this.gameover, 0, 0);
if (mousePressed == true)
gameState = "START";
public void setGameState(String state)
this.gameState = state;
public Player getPlayer()
return this.p;
---------------------class Level3---------------------
class Level3
private Player p;
private Blume [] blumen;
private Wabe [] waben;
private GiftBlume [] giftBlumen;
private Haus h;
private FrameObject camera, gameWorld;
public ImageObject backImage;
public ImageObject backImage1;
public ImageObject backImage2;
PImage hintergrund;
PImage background;
private Game parent;
PImage hintergrund1;
private Enemy [] enemies;
PImage haus;
private int score;
Level3(Game parent)
size(1400, 750);
this.parent = parent;
this.score = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < plattformen.length; i++)
plattformen[i] = loadImage("blume"+i+".png");
left = false;
right = false;
up = false;
down = false;
space = false;
this.p = this.parent.getPlayer();
this.blumen = new Blume[8];
this.blumen[0] = new Blume(plattformen[15], 10, 550, 200, 25, "safe");
this.blumen[1] = new Blume(plattformen[14], 700, 200, 200, 25, "safe");
this.blumen[2] = new Blume(plattformen[13], 1100, 460, 200, 25, "safe");
this.blumen[3] = new Blume(plattformen[12], 2000, 240, 170, 25, "safe");
this.blumen[4] = new Blume(plattformen[17], 2500, 450, 200, 25, "safe");
this.blumen[5] = new Blume(plattformen[15], 3700, 550, 200, 25, "safe");
this.blumen[6] = new Blume(plattformen[14], 4000, 200, 200, 25, "safe");
this.blumen[7] = new Blume(plattformen[13], 4100, 460, 200, 25, "safe");
this.giftBlumen = new GiftBlume[4]; //
this.giftBlumen [0] = new GiftBlume(1450, 420, 290, 25, "death");
this.giftBlumen [1] = new GiftBlume(3000, 420, 290, 25, "death");
this.giftBlumen [2] = new GiftBlume(3400, 420, 290, 25, "death");
this.giftBlumen [3] = new GiftBlume(4800, 420, 290, 25, "death");
this.waben = new Wabe[47];
this.waben[0] = new Wabe(430, 100, 30, 30); //nach Blume 1
this.waben[1] = new Wabe(430, 150, 30, 30);
this.waben[2] = new Wabe(430, 200, 30, 30);
this.waben[3] = new Wabe(430, 250, 30, 30);
this.waben[4] = new Wabe(430, 300, 30, 30);
this.waben[5] = new Wabe(960, 130, 30, 30); // nach Blume 2
this.waben[6] = new Wabe(990, 160, 30, 30);
this.waben[7] = new Wabe(1020, 190, 30, 30);
this.waben[8] = new Wabe(1050, 220, 30, 30);
this.waben[9] = new Wabe(1080, 250, 30, 30);
this.waben[10] = new Wabe(1110, 280, 30, 30);
this.waben[11] = new Wabe(1540, 160, 30, 30); // Blume 4
this.waben[12] = new Wabe(1540, 100, 30, 30);
this.waben[13] = new Wabe(1540, 220, 30, 30);
this.waben[14] = new Wabe(2070, 160, 30, 30); // Blume 6
this.waben[15] = new Wabe(2070, 60, 30, 30);
this.waben[16] = new Wabe(2040, 110, 30, 30);
this.waben[17] = new Wabe(2100, 110, 30, 30);
this.waben[18] = new Wabe(2770, 300, 30, 30); // nach Blume 6
this.waben[19] = new Wabe(2820, 300, 30, 30);
this.waben[20] = new Wabe(2870, 300, 30, 30);
this.waben[21] = new Wabe(2920, 300, 30, 30);
this.waben[22] = new Wabe(3000, 80, 30, 30); // über Blume 7 & 8
this.waben[23] = new Wabe(3050, 80, 30, 30);
this.waben[24] = new Wabe(3100, 80, 30, 30);
this.waben[25] = new Wabe(3150, 80, 30, 30);
this.waben[26] = new Wabe(3200, 80, 30, 30);
this.waben[27] = new Wabe(3250, 80, 30, 30);
this.waben[28] = new Wabe(3300, 80, 30, 30);
this.waben[29] = new Wabe(3350, 80, 30, 30);
this.waben[30] = new Wabe(3400, 80, 30, 30);
this.waben[31] = new Wabe(3450, 80, 30, 30);
this.waben[32] = new Wabe(3500, 80, 30, 30);
this.waben[33] = new Wabe(3550, 80, 30, 30);
this.waben[34] = new Wabe(3700, 450, 30, 30); // Blume 9
this.waben[35] = new Wabe(3750, 450, 30, 30);
this.waben[36] = new Wabe(3800, 450, 30, 30);
this.waben[37] = new Wabe(3850, 450, 30, 30);
this.waben[38] = new Wabe(3900, 450, 30, 30);
this.waben[39] = new Wabe(4400, 200, 30, 30); // nach Blume 11
this.waben[40] = new Wabe(4450, 200, 30, 30);
this.waben[41] = new Wabe(4500, 200, 30, 30);
this.waben[42] = new Wabe(4550, 200, 30, 30);
this.waben[43] = new Wabe(4600, 200, 30, 30);
this.waben[44] = new Wabe(4650, 200, 30, 30);
this.waben[45] = new Wabe(4600, 150, 30, 30);
this.waben[46] = new Wabe(4600, 250, 30, 30);
hintergrund1 = loadImage("hintergrund3.png");
backImage2 = new ImageObject(0, 0, 1400, 750, hintergrund1);
gameWorld = new FrameObject(0, 0, backImage2.w*4, backImage2.h);
camera = new FrameObject(0, 0, width, height);
this.h = new Haus();
this.enemies = new Enemy [this.blumen.length];
for (int i = 0; i < this.blumen.length; i++) {
this.enemies[i] = new Enemy (this.blumen[i]);
camera.x = (gameWorld.x + gameWorld.w/2) - camera.w/2;
camera.y = (gameWorld.y + gameWorld.h/2) - camera.h/2;
void display ()
for (int i = 0; i < this.blumen.length; ++ i) // für nicht sichere Plattform
this.p.collisionSide = rectangleCollisions(this.p, this.blumen[i]);
if (this.p.collisionSide != "none" && this.blumen[i].typeof == "death")
camera.x = floor(p.x + (p.halfWidth) - (camera.w/2));
camera.y = floor(p.y + (p.halfHeight) - (camera.h/2));
if (camera.x < gameWorld.x)
camera.x = gameWorld.x;
if (camera.y < gameWorld.y)
camera.y = gameWorld.y;
if (camera.x + camera.w > gameWorld.x + gameWorld.w)
camera.x = gameWorld.x + gameWorld.w - camera.w;
if (camera.y + camera.h > gameWorld.h)
camera.y = gameWorld.h - camera.h;
for (int i = 0; i < this.enemies.length; i++) {
if (rectangleCollisionPvE(this.p, this.enemies[i]) && !this.enemies[i].dead) {
translate(-camera.x, -camera.y);
for (int i = 0; i < this.blumen.length; ++i)
for (int i = 0; i < this.giftBlumen.length; ++i) //
if (intersectGiftBlume(this.p, this.giftBlumen[i]) == true)
for (int i = 0; i < waben.length; ++i)
if (intersect(this.p, this.waben[i]) == true)
this.score ++;
for (int i = 0; i < this.enemies.length; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.haus.width/2; i ++)
if (intersectHaus(this.p, this.h) == true)
image(this.hintergrund, 200, 200);
String s = "Score: " + score;
text(s, 1270, 50);
text("Steuerung:", 60, 50);
text("space - springen, a - links, d - rechts", 60, 70);
boolean intersect(Player p, Wabe w)
float distance = dist(p.x, p.y, w.x, w.y);
if (distance < (p.w/2 + w.w/2))
return true;
} else
return false;
boolean intersectGiftBlume(Player p, GiftBlume g) //
float distance = dist(p.x, p.y, g.x, g.y);
if (distance < (p.w/2 + g.w/2))
return true;
} else
return false;
boolean intersectHaus(Player p, Haus h)
float distance = dist(p.x, p.y, h.x, h.y);
if (distance < (p.w/2 + h.w/2))
return true;
} else
return false;
boolean rectangleCollisionPvE (Player r1, Enemy r2) {
float dx = (r1.x + r1.w/2) - (r2.x + r2.w/2);
float dy = (r1.y + r1.h/2) - (r2.y + r2.h/2);
float combinedHalfWidths = r1.halfWidth + r2.halfWidth;
float combinedHalfHeights = r1.halfHeight + r2.halfHeight;
if (abs(dx)< combinedHalfWidths) {
if (abs(dy)< combinedHalfHeights) {
return true;
return false;
String rectangleCollisions(Player r1, Blume r2)
if (r1.vy < 0) // ausklammern um nicht von unten durch die Blume springen
return "none";
float dx = (r1.x + r1.w/2) - (r2.x + r2.w/2);
float dy = (r1.y + r1.h/2) - (r2.y + r2.h/2);
float combinedHalfWidths = r1.halfWidth + r2.halfWidth;
float combinedHalfHeights = r1.halfHeight + r2.halfHeight;
if (abs(dx) < combinedHalfWidths)
if (abs(dy) < combinedHalfHeights)
float overlapX = combinedHalfWidths - abs(dx);
float overlapY = combinedHalfHeights - abs(dy);
if (overlapX >= overlapY)
if (dy > 0)
r1.y += overlapY;
return "top";
} else
r1.y -= overlapY;
return "bottom";
} else
if (dx > 0)
r1.x += overlapX;
return "left";
} else
r1.x -= overlapX;
return "right";
} else
return "none";
} else
return "none";
-------------------------- class Player-----------------------
class Player
// Eigenschaften
private float w, h, x, y, vx, vy, accelerationX, accelerationY, speedLimit; // acceleration = Beschleunigung
private int lives;
// world values
private float friction, bounce, gravity;
private boolean isOnGround;
private float jumpForce;
private float halfWidth, halfHeight;
private String collisionSide;
private boolean facingRight;
public String gameState;
private PImage player, player2;
// Konstruktor
this.lives = 3;
this.player = loadImage("biene.png");
this.player2 = loadImage("biene2.png");
void init()
this.w = 90; // an Biene anpassen!
this.h = 65;
this.x = 50; // - w/2;
this.y = 10; //(gameWorld.y + gameWorld.h/2) - h/2;
this.vx = 0;
this.vy = 0;
this.accelerationX = 0;
this.accelerationY = 0;
this.speedLimit = 15;
this.isOnGround = false;
this.jumpForce = -15; //Höhe Sprung
// world values
this.friction = 0.96;
this.bounce = -0.2;
this.gravity = 0.3;
this.halfWidth = w/2;
this.halfHeight = h/2;
this.facingRight = true;
this.collisionSide = "";
// Methoden
void update()
//text("Leben: "+this.lives, 1000, 500);
// start all moves off with friction at 1
if (left && !right)
this.accelerationX = -0.2;
this.friction = 1;
this.facingRight = false;
if (right && !left)
this.accelerationX = 0.2;
this.friction = 1;
this.facingRight = true;
if (!left && !right)
this.accelerationX = 0;
if (up && !down && isOnGround) // <--- im Fall fliegen können
this.vy = this.jumpForce;
this.isOnGround = false;
this.friction = 1;
if (down && !up)
this.accelerationY = 0.2;
this.friction = 1;
if (!up && !down)
this.accelerationY = 0;
// removing impulse reintroduces friction
if (!up && !down && !left && !right)
this.friction = 0.96;
this.gravity = 0.3; // Geschwindigkeit des Fallens
this.vx += this.accelerationX;
this.vy += this.accelerationY;
// friction 1 = no friction
this.vx *= this.friction;
this.vy *= this.friction;
//apply gravity
this.vy += this.gravity;
// correct fpr max. speeds
if (this.vx > this.speedLimit)
this.vx = this.speedLimit;
if (this.vx < -this.speedLimit)
this.vx = -this.speedLimit;
// need to let gravity ramp it up
if (this.vy > 3* this.speedLimit) // Geschwindigkeit des Fallens
this.vy = 3 * this.speedLimit;
if (this.vy < -this.speedLimit)
this.vy = -this.speedLimit;
if (abs(vx) < 0.2)
this.vx = 0;
if (abs(vy) < 0.2)
this.vy = 0;
// move player
this.x += this.vx;
this.y += this.vy;
//x = Math.max(0, Math.min(x + vx, gameWorld.w - w));
//y = Math.max(0, Math.min(y + vy, gameWorld.h - h));
} // Update Ende
void checkBoundaries()
// left
if (this.x < 0)
this.vx *= this.bounce;
this.x = 0;
if (this.y < 0)
this.vy *= this.bounce;
this.y = 0;
void checkBlumen()
if (this.collisionSide == "bottom" && this.vy >= 0)
if (this.vy < 1)
this.isOnGround = true;
this.vy = 0;
} else
this.vy *= this.bounce/2;
} else if (this.collisionSide == "top" && this.vy <= 0)
this.vy = 0;
} else if (this.collisionSide == "right" && this.vx >= 0)
this.vx = 0;
} else if (this.collisionSide == "left" && this.vx <= 0)
this.vx = 0;
if (this.collisionSide != "bottom" && this.vy > 0)
this.isOnGround = false;
void lebenGift()
this.lives --;
if (this.lives <1)
gameState = "LOSE";
void leben()
text("Leben: "+this.lives, 1270, 100);
if (this.y + this.h > height)
if (this.lives <1)
gameState = "LOSE";
void display()
//rect(x, y, w, h);
if (facingRight)
image(this.player, x, y - 40);
} else
image(this.player2, x, y - 40);
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