在 Eclipse 中使用 Spring @Value 注释会导致字段未初始化错误
我目前正在 Eclipse IDE 中开发一个 Spring Boot 应用程序,其中包含一个 Connection 类,该类需要知道要连接到哪个数据源。我决定通过 @Value 注释让它从 Spring 的 application.properties 知道这个属性:
private final DataSource DATA_SOURCE;
其中 DataSource 是表示可能的数据源的枚举。但是,在此方法中,我收到“空白最终字段 DATA_SOURCE 可能尚未初始化”错误:
private DBConnection() throws SQLException {
ConnectionConfig config = new ConnectionConfig(DATA_SOURCE);
connection = DriverManager.getConnection(config.getUrl(), config.getUSERNAME(), config.getPASSWORD());
仍然给出相同的错误。 我尝试为 Eclipse 安装 Spring Tools 4 插件来检查这是否只是 Eclipse 不理解 @Value 注释的含义,但情况似乎并非如此。我该如何解决这个问题?我自己是否误解了其中的含义?
project.datasource = POSTGRE_LOCAL
| .classpath
| .gitignore
| .project
| HELP.md
| mvnw
| mvnw.cmd
| pom.xml
| \---wrapper
| maven-wrapper.jar
| maven-wrapper.properties
| org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs
| org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
| org.eclipse.m2e.core.prefs
| org.springframework.ide.eclipse.prefs
| +---main
| | +---java
| | | \---org
| | | \---ingsw21
| | | \---backend
| | | +---connection
| | | | DBConnection.java
| | | |
| | | +---controllers
| | | | UserController.java
| | | |
| | | +---DAOs
| | | | DAOUtente.java
| | | |
| | | +---DAOSQL
| | | | DAOSQLUtente.java
| | | |
| | | +---entities
| | | | Utente.java
| | | |
| | | +---enums
| | | | DataSource.java
| | | |
| | | \---exceptions
| | | BadRequestWebException.java
| | | DataAccessException.java
| | |
| | \---resources
| | application.properties
| |
| \---test
| \---java
| \---org
| \---ingsw21
| \---backend
| \---BackEnd
| BackEndApplicationTests.java
| | application.properties
| |
| \---org
| \---ingsw21
| \---backend
| +---connection
| | DBConnection$ConnectionConfig.class
| | DBConnection.class
| |
| +---controllers
| | UserController.class
| |
| +---DAOs
| | DAOUtente.class
| |
| +---DAOSQL
| | DAOSQLUtente.class
| |
| +---entities
| | Utente.class
| |
| +---enums
| | DataSource.class
| |
| \---exceptions
| BadRequestWebException.class
| DataAccessException.class
I am currently developing a Spring Boot application in the Eclipse IDE with a Connection class which needs to know which data source to connect to. I decided to let it know this property from Spring's application.properties, through the @Value annotation:
private final DataSource DATA_SOURCE;
where DataSource is an enum representing the possible data sources. However, in this method, I get a "Blank final field DATA_SOURCE may not have been initialized" error:
private DBConnection() throws SQLException {
ConnectionConfig config = new ConnectionConfig(DATA_SOURCE);
connection = DriverManager.getConnection(config.getUrl(), config.getUSERNAME(), config.getPASSWORD());
Inserting a default value doesn't work, either:
still gives the same error.
I tried to install the Spring Tools 4 plugin for Eclipse to check if this was just Eclipse not understanding the @Value annotation's implications, but it seems like this isn't the case. How do I solve this problem? Am I misunderstanding the implications myself?
project.datasource = POSTGRE_LOCAL
Project tree:
| .classpath
| .gitignore
| .project
| HELP.md
| mvnw
| mvnw.cmd
| pom.xml
| \---wrapper
| maven-wrapper.jar
| maven-wrapper.properties
| org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs
| org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
| org.eclipse.m2e.core.prefs
| org.springframework.ide.eclipse.prefs
| +---main
| | +---java
| | | \---org
| | | \---ingsw21
| | | \---backend
| | | +---connection
| | | | DBConnection.java
| | | |
| | | +---controllers
| | | | UserController.java
| | | |
| | | +---DAOs
| | | | DAOUtente.java
| | | |
| | | +---DAOSQL
| | | | DAOSQLUtente.java
| | | |
| | | +---entities
| | | | Utente.java
| | | |
| | | +---enums
| | | | DataSource.java
| | | |
| | | \---exceptions
| | | BadRequestWebException.java
| | | DataAccessException.java
| | |
| | \---resources
| | application.properties
| |
| \---test
| \---java
| \---org
| \---ingsw21
| \---backend
| \---BackEnd
| BackEndApplicationTests.java
| | application.properties
| |
| \---org
| \---ingsw21
| \---backend
| +---connection
| | DBConnection$ConnectionConfig.class
| | DBConnection.class
| |
| +---controllers
| | UserController.class
| |
| +---DAOs
| | DAOUtente.class
| |
| +---DAOSQL
| | DAOSQLUtente.class
| |
| +---entities
| | Utente.class
| |
| +---enums
| | DataSource.class
| |
| \---exceptions
| BadRequestWebException.class
| DataAccessException.class
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您不能将 @Value 添加到最终字段。
You cannot add @Value to a final field.
should work just fine.
Reverse the "$" and "{". The expression syntax is "${...}".